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git clone git@github.com:Josef-Friedrich/audiorename.git
cd audiorename
python setup.py install


pip install audiorename
easy_install audiorename


usage: audiorenamer [-h] [-d] [-s FIELD_SKIP] [-v] [-E] [-r]
                    [-p BACKUP_FOLDER] [-B] [-C | -M | -n] [-A] [-D] [-F]
                    [-m ALBUM_MIN] [-e EXTENSION] [-k] [-S] [-c FORMAT_STRING]
                    [-f FORMAT_STRING] [--soundtrack FORMAT_STRING] [-K] [-b]
                    [-j] [-l] [-o] [-T] [-V] [-a] [-t TARGET]

    Rename audio files from metadata tags.

    How to specify the target directory?

    1. By the default the audio files are moved or renamed to the parent
       working directory.
    2. Use the option ``-t <folder>`` or ``--target <folder>`` to specifiy
       a target directory.
    3. Use the option ``-a`` or ``--source-as-target`` to copy or rename
       your audio files within the source directory.

Metadata fields

    $acoustid_fingerprint:       Acoustic ID fingerprint

    $acoustid_id:                Acoustic ID

    $album:                      album

    $albumartist:                The artist for the entire album, which may be
                                 different from the artists for the individual

    $albumartist_credit:         albumartist_credit

    $albumartist_sort:           albumartist_sort

    $albumdisambig:              albumdisambig

    $albumstatus:                The status describes how "official" a release
                                 is. Possible values are: official,
                                 promotional, bootleg, pseudo-release

    $albumtype:                  The MusicBrainz album type; the MusicBrainz
                                 wiki has a list of type names

    $ar_classical_album:         ar_classical_album

    $ar_classical_performer:     ar_classical_performer

    $ar_classical_title:         ar_classical_title

    $ar_classical_track:         ar_classical_track

    $ar_combined_album:          “album” without ” (Disc X)”.

    $ar_combined_artist:         The first available value of this metatag
                                 order: “albumartist” -> “artist” ->
                                 “albumartist_credit” -> “artist_credit”

    $ar_combined_artist_sort:    The first available value of this metatag
                                 order: “albumartist_sort” -> “artist_sort” ->

    $ar_combined_composer:       ar_combined_composer

    $ar_combined_disctrack:      Combination of disc and track in the format:
                                 disk-track, e.g. 1-01, 3-099

    $ar_combined_soundtrack:     Boolean flag which indicates if the audio
                                 file is a soundtrack

    $ar_combined_work_top:       The work on the top level of a work

    $ar_combined_year:           First “original_year” then “year”.

    $ar_initial_album:           First character in lowercase of

    $ar_initial_artist:          First character in lowercase of

    $ar_initial_composer:        ar_initial_composer

    $arranger:                   arranger

    $art:                        art

    $artist:                     artist

    $artist_credit:              The track-specific artist credit name, which
                                 may be a variation of the artist’s
                                 “canonical” name

    $artist_sort:                The “sort name” of the track artist (e.g.,
                                 “Beatles, The” or “White, Jack”)

    $asin:                       Amazon Standard Identification Number

    $bitdepth:                   only available for some formats

    $bitrate:                    in kilobits per second, with units: e.g.,

    $bpm:                        bpm

    $catalognum:                 This is a number assigned to the release by
                                 the label which can often be found on the
                                 spine or near the barcode. There may be more
                                 than one, especially when multiple labels are
                                 involved. This is not the ASIN — there is a
                                 relationship for that — nor the label code.

    $channels:                   channels

    $comments:                   comments

    $comp:                       Compilation flag

    $composer:                   composer

    $composer_sort:              Composer name for sorting.

    $country:                    The country the release was issued in.

    $date:                       date

    $day:                        The release day of the specific release

    $disc:                       disc

    $disctitle:                  disctitle

    $disctotal:                  disctotal

    $encoder:                    encoder

    $format:                     e.g., “MP3” or “FLAC”

    $genre:                      genre

    $genres:                     genres

    $grouping:                   grouping

    $images:                     images

    $initial_key:                initial_key

    $label:                      The label which issued the release. There may
                                 be more than one.

