
2024-05-27 12:45:43 发布

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             datetime    date  time type  ... day minute second dayofyear
1 2017-12-19 17:08:30  171219  1708  air  ...  19      8     30       353
2 2018-01-05 15:22:30  180105  1522  air  ...   5     22     30         5
3 2018-01-05 15:23:30  180105  1523  air  ...   5     23     30         5
4 2018-01-05 15:24:30  180105  1524  air  ...   5     24     30         5
5 2018-01-05 15:25:30  180105  1525  air  ...   5     25     30         5



from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyfit
from scipy import stats

period = MyData[((MyData['year']==2019) & (MyData['month']==12) & (MyData['day']==31)) #    defining the time period I want from the data
p=(period['total_co2'])**-1 # defining the x axis data
q = period['d13C'] # defining the y axis data
c, m = polyfit(p,q,1) # creating a regression line, with y interecpt,c and gradient, m 
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(p, q) # calculating some statistical properties of the regression line. I'm mainly interested in the R^2 value
print('R-squared: ', r_value**2)

在MyData dataframe中,对于“年”=2019、“月”=12、“日”=31的所有行,此代码将为p,q数据拟合一条回归线。我尝试对整个数据集执行此操作,并且只保存/保留R-squared>=0.8. 对于上面的例子,2019年12月31日,我得到R平方=0.554,所以我想忽略这个日期。目前,我正在手动查看数据,只需更改月份、天数和年份,并检查R平方值。这需要一段时间,因为数据太多了


  Accepted dates
0  23-11-2019
1  24-11-2019
2  29-11-2019

有没有办法使这个过程自动化?目前,我正试图编写一个for循环来迭代air df中的每一行,并添加一个if语句作为过滤器,但我很难做到这一点。顺便说一句,我对python还相当陌生,并且在学习的过程中一直在学习


Tags: the数据fromdatatimevalue绘制air
1楼 · 发布于 2024-05-27 12:45:43


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyfit
from scipy import stats

# Restricted the columns and set the dtypes to deal with memory issues when importing a large csv
MyData = pd.read_csv('.../MyData.txt', usecols=['total_co2', 'd13C', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'datetime'], dtype={'total_co2':np.float64, 'd13C':np.float64, 'year':str, 'month':str, 'day':str})

# Created a helper column that is used later to filter and report out the period
MyData['ymd'] = MyData['year'] +'-'+ MyData['month'] +'-'+ MyData['day']

# Empty list that will receive all of the periods with acceptable r-squareds
accepted_date_list = []

# for loop to filter the dataframe according to the unique periods (created with the helper column above)
for d in MyData['ymd'].unique():
    acceptable_date = {} # create a dictionary to populate and send to the list
    period = MyData[MyData.ymd == d] # filter the dataframe with the unique periods created above
    q = period['d13C'] 
    c, m = polyfit(p,q,1) 
    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(p, q)

    if r_value**2 > 0.8: # if statement provides the test. If r2 is acceptable, populate the dictionary then send the dictionary to the list
        acceptable_date['period'] = d
        acceptable_date['r-squared'] = r_value**2
accepted_dates = pd.DataFrame(accepted_date_list) # convert the list to a Pandas DataFrame (or whatever else you want to do with it)



        period  r-squared
0     2018-1-6   0.910516
1     2018-1-9   0.917216
2    2018-1-10   0.980263
3    2018-1-11   0.965971
4    2018-1-12   0.894795
5    2018-1-13   0.831683
6    2018-1-18   0.852207
7    2018-1-21   0.944162
8    2018-1-22   0.871262
9    2018-1-26   0.844020
10   2018-1-27   0.890742
11   2018-1-30   0.971747

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