
2024-05-21 08:07:54 发布

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def leave_room(self, uid):
  u = self.user_by_id(uid)
  r = self.rooms[u.rid]

  other_uids = [ouid for ouid in r.users_by_id.keys() if ouid != u.uid]
  other_us = [self.user_by_id(uid) for uid in other_uids]

  r.remove_user(uid) # OOPS! uid has been re-bound by the list comprehension above

  # Interestingly, it's rebound to the last uid in the list, so the error only shows
  # up when len > 1



Tags: theinselfid列表foruidby

列表理解泄漏了Python 2中的循环控制变量,但Python 3中没有。下面是Guido van Rossum(Python的创建者)explaining这背后的历史:

We also made another change in Python 3, to improve equivalence between list comprehensions and generator expressions. In Python 2, the list comprehension "leaks" the loop control variable into the surrounding scope:

x = 'before'
a = [x for x in 1, 2, 3]
print x # this prints '3', not 'before'

This was an artifact of the original implementation of list comprehensions; it was one of Python's "dirty little secrets" for years. It started out as an intentional compromise to make list comprehensions blindingly fast, and while it was not a common pitfall for beginners, it definitely stung people occasionally. For generator expressions we could not do this. Generator expressions are implemented using generators, whose execution requires a separate execution frame. Thus, generator expressions (especially if they iterate over a short sequence) were less efficient than list comprehensions.

However, in Python 3, we decided to fix the "dirty little secret" of list comprehensions by using the same implementation strategy as for generator expressions. Thus, in Python 3, the above example (after modification to use print(x) :-) will print 'before', proving that the 'x' in the list comprehension temporarily shadows but does not override the 'x' in the surrounding scope.



>>> x=0
>>> a=[1,54,4,2,32,234,5234,]
>>> [x for x in a if x>32]
[54, 234, 5234]
>>> x



回想起来,这被认为是一个错误,并且通过生成器表达式避免了这个错误。EDIT:AsMatt B. notes当set和dictionary comprehension语法从Python 3后移植时,也避免了这种情况。

列表理解的行为必须保持在Python 2中的状态,但在Python 3中它是完全固定的。


list(x for x in a if x>32)
set(x//4 for x in a if x>32)         # just another generator exp.
dict((x, x//16) for x in a if x>32)  # yet another generator exp.
{x//4 for x in a if x>32}            # 2.7+ syntax
{x: x//16 for x in a if x>32}        # 2.7+ syntax


[x for x in a if x>32]
set([x//4 for x in a if x>32])         # just another list comp.
dict([(x, x//16) for x in a if x>32])  # yet another list comp.

在Python 2.x中,all将x变量泄漏到周围的作用域。

Python 3.8的更新(?)PEP 572将引入:=赋值运算符,该运算符故意泄漏理解和生成器表达式之外的信息!它的动机基本上是2个用例:从早期终止的功能(如any()all())中捕获“见证”:

if any((comment := line).startswith('#') for line in lines):
    print("First comment:", comment)
    print("There are no comments")


total = 0
partial_sums = [total := total + v for v in values]

请参见Appendix B了解确切范围。变量在最接近的deflambda中赋值,除非该函数声明它nonlocalglobal

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