
2024-05-15 04:05:27 发布

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  1. ^{cd7>如上所述
  2. tendency对胜利者的估计是正确的,但不是目标差(例如3:0
  3. goal difference为正确的目标差异,例如2:1
  4. right得到精确的右估计


Tags: 游戏目标home情况估计值team例子足球


def evaluate(team_home, team_away, estimate_home, estimate_away):
    if (team_home == estimate_home) and (team_away == estimate_away):
        return 'right'
    if (team_home - team_away) == (estimate_home - estimate_away):
        return 'goal difference'
    if ((team_home > team_away) == (estimate_home > estimate_away)) and \
       (team_home != team_away) and (estimate_home != estimate_away):
        return 'tendency'
    return 'wrong'

首先,我建议你考虑一下你会有什么样的问题?i、 e

  • 你想报告每个球员的估计值和实际值的列表吗?在
  • 你想给玩家排名吗?在
  • 你想做更多的统计工作吗?(玩家x在评估y队参与的比赛时更擅长)




我假设您有一个数据库(relational/mongodb/whatever),我在这里通过添加列表来伪装它。尽管我在这里使用的是pandas,但是这里描述的大多数事情也可以在关系数据库中以非常简单的方式完成。但是熊猫是岩石;)所以这也会很好的工作。如果你用excel或csv文件和朋友做一些事情,你也可以直接使用pandas read_csv或read_xls导入这些文件

import pandas as pd

# game is a unique id (like a combination of date, home_team and away_team)
bet_list = [
    {'playerid': 1, 'game': 1, 'date': 1, 'home_team': 'Bayern', 'away_team': 'VfL', 'home_goals': 3, 'away_goals': 5},
    {'playerid': 2, 'game': 1, 'date': 1, 'home_team': 'Bayern', 'away_team': 'VfL', 'home_goals': 2, 'away_goals': 1},
    {'playerid': 3, 'game': 1, 'date': 1, 'home_team': 'Bayern', 'away_team': 'VfL', 'home_goals': 1, 'away_goals': 0},
    {'playerid': 4, 'game': 1, 'date': 1, 'home_team': 'Bayern', 'away_team': 'VfL', 'home_goals': 0, 'away_goals': 0},
    {'playerid': 1, 'game': 2, 'date': 2, 'home_team': 'Bayern', 'away_team': 'VfL', 'home_goals': 3, 'away_goals': 5},
    {'playerid': 2, 'game': 2, 'date': 2, 'home_team': 'Bayern', 'away_team': 'VfL', 'home_goals': 2, 'away_goals': 1},
    {'playerid': 3, 'game': 2, 'date': 2, 'home_team': 'Bayern', 'away_team': 'VfL', 'home_goals': 1, 'away_goals': 0},
    {'playerid': 4, 'game': 2, 'date': 2, 'home_team': 'Bayern', 'away_team': 'VfL', 'home_goals': 0, 'away_goals': 0},   
    {'playerid': 1, 'game': 3, 'date': 3, 'home_team': 'Bayern', 'away_team': 'VfL', 'home_goals': 3, 'away_goals': 5},
    {'playerid': 2, 'game': 3, 'date': 3, 'home_team': 'Bayern', 'away_team': 'VfL', 'home_goals': 2, 'away_goals': 1},
    {'playerid': 3, 'game': 3, 'date': 3, 'home_team': 'Bayern', 'away_team': 'VfL', 'home_goals': 1, 'away_goals': 0},
    {'playerid': 4, 'game': 3, 'date': 3, 'home_team': 'Bayern', 'away_team': 'VfL', 'home_goals': 0, 'away_goals': 0}  

result_list = [
    {'game': 1, 'date': 1, 'home_team': 'Bayern', 'away_team': 'VfL', 'home_goals': 3, 'away_goals': 4},
    {'game': 2, 'date': 2, 'home_team': 'Bayern', 'away_team': 'VfL', 'home_goals': 2, 'away_goals': 2},
    {'game': 3, 'date': 3, 'home_team': 'Bayern', 'away_team': 'VfL', 'home_goals': 0, 'away_goals': 0},

def calculate_result(input_df):
    input_df['result'] = 0
    # home wins (result 1)
    mask = input_df['home_goals'] > input_df['away_goals']
    input_df['result'][mask] = 1
    # away wins (result 2)
    mask = input_df['home_goals'] < input_df['away_goals']
    input_df['result'][mask] = 2
    # draws (result 3)
    mask = input_df['home_goals'] == input_df['away_goals']
    input_df['result'][mask] = 3
    # goal difference
    input_df['goal_difference'] = input_df['home_goals'] - input_df['away_goals']
    return input_df

