

版权所有(c)2012-2019 Axel Rau,axel.rau@chaos1.de

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目的: 带的区域的ISC Bind 9.9.x的DNSSEC密钥管理附加模块 自动DNSSEC维护; 内联签名是; 。创建和删除密钥,提交委派签名者(DS)资源记录 或向家长公开。 分区可以是本地、公用或反向(IP4或IP6)。

要求: 绑定9.12+http://www.isc.org/software/bind Python3.6+ pycryptome pypi.org网站 ecdsa pypi.org网站 dnspython pypi.org,http://www.dnspython.org/ 脚本http://lamb.cc/script/(必须手动安装)

安装: (可选)创建虚拟环境。 从http://lamb.cc/script/下载脚本包, 将其解压缩到/usr/local/src并将其安装为 pip安装/usr/local/src/script-1.7.2 然后安装DSkm组件 pip安装dskm

After installation of the required software, query usage of the main program
at top level::

    # operate_dskm -h
    Usage: operate_dskm [options]
    DSKM DNSsec Key Management Do maintenace of DNSsec keys. Create and delete
    them as necessary. Submit/cancle DS-RR to/at parent registrar.
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -c, --cron            Run as cronjob. Each run increments timeout timer.
                            Initiate procedure to make a zone unsigned. Argument
                            is zone name.
      -f, --force           Force deletion of keys (ignore delete time) while
                            stopping signing of zone.
      -r, --registrar_status
                            Query list of completed and pending requests of all
                            registrars and terminate.
      -p, --purge_all_registrar_completion_info
                            Purge all completion info of completed and pending
                            requests of all registrars and terminate.
      -q QUERY_STATUS, --query_status=QUERY_STATUS
                            Give detailed registrar result status about <request-
      -t, --test_registrar_DS_submission
                            Delete and re-submit current DS-RR to registrar.
      -n, --dry-run         Do not really change any data at registrar with
      -d, --debug           Turn on debugging.
      -v, --verbose         Be more verbose.


named.conf  DSKM requires all managed zones to share a common root.
            There is one directory per zone, which contains zone file,
            keys, bind journal files and DSKM config and status files, e.g.:
            Corresponding named.conf fragments could look like:
                options {
                    dnssec-enable yes;
                    dnssec-validation yes;
                    directory "/var/named";
                zone "example.com" IN {
                    type master;
                    file "master/signed/example.com/example.com.zone";
                    key-directory "master/signed/example.com/";
                    auto-dnssec maintain;
                    inline-signing yes;
                    allow-query {
                zone "sub.example.com" IN {
                    type master;
                    file "master/signed/sub.example.com/sub.example.com.zone";
                    key-directory "master/signed/sub.example.com/";
                    auto-dnssec maintain;
                    inline-signing yes;
                    allow-query {

zone file   In case you have a local subdomain, insert something like
                sub                 IN  NS  localhost.
                $include "master/signed/example.com/sub.example.com.ds"
            The included file must be empty (will be updated by DSKM).
            Local domain, means an internal domain with local trust anchor
            ("Registrar = Local" in example.com/dnssec-stat-example.com - see below)
$VIRTUAL_ENV/etcdskm_conf.py or /usr/local/etc/dskm_conf.py:
            Please review the DSKM config file carefully:
                A list of IPs where the (hidden) master may be reached by the script
                A list of NS addresses of your public secondaries
                A list of NS addresses of public, validating NS
                Dict of dicts with account data, one per registrar.
                Initially implemented is
                    Joker for Joker.com see http://www.joker.com and
                    Ripe (not really a registrar, but European
                        Regional Internet Registry)
                    (Names must be written literally as above)
            sender, recipients, mailRelay for alarming mails, if run as cron job.
                root of zone directories
            The other timing and crypto constants should be self explaining.
	The key timing constants are 'sticky': Changing them in DSKM/conf.py
	does not affect active zones.
	The secure way to apply changed timing data to active zones would be
	to stop signing and start over with a vanilla conf file ( see below).
            If you run the script with an empty zone directory (example.com),
            it creates 2 files there:
            You must then put the zone file there and edit the dnssec-conf-*
            file, which initial content is:
                    "Registrar": "Local", 
                    "Method": "unsigned"
            'Registrar' may be one of 'Local', 'by hand', 'Joker' or 'Ripe'.
            	'Local' is zone with local trust anchor (private net etc.)
            	'by hand' is zone for which handover of DS-RR/DNSKEY-RR to
            		parent is done by human on behalf of an email sent by DSKM.
            'Method must be changed to 'NSEC' (currently only).
            If you then run the script, it will create the initial keys and
            named will start signing the zone:
    # operate_dskm -v
    [Scanning /var/named/master/signed]
    [Working at 2012-05-31T15:01:33.932455 on example.com (com )]
    Generating key pair..............+++ ...........+++ 
    [Key Kexample.com.+008+26482.key created.]
    [example.com/KSK/26482/-1(A:2012-05-31T15:01:33, I:2012-06-02T15:01:33, D:2012-06-03T15:01:33)]
    Generating key pair.....................++++++ .............++++++ 
    [Key Kexample.com.+008+27330.key created.]
    [example.com/ZSK/27330/-1(A:2012-05-31T15:01:34, I:2012-06-01T15:01:34, D:2012-06-02T15:01:34)]
    [State transition of example.com/KSK from -1 to 0(KSK1 created) after 0 retries]
    [State transition of example.com/ZSK from -1 to 0(ZSK1 created) after 0 retries]
            Debug- and informal messages are in square brackets, warnings start with '%' and
            errors start with '?'.
            The 3 timestamps per key are Active (start signing with this key), 
            Inactive(stop using this key for sigs) and Delete (remove key from DNSKEY rset).

crontab:    Something like
                # hourly DNSsec key maintenance
                55  *   *   *   *   root    /usr/local/bin/python3 \
                /usr/local/cronscripts/dnssec_key_maintenance.py \
                -v -c >>/var/log/DSKM/dnssec_key_maintenance.log >&1
            will do.

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