





$ pip install iterator-chain






^{}• ^{} - An iterable to be used in the iterator chainStarts the iterator chain with the supplied iterable. Chaining and terminating methods can now be called on the result.


从那里,可以调用大量额外的方法来修改最初传入的iterable。方法是 概述如下。这些方法分为两类:链接或终止。

  • 链接方法对迭代器中的元素应用一些修改,但保持链的活动性。 这允许随后对结果调用其他链接方法。 由于修改是惰性计算的,因此在终止方法之后的之前,不会应用链接方法中的任何修改。 打电话。
  • 终止方法还对迭代器中的元素应用某些修改、请求某些信息或执行某些操作。他们返回来阻止锁链 实际值。此值将取决于首先执行的所有先前链接方法。

^{}• ^{} - A function that takes a single argumentWill run the ^{} across all the elements in the iterator.
^{}• ^{} - A function that takes a single argumentWill run the ^{} on every element. ^{} should return a truthy or falsy value. On true, the element will stay; on false, the element will be removed.
^{}• ^{} - An integerThe ^{} number of elements will be skipped over and effectively removed.
^{}Any duplicates will be removed.
^{}• ^{} - An integerThe iterator will stop after ^{} elements. Any elements afterward are effectively removed.
^{}Any element that is an iterable itself will have its elements iterated over first before continuing with the remaining elements. Strings (^{}) do not count as an iterable for this method. Dictionaries flatten to its item tuples.
^{}• ^{} - Keyword. A function of one argument that is used to extract a comparison key from each element
• ^{} - Keyword. A Python 2.x "cmp" function that takes two arguments
• ^{} - Keyword. If set to ^{}, the elements will be sorted in the reverse order.
Sorts the iterator based on the elements' values. Use ^{} or ^{} to make a custom comparison. If ^{} is specified, ^{} cannot be used. This method is expensive because it must serialize all the values into a sequence.
^{}Reverses the iterator. The last time will be first, and the first item will be last. This method is expensive because it must serialize all the values into a list.

^{}Serializes the iterator chain into a ^{} and returns it.
^{}Returns the number of elements in the iterator
^{}• ^{} - Keyword. Any value.Returns just the first item in the iterator. If the iterator is empty, the ^{} is returned.
^{}• ^{} - Keyword. Any value.Returns just the last item in the iterator. If the iterator is empty, the ^{} is returned.
^{}• ^{} - Keyword. Any value.Returns the largest valued element in the iterator. If the iterator is empty, the ^{} is returned.
^{}• ^{} - Keyword. Any value.Returns the smallest valued element in the iterator. If the iterator is empty, the ^{} is returned.
^{}• ^{} - Keyword. Any value.Sums all the elements in the iterator together. If any of the elements are un-summable, the ^{} is returned.
^{}• ^{} - A function that takes two argumentsApplies the function to two elements in the iterator cumulatively. Subsequent calls to ^{} uses the previous return value from ^{} as the first argument and the next element in the iterator as the second argument. The final value is returned.
^{}• ^{} - A function that takes one argument and returns nothingExecutes ^{} on every element in the iterator. There is no return value. If you are wanting to return a list of values based on the function, use ^{}.
^{}• ^{} - A function that takes one argument and returns a booleanReturns ^{} only if all the elements return ^{} after applying the ^{} to them. Else returns ^{}.
^{}• ^{} - A function that takes one argument and returns a booleanReturns ^{} if just one element return ^{} after applying the ^{} to it. If all elements result in ^{}, ^{} is returned.
^{}• ^{} - A function that takes one argument and returns a booleanReturns ^{} only if all the elements return ^{} after applying the ^{} to them. Else returns ^{}.


importiterator_chainan_iterable=[5,78,12,26]iterator_chain.from_iterable(an_iterable) \  #starts the chain.map(lambdaelement:element*2) \  #multiplies every element by two: [10, 156, 24, 52].filter(lambdaelement:element>32) \  #keeps any element greater than 32: [156, 52].map(lambdaelement:element/3) \ #divides every element by three: [52.0, 17.333333333333332].list()#and finally returns a list of the result for later use in your application: [52.0, 17.333333333333332]

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