
2024-05-14 10:43:29 发布

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下面是我写的全部工作代码。我在windows7x64os上使用Python 3.6.4(请原谅我冗长的代码)。

import tkinter as tk # Required for enabling GUI options
from tkinter import messagebox # Required for pop-up window
from tkinter import filedialog # Required for getting full path of file
import pandas as pd # Required for data handling
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # Required for splitting data into training and test set
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor # Required to build random forest

# Create an instance of tkinter and hide the window

root = tk.Tk() # Create an instance of tkinter
root.withdraw() # Hides root window
#root.lift() # Required for pop-up window management
root.attributes("-topmost", True) # To make pop-up window stay on top of all other windows

# This block of code reads input file using tkinter GUI options

print("Reading input file...")

# Pop up window to ask user the input file
File_Checker = messagebox.askokcancel("Random Forest Regression Prompt",
                                      "At The Prompt, Enter 'Abalone_Data.csv' File.")

# Kill the execution if user selects "Cancel" in the above pop-up window
if (File_Checker == False):

file_loop = 0

while (file_loop == 0):
    # Get path of base file
    file_path =  filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir = "/",
                                            title = "File Selection Prompt",
                                            filetypes = (("XLSX Files","*.*"), ))

    # Condition to check if user selected a file or not
    if (len(file_path) < 1):
        # Pop-up window to warn uer that no file was selected
        result = messagebox.askretrycancel("File Selection Prompt Error",
                                           "No file has been selected. \nWhat do you want to do?")

        # Condition to repeat the loop or quit program execution
        if (result == True):

    # Get file name
    file_name = file_path.split("/") # Splits the file with "/" as the delimiter and returns a list
    file_name = file_name[-1] # extracts the last element of the list

    # Condition to check if correct file was selected or not
    if (file_name != "Abalone_Data.csv"):
        result = messagebox.askretrycancel("File Selection Prompt Error",
                                           "Incorrect file selected. \nWhat do you want to do?")

        # Condition to repeat the loop or quit program execution
        if (result == True):

    # Read the base file
    input_file = pd.read_csv(file_path,
                             sep = ',',
                             encoding = 'utf-8',
                             low_memory = True)


# Delete unwanted files
del(file_loop, file_name)

print("Preparing dependent and independent variables...")

# Create Separate dataframe consisting of only dependent variable
y = pd.DataFrame(input_file['Rings'])

# Create Separate dataframe consisting of only independent variable
X = input_file.drop(columns = ['Rings'], inplace = False, axis = 1)

print("Handling Dummy Variable Trap...")

# Create a new dataframe to handle categorical data
# This method splits the dategorical data column into separate columns
# This is to ensure we get rid of the dummy variable trap
dummy_Sex = pd.get_dummies(X['Sex'], prefix = 'Sex', prefix_sep = '_', drop_first = True)

# Remove the speciic columns from the dataframe
# These are the categorical data columns which split into separae columns in the previous step
X.drop(columns = ['Sex'], inplace = True, axis = 1)

# Merge the new columns to the original dataframe
X = pd.concat([X, dummy_sex], axis = 1)

y = y.values 
X = X.values

print("Splitting datasets to training and test sets...")

# Splitting the data into training set and test set
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 0)

print("Fitting Random Forest regression on training set")

# Fitting the regression model to the dataset
regressor = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = 100, random_state = 50)
regressor.fit(X_train, y_train.ravel()) # Using ravel() to avoid getting 'DataConversionWarning' warning message

print("Predicting Values")

# Predicting a new result with regression
y_pred = regressor.predict(X_test)

# Enter values for new prediction as a Dictionary
test_values = {'Sex_I' : 0,
               'Sex_M' : 0,
               'Length' : 0.5,
               'Diameter' : 0.35,
               'Height' : 0.8,
               'Whole_Weight' : 0.223,
               'Shucked_Weight' : 0.09,
               'Viscera_Weight' : 0.05,
               'Shell_Weight' : 0.07}

# Convert dictionary into dataframe
test_values = pd.DataFrame(test_values, index = [0])

# Rearranging columns as required
test_values = test_values[['Length','Diameter','Height','Whole_Weight','Shucked_Weight','Viscera_Weight',
                           'Viscera_Weight', 'Sex_I', 'Sex_M']]

# Applying feature scaling
#test_values = sc_X.transform(test_values)

# Predicting values of new data
new_pred = regressor.predict(test_values)

print("Building Confusion Matrix...")

# Making the confusion matrix
cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
print("Getting Model Accuracy...")

# Get regression details
#print("Estimated Coefficient = ", regressor.coef_)
#print("Estimated Intercept = ", regressor.intercept_)
print("Training Accuracy = ", regressor.score(X_train, y_train))
print("Test Accuracy = ", regressor.score(X_test, y_test))

print("Printing predicted result...")
print("Result_of_Treatment = ", new_pred)


Getting Model Accuracy...
Training Accuracy =  0.9359702279804791
Test Accuracy =  0.5695080680053354

下面是我的问题。 1) 为什么Training AccuracyTest Accuracy如此遥远?






Tags: columnsofthetotestiftrainwindow




为什么训练精度和测试精度如此之远? 这意味着你过度拟合了你的训练样本:你的模型在预测训练数据集的数据方面非常强大,但无法推广。就像让一个模特在一组猫的图片上训练,这些图片只相信那些图片是猫,而所有其他猫的图片都不是猫。实际上,你对测试集的准确度是0.5,这基本上是随机猜测。

我如何知道此型号是否安装过度/不足? 正好形成了这两组数据在准确性上的差异。它们越接近,模型就越能概括。你已经知道怎么穿的。由于这两组数据的精确度都很低,因此通常可以识别出不合适。

随机森林回归是正确的模型吗?如果没有,我如何为这个用例确定正确的模型? 没有正确的模型可供使用。在处理结构化数据时,Random Forest和所有基于树的模型(LightGBM、XGBoost)都是机器学习的瑞士军刀,因为它们简单可靠。基于深度学习的模型在理论上表现较好,但建立起来要复杂得多。

如何使用我创建的变量构建混淆矩阵? 在构建分类模型时,可以创建混淆矩阵,并基于模型的输出进行构建。 你用的是回归器,它没有很多意义。

如何验证模型的性能? 一般来说,为了对性能进行可靠的验证,您将数据分成三部分:在一个(也称为“训练集”)上进行训练,在第二个(称为“验证集”)上调整模型,最后,当您对模型及其超参数感到满意时,在第三个(也称为“测试集”)上进行测试,不要与你称之为测试集)。最后一个告诉你你的模型是否能很好地推广。这是因为当您选择并优化模型时,您也可以对验证集(您称之为测试集)进行过拟合,可能会选择一组仅在该集上运行良好的超参数。 此外,还必须选择可靠的度量,这取决于数据和模型。通过回归,MSE相当好。



Let's imagine you have 1000 training values. If you don't limit depth (or/and min_samples_leaf), you can learn your complete dataset with a depth of 10 (because 2^10 = 1024 > N_training).


enter image description here



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