    $language:                   The language a release’s track list is
                                 written in. The possible values are taken
                                 from the ISO 639-3 standard.

    $length:                     in seconds

    $lyricist:                   lyricist

    $lyrics:                     lyrics

    $mb_albumartistid:           MusicBrainz album artist ID

    $mb_albumid:                 MusicBrainz album ID

    $mb_artistid:                MusicBrainz artist ID

    $mb_releasegroupid:          MusicBrainz releasegroup ID

    $mb_releasetrackid:          MusicBrainz release track ID

    $mb_trackid:                 MusicBrainz track ID

    $mb_workhierarchy_ids:       All IDs in the work hierarchy. This field
                                 corresponds to the field `work_hierarchy`.
                                 The top level work ID appears first. As
                                 separator a slash (/) is used.Example:
                                 e208c5f5-5d37-3dfc-ac0b-999f207c9e46 /
                                 5adc213f-700a-4435-9e95-831ed720f348 /

    $mb_workid:                  MusicBrainz work ID

    $media:                      media

    $month:                      The release month of the specific release

    $original_date:              original_date

    $original_day:               The release day of the original version of
                                 the album

    $original_month:             The release month of the original version of
                                 the album

    $original_year:              The release year of the original version of
                                 the album

    $r128_album_gain:            An optional gain for album normalization

    $r128_track_gain:            An optional gain for track normalization

    $releasegroup_types:         This field collects all items in the
                                 MusicBrainz’ API  related to type: `type`,
                                 `primary-type and `secondary-type-list`. Main
                                 usage of this field is to determine in a
                                 secure manner if the release is a soundtrack.

    $rg_album_gain:              rg_album_gain

    $rg_album_peak:              rg_album_peak

    $rg_track_gain:              rg_track_gain

    $rg_track_peak:              rg_track_peak

    $samplerate:                 in kilohertz, with units: e.g., “48kHz”

    $script:                     The script used to write the release’s track
                                 list. The possible values are taken from the
                                 ISO 15924 standard.

    $title:                      The title of a audio file.

    $track:                      track

    $tracktotal:                 tracktotal

    $work:                       The Musicbrainzs’ work entity.

    $work_hierarchy:             The hierarchy of works: The top level work
                                 appears first. As separator is this string
                                 used: -->. Example: Die Zauberflöte, K. 620
                                 --> Die Zauberflöte, K. 620: Akt I --> Die
                                 Zauberflöte, K. 620: Act I, Scene II. No. 2
                                 Aria "Was hör ...

    $year:                       The release year of the specific release



        This function first ASCIIfies the given text, then all non alphabet
        characters are replaced with whitespaces.


        This function first ASCIIfies the given text, then all non alpanumeric
        characters are replaced with whitespaces.


        Translate non-ASCII characters to their ASCII equivalents. For
        example, “café” becomes “cafe”. Uses the mapping provided by the
        unidecode module.


        Delete every single character of “chars“ in “text”.


        Search for duplicate characters and replace with only one occurrance
        of this characters.


    %first{text} or %first{text,count,skip} or
        Returns the first item, separated by ; . You can use
        %first{text,count,skip}, where count is the number of items (default
        1) and skip is number to skip (default 0). You can also use
        %first{text,count,skip,sep,join} where sep is the separator, like ; or
        / and join is the text to concatenate the items.


    %if{condition,truetext} or %if{condition,truetext,falsetext}
        If condition is nonempty (or nonzero, if it’s a number), then returns
        the second argument. Otherwise, returns the third argument if
        specified (or nothing if falsetext is left off).


    %ifdef{field}, %ifdef{field,text} or %ifdef{field,text,falsetext}
        If field exists, then return truetext or field (default). Otherwise,
        returns falsetext. The field should be entered without $.


