
2024-05-26 09:17:52 发布

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from text.classifiers import NaiveBayesClassifier
from text.blob import TextBlob
train = [('I love this sandwich.', 'pos'),
         ('This is an amazing place!', 'pos'),
         ('I feel very good about these beers.', 'pos'),
         ('This is my best work.', 'pos'),
         ("What an awesome view", 'pos'),
         ('I do not like this restaurant', 'neg'),
         ('I am tired of this stuff.', 'neg'),
         ("I can't deal with this", 'neg'),
         ('He is my sworn enemy!', 'neg'),
         ('My boss is horrible.', 'neg') ]

test = [('The beer was good.', 'pos'),
        ('I do not enjoy my job', 'neg'),
        ("I ain't feeling dandy today.", 'neg'),
        ("I feel amazing!", 'pos'),
        ('Gary is a friend of mine.', 'pos'),
        ("I can't believe I'm doing this.", 'neg') ]
classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(train)


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\5460\Desktop\train01.py", line 15, in <module>
    all_words = set(word.lower() for passage in train for word in word_tokenize(passage[0]))
  File "C:\Users\5460\Desktop\train01.py", line 15, in <genexpr>
    all_words = set(word.lower() for passage in train for word in word_tokenize(passage[0]))
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\nltk\tokenize\__init__.py", line 87, in word_tokenize
    return _word_tokenize(text)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\nltk\tokenize\treebank.py", line 67, in tokenize
    text = re.sub(r'^\"', r'``', text)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\re.py", line 151, in sub
    return _compile(pattern, flags).sub(repl, string, count)
TypeError: expected string or buffer

Tags: textinpyposforislinetrain

似乎您正在尝试使用TextBlob,但正在培训NLTK NaiveBayesClassifier,正如在其他答案中指出的,它必须通过一个功能字典。


from textblob.classifiers import NaiveBayesClassifier

train = [('This is an amazing place!', 'pos'),
        ('I feel very good about these beers.', 'pos'),
        ('This is my best work.', 'pos'),
        ("What an awesome view", 'pos'),
        ('I do not like this restaurant', 'neg'),
        ('I am tired of this stuff.', 'neg'),
        ("I can't deal with this", 'neg'),
        ('He is my sworn enemy!', 'neg'),
        ('My boss is horrible.', 'neg') ] 
test = [
        ('The beer was good.', 'pos'),
        ('I do not enjoy my job', 'neg'),
        ("I ain't feeling dandy today.", 'neg'),
        ("I feel amazing!", 'pos'),
        ('Gary is a friend of mine.', 'pos'),
        ("I can't believe I'm doing this.", 'neg') ] 

classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(train)  # Pass in data as is
# When classifying text, features are extracted automatically
classifier.classify("This is an amazing library!")  # => 'pos'


classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(train, feature_extractor=my_extractor_func)




training_data = [('I love this sandwich.', 'pos'),
('This is an amazing place!', 'pos'),
('I feel very good about these beers.', 'pos'),
('This is my best work.', 'pos'),
("What an awesome view", 'pos'),
('I do not like this restaurant', 'neg'),
('I am tired of this stuff.', 'neg'),
("I can't deal with this", 'neg'),
('He is my sworn enemy!', 'neg'),
('My boss is horrible.', 'neg')]


from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from itertools import chain
vocabulary = set(chain(*[word_tokenize(i[0].lower()) for i in training_data]))


>>> all_words = set(word.lower() for passage in training_data for word in word_tokenize(passage[0]))
>>> vocabulary = set(chain(*[word_tokenize(i[0].lower()) for i in training_data]))
>>> print vocabulary == all_words


>>> sentence = word_tokenize('I love this sandwich.'.lower())
>>> print {i:True for i in vocabulary if i in sentence}
{'this': True, 'i': True, 'sandwich': True, 'love': True, '.': True}


>>> sentence = word_tokenize('I love this sandwich.'.lower())
>>> x =  {i:True for i in vocabulary if i in sentence}
>>> y =  {i:False for i in vocabulary if i not in sentence}
>>> x.update(y)
>>> print x
{'love': True, 'deal': False, 'tired': False, 'feel': False, 'is': False, 'am': False, 'an': False, 'good': False, 'best': False, '!': False, 'these': False, 'what': False, '.': True, 'amazing': False, 'horrible': False, 'sworn': False, 'ca': False, 'do': False, 'sandwich': True, 'very': False, 'boss': False, 'beers': False, 'not': False, 'with': False, 'he': False, 'enemy': False, 'about': False, 'like': False, 'restaurant': False, 'this': True, 'of': False, 'work': False, "n't": False, 'i': True, 'stuff': False, 'place': False, 'my': False, 'awesome': False, 'view': False}


>>> sentence = word_tokenize('I love this sandwich.'.lower())
>>> x = {i:(i in sentence) for i in vocabulary}
{'love': True, 'deal': False, 'tired': False, 'feel': False, 'is': False, 'am': False, 'an': False, 'good': False, 'best': False, '!': False, 'these': False, 'what': False, '.': True, 'amazing': False, 'horrible': False, 'sworn': False, 'ca': False, 'do': False, 'sandwich': True, 'very': False, 'boss': False, 'beers': False, 'not': False, 'with': False, 'he': False, 'enemy': False, 'about': False, 'like': False, 'restaurant': False, 'this': True, 'of': False, 'work': False, "n't": False, 'i': True, 'stuff': False, 'place': False, 'my': False, 'awesome': False, 'view': False}


