


find-package-rugaru在git中查找依赖于开源的包 存储库和测试并标记可疑的开源软件包(如 the legendary rugaru)。在




  • docker>;=18.06.3
  • python3.8+和pip
  • jq
  • 构建psycopg2的系统包(例如debian buster上的build-essential libpq-dev


$ git clone https://github.com/mozilla-services/find-package-rugaru.git
$cd find-package-rugaru
$ make install install-dev
$ docker pull mozilla/dependencyscan
$ docker pull postgres:12


  1. 启动本地postgres数据库:
  1. 运行一个或多个脚本:
  • ./bin/analyze_package.sh <package_name> [<package_version>]
  • ./bin/analyze_repo.sh <repository_url>
$ ./bin/analyze_package.sh lodash 4.17.15
analyzing lodash@4.17.15 saving intermediate results to /tmp/dep-obs.g7mNNBaLyVjR...2020-02-27 17:31:31,900 - fpr - INFO - pipeline finishednull2020-02-27 17:31:32,403 - fpr - INFO - pipeline finished$


./bin/analyze_repo.sh https://github.com/lodash/lodash.gitanalyzing tags of https://github.com/lodash/lodash.git saving intermediate results to /tmp/dep-obs.5pvSrfbn6Nox...

检查脚本的源代码以查找其他配置 通过环境变量。在

  1. 检查本地数据库中的结果:
make db-shellPGPASSWORD=postgres psql -U postgres -h localhost -p 5432 dependency_observatorypsql (12.2 (Ubuntu 12.2-2.pgdg18.04+1), server 12.1 (Debian 12.1-1.pgdg100+1))Type "help" for help.dependency_observatory=# \x onExpanded display is on.dependency_observatory=# SELECT * FROM package_versions WHERE name = 'lodash' ORDER BY inserted_at DESC;-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------------------------------------id          | 102name        | lodashversion     | 4.17.15language    | nodeurl         | https://registry.npmjs.org/lodash/-/lodash-4.17.15.tgzrepo_url    |repo_commit |inserted_at | 2020-02-26 17:12:47.373348updated_at  |


脚本由称为管道的组件组成(由于缺少 更好的术语)。例如,analyze_package.sh将:

  1. 从npm注册表获取有关包的信息
  2. 筛选要克隆的git引用以及匹配的版本(如果指定)
  3. debian:buster-slimdocker映像中的每个ref查找依赖项清单或锁文件(例如package.json
  4. 在项目根目录中为node:10-buster-slimdocker映像中的每个ref运行npm install --save=truenpm list --json和{}
  5. 后处理并将结果保存到本地postgres数据库

每个单独的管道都可以独立运行。例如 在analyze_repo.sh中使用的find_git_refs管道将找到 mozilla-services/channelserver项目的git标记:

$echo'{"repo_url": "https://github.com/mozilla-services/channelserver"}'| docker run -i --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name fpr-test mozilla/dependencyscan python fpr/run_pipeline.py -v find_git_refs


    crate_graph         Parses the output of the cargo metadata pipeline and                        writes a .dot file of the dependencies to outfile    dep_graph           Parses the output of the cargo metadata pipeline and                        writes a .dot file of the dependencies to outfile    fetch_package_data  Fetches additional data about a dependency.    find_dep_files      Given a repo_url, clones the repo, lists git refs for                        each tag    find_git_refs       Given a repo_url, clones the repo, lists git refs for                        each tag TODO: every Nth commit, or commit every time                        interval. TODO: since and until args TODO: find                        branches    github_metadata     Given an input file with repo urls metadata output                        fetches dependency and vulnerability metadata from                        GitHub and an optional GitHub PAT and outputs them to                        jsonl and optionally saves them to a local SQLite3 DB.    postprocess         Post processes tasks for various outputs e.g.                        flattening deps, filtering and extracting fields, etc.                        Does not spin up containers or hit the network.    run_repo_tasks      Runs tasks on a checked out git ref with dep. files    rust_changelog      Given ordered cargo metadata output for git refs from                        the same repo: 1. builds a dict of manifest filename                        to cargo meta 2. groups the output into pairs (i.e. 1,                        2, 3 -> (1, 2), (2, 3) in the provided order 3.                        compares each pair as follows: a. compare each                        manifest filename: 1) count new and removed                        dependencies 2) new and removed authors and repo urls                        TODO: output a diff of the updated dep code (need to                        update the cargo metadata pipeline to pull these)                        TODO: take audit output to show new and fixed Rust                        vulns TODO: detect dep version changes    save_to_db          Saves JSON lines to a postgres DB



pipelines graph




请参见the design doc了解选择此接口的原因。在

  1. fpr/pipelines/复制现有文件
  2. 在它的Pipeline模型声明中给它一个新名称
  3. 将其添加到fpr/pipelines/__init__.py

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