
2024-06-12 05:36:49 发布

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$ python -m -h
W tensorflow/core/platform/] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use SSE3 instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.
W tensorflow/core/platform/] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use SSE4.1 instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.
W tensorflow/core/platform/] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use SSE4.2 instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.
W tensorflow/core/platform/] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use AVX instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.

在Windows上运行时不会显示这些消息。这是因为我不能用这种方式穿越云层吗?我是否必须使用gcloud ml engine local traingcloud ml engine jobs submit training my job?任何关于正确方法的指导都会很好。

Tags: thetocoreusetensorflowlibrarycpufeature
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-12 05:36:49

These messages don't show when run on Windows. Is this because I can't run this through the cloud this way?



Do I have to use gcloud ml-engine local train or gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training my_job?

我不太熟悉Google cloud(目前我自己也在使用Amazon),但我可以说,如果你确实需要使用上面的命令,这与上面列出的警告无关。


如果你想确定你正在使用你正在运行程序的硬件的全部潜能,你需要在你正在运行的平台上编译TensorFlow(检查How to compile Tensorflow with SSE4.2 and AVX instructions?)。

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