>>> feature_set = [({i:(i in word_tokenize(sentence.lower())) for i in vocabulary},tag) for sentence, tag in training_data]
[({'this': True, 'love': True, 'deal': False, 'tired': False, 'feel': False, 'is': False, 'am': False, 'an': False, 'sandwich': True, 'ca': False, 'best': False, '!': False, 'what': False, '.': True, 'amazing': False, 'horrible': False, 'sworn': False, 'awesome': False, 'do': False, 'good': False, 'very': False, 'boss': False, 'beers': False, 'not': False, 'with': False, 'he': False, 'enemy': False, 'about': False, 'like': False, 'restaurant': False, 'these': False, 'of': False, 'work': False, "n't": False, 'i': False, 'stuff': False, 'place': False, 'my': False, 'view': False}, 'pos'), ...]


from nltk import NaiveBayesClassifier as nbc
classifier = nbc.train(feature_set)


>>> test_sentence = "This is the best band I've ever heard! foobar"
>>> featurized_test_sentence = {i:(i in word_tokenize(test_sentence.lower())) for i in vocabulary}

注意:正如您从上面的步骤中看到的,naive bayes分类器无法处理词汇表外的单词,因为foobar标记在您对其进行特化后消失。


>>> classifier.classify(featurized_test_sentence)


from nltk import NaiveBayesClassifier as nbc
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from itertools import chain

training_data = [('I love this sandwich.', 'pos'),
('This is an amazing place!', 'pos'),
('I feel very good about these beers.', 'pos'),
('This is my best work.', 'pos'),
("What an awesome view", 'pos'),
('I do not like this restaurant', 'neg'),
('I am tired of this stuff.', 'neg'),
("I can't deal with this", 'neg'),
('He is my sworn enemy!', 'neg'),
('My boss is horrible.', 'neg')]

vocabulary = set(chain(*[word_tokenize(i[0].lower()) for i in training_data]))

feature_set = [({i:(i in word_tokenize(sentence.lower())) for i in vocabulary},tag) for sentence, tag in training_data]

classifier = nbc.train(feature_set)

test_sentence = "This is the best band I've ever heard!"
featurized_test_sentence =  {i:(i in word_tokenize(test_sentence.lower())) for i in vocabulary}

print "test_sent:",test_sentence
print "tag:",classifier.classify(featurized_test_sentence)


>>> train = [('I love this sandwich.', 'pos'),
('This is an amazing place!', 'pos'),
('I feel very good about these beers.', 'pos'),
('This is my best work.', 'pos'),
("What an awesome view", 'pos'),
('I do not like this restaurant', 'neg'),
('I am tired of this stuff.', 'neg'),
("I can't deal with this", 'neg'),
('He is my sworn enemy!', 'neg'),
('My boss is horrible.', 'neg')]


>>> from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize # or use some other tokenizer
>>> all_words = set(word.lower() for passage in train for word in word_tokenize(passage[0]))
>>> t = [({word: (word in word_tokenize(x[0])) for word in all_words}, x[1]) for x in train]


>>> t
[({'this': True, 'love': True, 'deal': False, 'tired': False, 'feel': False, 'is': False, 'am': False, 'an': False, 'sandwich': True, 'ca': False, 'best': False, '!': False, 'what': False, '.': True, 'amazing': False, 'horrible': False, 'sworn': False, 'awesome': False, 'do': False, 'good': False, 'very': False, 'boss': False, 'beers': False, 'not': False, 'with': False, 'he': False, 'enemy': False, 'about': False, 'like': False, 'restaurant': False, 'these': False, 'of': False, 'work': False, "n't": False, 'i': False, 'stuff': False, 'place': False, 'my': False, 'view': False}, 'pos'), . . .]


>>> import nltk
>>> classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(t)
>>> classifier.show_most_informative_features()
Most Informative Features
                    this = True              neg : pos    =      2.3 : 1.0
                    this = False             pos : neg    =      1.8 : 1.0
                      an = False             neg : pos    =      1.6 : 1.0
                       . = True              pos : neg    =      1.4 : 1.0
                       . = False             neg : pos    =      1.4 : 1.0
                 awesome = False             neg : pos    =      1.2 : 1.0
                      of = False             pos : neg    =      1.2 : 1.0
                    feel = False             neg : pos    =      1.2 : 1.0
                   place = False             neg : pos    =      1.2 : 1.0
                horrible = False             pos : neg    =      1.2 : 1.0


>>> test_sentence = "This is the best band I've ever heard!"


>>> test_sent_features = {word: (word in word_tokenize(test_sentence.lower())) for word in all_words}


>>> test_sent_features
{'love': False, 'deal': False, 'tired': False, 'feel': False, 'is': True, 'am': False, 'an': False, 'sandwich': False, 'ca': False, 'best': True, '!': True, 'what': False, 'i': True, '.': False, 'amazing': False, 'horrible': False, 'sworn': False, 'awesome': False, 'do': False, 'good': False, 'very': False, 'boss': False, 'beers': False, 'not': False, 'with': False, 'he': False, 'enemy': False, 'about': False, 'like': False, 'restaurant': False, 'this': True, 'of': False, 'work': False, "n't": False, 'these': False, 'stuff': False, 'place': False, 'my': False, 'view': False}


>>> classifier.classify(test_sent_features)
'pos' # note 'best' == True in the sentence features above


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