




  1. “generator”对象从源数据流(通常是stdin)加载条目。
  2. 所选的“拖缆”按顺序给定每个输入值,并执行筛选,对这些值进行修改,然后为下一个拖缆生成这些值。
  3. “consumer”对象获取从最后一个拖缆生成的条目,并通常输出它们以供存储或查看(通常为stdout)。


  • 需要python 3.6+和pip
  • pip install streamline



  $ printf"foo\nbar"| streamline


  $ streamline --input my_source_file.txt --output my_target_file.txt
  $ cat my_target_file.txt


  $ printf"www.google.com\nslashdot.org"| streamline -s shell -- "nc -zv {value} 443"{"stdout": "", "stderr": "Connection to www.google.com 443 port [tcp/https] succeeded!\n", "exit_code": 0}{"stdout": "", "stderr": "Connection to slashdot.org 443 port [tcp/https] succeeded!\n", "exit_code": 0}

流线型模块旨在以对象的形式提供所有有用的信息,因为输出可以与其他流模块一起定制。例如,取上面的输出,只得到告诉我们端口是否打开的退出代码,我们只需添加^ {< CD4>}拖缆,将每个输出加上原始输入和^ {< CD5>}拖缆(用它的^ {CD6>}选项)将值设置为每个结果的^ {CD7>}属性:

  $ printf"www.google.com\nslashdot.org"| streamline -s shell extract headers -- "nc -zv {value} 443" --selector exit_code
  www.google.com: 0
  slashdot.org: 0



$ streamline --help


usage: streamline [--generator GENERATOR][--consumer CONSUMER][-s [STREAMERS [STREAMERS ...]]][-h]

optional arguments:
  --generator GENERATOR
                        Entry Generator Module
  --consumer CONSUMER   Entry Consumer/Writer Module
  -s [STREAMERS [STREAMERS ...]], --streamers [STREAMERS [STREAMERS ...]]
                        Additional streamers to apply (-s is optional)
  -h, --help            Print help
  -p {buffer,stream-output,streaming}, --progress {buffer,stream-output,streaming}
                        Print progress to stdout. ("buffer": buffers input and
                        output, "stream-output" buffers only input, "stream"for no buffering at all)
  -w WORKERS, --workers WORKERS
                        Number of concurrent workers for any one async
                        execution module to have===============Streamers===============

	Description: Change the value to an attribute of the current value
	Example: streamline -s extract -- --selector exit_code

	Description: Translate each value by assigning it to the result of a python expression
	Example: streamline -s py -- "value.upper()"

	Description: Filter out values that dont have a truthy result to a particular python expression
	Example: streamline -s pyfilter -- "'foobar' in value"

	Description: Filter out values that are not truthy
	Example: streamline -s truthy -- 

	Description: No operation. Just for testing.
	Example: streamline -s noop -- 

	Description: Take any values that are an array and treat each value of an array as a separate input 
	Example: streamline -s split_list -- 

	Description: Take any values that are an array and treat each value of an array as a separate input 
	Example: streamline -s split -- 

	Description: Show a report of how many input values ended up with a particular result value
	Example: streamline -s breakdown -- 

	Description: Force each value to a string and prefix each with the original input value
	Example: streamline -s headers -- 

	Description: Filter out any entries that have produced an error
	Example: streamline -s filter_out_errors -- 

	Description: Use the latest error on the entry as the value
	Example: streamline -s errors -- 

	Description: Hold entries in memory until a certain number is reached (give no args to buffer all)
	Example: streamline -s buffer -- --buffer 20

	Description: Take json strings and parse them into objects so other streamers can inspect attributes
	Example: streamline -s json -- 

	Description: Strip surrounding whitespace from each string entry, removing entries that are only whitespace
	Example: streamline -s strip -- --buffer 20

	Description: Only take the first X entries (Default 1)
	Example: streamline -s head -- --count 20

	Description: Read the file indicated by the file
	Example: streamline -s readfile -- --path ~/dir/{value}.json

	Description: Combine two previous historical values by setting an attribute
	Example: streamline -s combine -- --source "-1" --target "-2"

	Description: Use a template to execute an HTTP request for each value
	Example: streamline -s http -- "https://{value}/"

	Description: Treat each value as a host to connect to. SSH in and run a command returning the output
	Example: streamline -s ssh -- "uptime"

	Description: Copy a script to target machine and execute
	Example: streamline -s ssh_exec -- ~/dostuff.sh

	Description: Run a shell commandfor each value
	Example: streamline -s shell -- "nc -zv {value} 22"

	Description: Treat each value as a host to connect to. Copy a file to or from this host
	Example: streamline -s scp -- "/tmp/file.txt""{value}:/tmp/file.txt"

	Description: Sleep for a second (or for{value} seconds)for each entry making no change to its value
	Example: streamline -s sleep -- 

	Description: Start a new history tree
	Example: streamline -s history:push -- 

	Description: Walk back up one level in the history tree
	Example: streamline -s history:pop -- 

	Description: Treat the latest value as the original
	Example: streamline -s history:collapse -- 

	Description: Clear all levels of history
	Example: streamline -s history:reset -- 

	Description: Set the current value to a list of all previous values
	Example: streamline -s history:values -- 


streamline -s http --help






$ echo"www.google.com www.slashdot.org"| streamline -y http_codes.yaml
{"base": "www.google.com", "status_code": 200}{"base": "www.slashdot.org", "status_code": 200}


www.google.com,The famous big B
www.slashdot.org,Mosh pit of opinions


$ streamline -y http_codes.yaml 
www.google.com,The famous big B,200
www.slashdot.org,Mosh pit of opinions,200


  • entry:围绕通过流传递的值的小包装器。通常是一行输入。
  • 生成器:一个异步生成器函数,它不接受输入并生成条目对象。
  • 执行器:一个异步函数,它接受一个值并返回一个新值。通常会完成某个工作单元,并将该工作的结果作为新值返回。
  • streamer:一个异步生成器函数,它以产生entry对象的异步源iterable作为参数。通常,拖缆对从源iterable获取的每个条目进行一些操作,然后在条目上设置一个新值。
  • 使用者:读取异步源iterable的所有项的异步函数。通常此函数会写入某些输出(如stdout)。

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