
2024-04-26 21:48:42 发布

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我有一个代码,它在for循环两个numpy数组(data_transform)中生成我。在第一个循环中生成一个(40, 2)的numpy数组,在第二个循环中生成一个(175, 2)的numpy数组。我想把这两个数组连接成一个数组,给我一个(215, 2)的数组。我尝试了使用np.concatenatenp.append,但是由于数组的大小必须相同,所以出现了一个错误。下面是我如何编写代码的示例:

result_arr = np.array([])

for label in labels_set:
    data = [index for index, value in enumerate(labels_list) if value == label]
    for i in data:
    data_sub_tfidf = vec.fit_transform(sub_corpus) 
    data_transform = pca.fit_transform(data_sub_tfidf) 
    #Append array
    sub_corpus = []

我也使用了np.row_stack,但是没有其他方法给我一个值(175, 2),这是我要连接的第二个数组。在

Tags: 代码innumpyfordataindexlabelsvalue


a = np.array([[8,3,1],[2,5,1],[6,5,2]])
b = np.array([[2,5,1],[2,5,2]])
matrix = [a,b]

c = np.empty([0,matrix[0].shape[1]])

for v in matrix:
    c = np.append(c, v, axis=0)




Stick with list append when doing loops.

#use a normal list
result_arr = []

for label in labels_set:

    data_transform = pca.fit_transform(data_sub_tfidf) 

    # append the data_transform object to that list
    # Note: this is not np.append(), which is slow here

# and stack it after the loop
# This prevents slow memory allocation in the loop. 
# So only one large chunk of memory is allocated since
# the final size of the concatenated array is known.

result_arr = np.concatenate(result_arr)

# or 
result_arr = np.stack(result_arr, axis=0)

# or
result_arr = np.vstack(result_arr)


如果您有一个大小为(40, 2)的数组b和一个大小为(175,2)的数组b,那么您只需使用np.concatenate([a,b])得到一个大小为(215, 2)的最终数组。在

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