    %ifdefempty{field,text} or %ifdefempty{field,text,falsetext}
        If field exists and is empty, then return truetext. Otherwise, returns
        falsetext. The field should be entered without $.


    %ifdefnotempty{field,text} or %ifdefnotempty{field,text,falsetext}
        If field is not empty, then return truetext. Otherwise, returns
        falsetext. The field should be entered without $.


        Get the first character of a text in lowercase. The text is converted
        to ASCII. All non word characters are erased.


        Return the first “n” characters of “text”.


        Convert “text” to lowercase.


        Replace all whitespace characters with replace. By default: a dash (-)


        Pad decimal number with leading zeros.


        Replace the characters “chars” in “text” with “replace”.
        %replchars{text,ex,-} > t--t


        Return the last “n” characters of “text”.


        Delete in most file systems not allowed characters.


    %shorten{text} or %shorten{text,max_size}
        Shorten “text” on word boundarys.


        Return the date and time in any format accepted by strftime. For
        example, to get the year some music was added to your library, use


        Convert “text” to Title Case.


        Convert “text” to UPPERCASE.

positional arguments:
  source                A folder containing audio files or a audio file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --dry-run         Don’t rename or copy the audio files.
  -s FIELD_SKIP, --field-skip FIELD_SKIP
                        Skip renaming if field is empty.
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

metadata actions:
  -E, --enrich-metadata
                        Fetch the tag fields “work” and “mb_workid” from
                        Musicbrainz and save this fields into the audio file.
                        The audio file must have the tag field “mb_trackid”.
                        The give audio file is not renamed.
  -r, --remap-classical

  -p BACKUP_FOLDER, --backup-folder BACKUP_FOLDER
                        Folder to store the backup files in.
  -B, --best-format     Use the best format. This option only takes effect if
                        the target file already exists. `audiorename` now
                        checks the qualtity of the two audio files (source and
                        target). The tool first examines the format. For
                        example a flac file wins over a mp3 file.
                        `audiorename` then checks the bitrate.
  -D, --delete          Delete files.

rename move actions:
  -C, --copy            Copy files instead of rename / move.
  -M, --move            Move / rename a file. This is the default action. The
                        option can be omitted.
  -n, --no-rename       Don’t rename, move, copy dry run. Do nothing.

rename cleanup actions:
  -A, --backup          Backup audio files instead of delete files

  -F, --album-complete  Rename only complete albums
  -m ALBUM_MIN, --album-min ALBUM_MIN
                        Rename only albums containing at least X files.
  -e EXTENSION, --extension EXTENSION
                        Extensions to rename

  -k, --classical       Use the default format for classical music. If you use
                        this option, both parameters (--format and
                        --compilation) have no effect. Classical music is
                        sorted by the lastname of the composer.
  -S, --shell-friendly  Rename audio files “shell friendly”, this means
                        without whitespaces, parentheses etc.

format strings:
                        Format string for compilations. Use metadata fields
                        and functions to build the format string.
                        The default format string for audio files that are not
                        compilations or compilations. Use metadata fields and
                        functions to build the format string.
  --soundtrack FORMAT_STRING
                        Format string for a soundtrack audio file. Use
                        metadata fields and functions to build the format

  -K, --color           Colorize the standard output of the program with ANSI
  -b, --debug           Print debug informations about the single metadata
  -j, --job-info        Display informations about the current job. This
                        informations are printted out before any actions on
                        the audio files are executed.
  -l, --mb-track-listing
                        Print track listing for Musicbrainz website: Format:
                        track. title (duration), e. g.: 1. He, Zigeuner (1:31)
                        2. Hochgetürmte Rimaflut (1:21)
  -o, --one-line        Display the rename / copy action status on one line
                        instead of two.
  -T, --stats           Show statistics at the end of the execution.
  -V, --verbose         Make the command line output more verbose.

  -a, --source-as-target
                        Use specified source folder as target directory
  -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                        Target directory



git tag 1.1.1
git push --tags
python setup.py sdist upload


包文档托管在 readthedocs


python setup.py build_sphinx

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