# so what where the expectations?
bet_df = pd.DataFrame(bet_list)
bet_df = calculate_result(bet_df)
# if you want to look at the results

# what were the actuals
result_df = pd.DataFrame(result_list)
result_df = calculate_result(result_df)
# if you want to look at the results

# now let's compare them!
# i take a subsetof the result df and link results on the game
combi_df = pd.merge(left=bet_df, right=result_df[['game', 'home_goals', 'away_goals', 'result', 'goal_difference']], left_on='game', right_on='game', how='inner', suffixes=['_bet', '_actual'])
# look at the data

def calculate_bet_score(input_df):
Notice that I'm keeping in extra columns, because those are nice for comparative analytics in the future. Think: "you had this right, just like x% of all the people"

    input_df['bet_score'] = 0
    # now look at where people have correctly predicted the result
    input_df['result_estimation'] = 0
    mask = input_df['result_bet'] == input_df['result_actual']
    input_df['result_estimation'][mask] = 1 # correct result
    input_df['bet_score'][mask] = 1 # bet score for a correct result
    # now look at where people have correctly predicted the difference in goals when they already predicted the result correctly
    input_df['goal_difference_estimation'] = 0
    bet_mask = input_df['bet_score'] == 1
    score_mask = input_df['goal_difference_bet'] == input_df['goal_difference_actual']
    input_df['goal_difference_estimation'][(bet_mask) & (score_mask)] = 1 # correct result
    input_df['bet_score'][(bet_mask) & (score_mask)] = 2 # bet score for a correct result
    # now look at where people have correctly predicted the exact goals
    input_df['goal_exact_estimation'] = 0
    bet_mask = input_df['bet_score'] == 2
    home_mask = input_df['home_goals_bet'] == input_df['home_goals_actual']
    away_mask = input_df['away_goals_bet'] == input_df['away_goals_actual']
    input_df['goal_exact_estimation'][(bet_mask) & (home_mask) & (away_mask)] = 1 # correct result
    input_df['bet_score'][(bet_mask)  & (home_mask) & (away_mask)] = 3 # bet score for a correct result
    return input_df

combi_df = calculate_bet_score(combi_df)

# now look at the results

# and you can do nifty stuff like making a top player list like this:
# player 4 is way ahead!
# which game was the best estimated game?
# game 3! though abysmal predictions in general ;) 




我在这里使用的是pony ORM,但是还有很多其他优秀的选项(最终会有更多的许可证),比如SQLAlchemy或{a5}。在


from pony.orm import *

class Player(db.Entity):
    """A player is somebody who place a bet, identified by its name."""
    name = Required(unicode)
    score = Required(int, default=0)
    bets = Set('Bet', reverse='player')
    # any other player's info can be stored here

class Match(db.Entity):
    """A Match is a game, played or not yet played."""

    ended = Required(bool, default=False)
    home_score = Required(int, default=0)
    visitors_score = Required(int, default=0)

    bets = Set('Bet', reverse='match')

class Bet(db.Entity):
    """A class that stores a bet for a specific game"""

    match = Required(Match, reverse="bets")
    home_score = Required(int, default=0)
    visitors_score = Required(int, default=0)
    player = Required(Player, reverse="bets")

def calculate_wins(match):
    bets = select(b for b in Bet if b.match == match)[:]
    for bet in bets:
        if (match.home_score == bet.home_score) and (match.visitors_score == bet.visitors_score):
            bet.player.score += 3  # exact
        elif (match.home_score - match.visitors_score) == (bet.home_score - bet.visitors_score):
            bet.player.score += 2  # goal differences
        elif ((match.home_score > match.visitors_score) == (bet.home_score > bet.visitors_score)) and \
           (match.home_score != match.visitors_score) and (bet.home_score != bet.visitors_score):
            bet.player.score += 1  # tendency
            bet.player.score += 0  # wrong

使用这些类,您可以创建和更新您的比赛,球员,赌注数据库。 如果需要统计和数据聚合/排序,可以根据需要查询数据库。在



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