
2024-04-29 07:13:37 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


输出应为: 48021088 1029755 5445454

但是现在我的输出是[480210810297552] 544545]



enter image description here

import re
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

regex = ('\d+')
match = re.findall(regex, 'Failure: Cannot retrieve market data: [Historical correlation for instruments 48021088, 1029755 \
is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 48021088, 1029755 is older than 2M, Error while loading Structured Product market data \
Failure: Cannot retrieve market data: [Historical correlation for instruments 52598110, 35602558 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments \
52598110, 35602558 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 52598110, 35602558 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 52598110, \
35602558 is older than 2M, Error while loading Structured Product market data \
Failure: Cannot retrieve market data: [Historical correlation for instruments 48021088, 1029755 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 48021088, 1029755 \
is older than 2M, Error while loading Structured Product market data \
Failure: Cannot retrieve market data: [Historical correlation for instruments 612292, 52598110 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 612292, 52598110 is \
older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 612292, 52598110 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 612292, 52598110 is older than 2M, \
Error while loading Structured Product market data \
Failure: Cannot retrieve market data: [Historical correlation for instruments 489459, 104322960 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 489459, \
104322960 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 489459, 104322960 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 489459, \
104322960 is older than 2M, Error while loading Structured Product market data')
res = list(map(int,match))
x = res
# print(str(x))
unique_numbers = list(set(x))

Tags: 字符串fordatafailureiserrormarketretrieve

' '" "分隔的字符串应该在一行上。可以通过在每行末尾使用\或通过''' '''""" """对它们进行定界,将它们分成多行



import re

regex = (r'(?<=\s)(\d+)(?=\s|,)') # positive and negative look assertions

# note use of triple quotes to negate use of \
match = re.findall(regex, """Failure: Cannot retrieve market data: [Historical correlation for instruments 48021088, 1029755
is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 48021088, 1029755 is older than 2M, Error while loading Structured Product market data
Failure: Cannot retrieve market data: [Historical correlation for instruments 52598110, 35602558 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments
52598110, 35602558 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 52598110, 35602558 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 52598110,
35602558 is older than 2M, Error while loading Structured Product market data
Failure: Cannot retrieve market data: [Historical correlation for instruments 48021088, 1029755 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 48021088, 1029755
is older than 2M, Error while loading Structured Product market data
Failure: Cannot retrieve market data: [Historical correlation for instruments 612292, 52598110 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 612292, 52598110 is
older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 612292, 52598110 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 612292, 52598110 is older than 2M,
Error while loading Structured Product market data
Failure: Cannot retrieve market data: [Historical correlation for instruments 489459, 104322960 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 489459,
104322960 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 489459, 104322960 is older than 2M, Historical correlation for instruments 489459,
104322960 is older than 2M, Error while loading Structured Product market data""")

unique_numbers = list(set(match))
print(*unique_numbers)  # print as required


从Python Regex docs



这些共同构成了一个环顾四周的断言。然后我们有<look behind>(\d+)<look ahead>()表示这是匹配的组-从findall调用返回的组。然后\d+和以前一样-不止一个数字

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