
2024-06-16 11:04:17 发布

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import math

m_ = 900         # identifier for normal distribution mean   [mm]
s_d = 1          # identifier for normal distribution standard deviation [mm]

print "DISTRIBUTION OF A PLATE WIDTH:" " MEAN", "=",m_,"," "STD DEV", "=", s_d
print ""
print "Using functions from the math library ..."

# The probability density function(pdf) for a normal distribution with mean m_ and 
standard deviation s_d    
ftotal = 0
term = 0.0
count = 0
while abs(term) > 911:
    ftotal += term
    count += 1
    term = term * xx / float(count)

print "x"  "          " " f(x)" "           " " F(x)"
print "890" ""  (1 / ((s_d * (2 * math.pi) ** -0.5)) * math.exp((- (x - m_) ** 2) / (2 * (s_d) ** 2),   0.5 * (1 + math.erf((x - m_) / s_d * m.sqrt(2))

Tags: 代码forcount错误mathmeanstandarddistribution
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-16 11:04:17

在while循环之前定义x。最后两行用890表示x,所以我猜x = 890。你知道吗

x = 890
#your while loop goes here

print "x"  "          " " f(x)" "           " " F(x)"
print "890" ,  (1 / ((s_d * (2 * math.pi) ** -0.5))) * math.exp((- (x - m_) ** 2) / (2 * (s_d) ** 2))  , 0.5 * (1 + math.erf((x - m_) / s_d * math.sqrt(2)))


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