


StdGet is a small python 2 and 3 compatible library that doesn't require any modules to work.

What does it do?

StdGet's purpose is to be a way to capture the StdOut (Standard Output) and StdErr (Standard Error Output).

Sounds great! How does it work and how do I use it?

How to use it:

First, let's import StdGet: import stdget Then, let's say we want to capture the StdOut: stdget.startstdoutcapture() And you're done! "But how do I get the information it captures?" stdget.stdouthook will give you a list. You can just do stdget.stdouthook=[] to empty it.

How it works:

What it does is it adds a layer on top of the original 'sys.stdout.write' that actually 'takes' the data and copies it into the 'stdget.stdouthook' list. It works outside of the module's layer because the sys.stdout / -in and -err are global all across the session. That's also why you can just do import stdget and you don't have to do from stdget import * (it doesn't matter).

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