使用Phoenix 4.x和Python 2.x从Hbase 1.1获取数据时出错

2024-05-14 16:57:04 发布

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query = 'select count(PK) from A_Model.TableA'
jdbc_url = 'jdbc:phoenix:..xxx/hbase-secure'
df_records = sparkConfig.getSqlContext().read.format('jdbc')\
                  .options(driver='org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDriver', url=jdbc_url, dbtable=query).load()

当尝试使用spark submit运行此程序时,我得到以下错误


Tags: 代码信息数据库urlcountqueryselectpyspark
1楼 · 发布于 2024-05-14 16:57:04

Spark SQL - load data with JDBC using SQL statement, not table name中所述,您应该使用子查询:

query = '(select count(PK) from A_Model.TableA) AS some_name'

但实际上it is recommended to use connector, not JDBC

Although Spark supports connecting directly to JDBC databases, it’s only able to parallelize queries by partioning on a numeric column. It also requires a known lower bound, upper bound and partition count in order to create split queries.

In contrast, the phoenix-spark integration is able to leverage the underlying splits provided by Phoenix in order to retrieve and save data across multiple workers. All that’s required is a database URL and a table name. Optional SELECT columns can be given, as well as pushdown predicates for efficient filtering.

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