索引错误:索引 201 超出轴 1 的大小 201

2024-05-14 23:30:18 发布

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from numpy import random, pi, sin
import numpy as np
from csv import DictWriter
import csv

#fixed stim size from George's AdelsonBergen.m
stim_x = 201 #(x axis)
stim_t = 161 #(y axis)

CONspeedRAW = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0.0125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
SINspeedRAW = [0.0, 0.00077066656671800611, 0.0015365817177795569, 0.002293023331585725, 0.0030353276940450328, 0.0037589182519216719, 0.0044593338288080528, 0.0051322561297608583, 0.0057735363650253425, 0.0063792208287037815, 0.0069455752746670745, 0.0074691079394238937, 0.00794659107000374, 0.0083750808241273289, 0.0087519354199731905, 0.0090748314236410669, 0.0093417780738945227, 0.0095511295558659819, 0.0097015951480526573, 0.0097922471800438275, 0.0098225267519174118, 0.0097922471800438275, 0.0097015951480526573, 0.0095511295558659837, 0.0093417780738945244, 0.0090748314236410669, 0.0087519354199731923, 0.0083750808241273306, 0.00794659107000374, 0.0074691079394238963, 0.0069455752746670754, 0.0063792208287037824, 0.0057735363650253434, 0.0051322561297608591, 0.0044593338288080537, 0.0037589182519216727, 0.0030353276940450341, 0.0022930233315857263, 0.001536581717779558, 0.0007706665667180073]

NrOfDots = 10

counter = 0 #Counter for pos list
counter2 = 1 #Counter for speed list
counter201 = 0 #Counter for stim_matrix
rowcounter = 0 #Counter for writer
a = 0 #Counter for pixel to matrix speed scaling
printpos = True

SINspeed = []
CONspeed = []
floatPOS = []
frameList = []

#Set file name for output data file which includes participant ID and the experiment time and date   
createfile = open('SinMatrix.csv', 'wb')

matrixwriter = csv.writer(createfile,
                        quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)

#pos = np.array([random.uniform(0.,201.) for r in range(NrOfDots)])
pos = np.array([random.randint(0,201) for r in range(NrOfDots)])
pos2 = pos

stim_matrix = 0.5 + np.zeros((stim_t,stim_x)) 

#Sine Speed Generator
for x in SINspeedRAW:
    a = x*330

for x in SINspeedRAW:
    a = (x*330)*-1

print 'pos1', pos

#Convert int to float if not you can't add in decimal speed
for x in pos:
    floatX = np.float(x)

for x in range(stim_t):
    #Update each stim_matrix's line with 1 for 10 dots placement
    for x in range(len(pos)):
        stim_matrix[counter201,pos[counter]] = 1
        counter += 1
    counter = 0

    #Add generated sin speed to position of the 10 dots 
    for x in range(len(pos)):
        if floatPOS[counter] + SINspeed[counter2] >= stim_x:
            floatPOS[counter] = 0.
        if floatPOS[counter] + SINspeed[counter2] <= 0:
            floatPOS[counter] = stim_x
        floatPOS[counter] = floatPOS[counter] + SINspeed[counter2]
        counter += 1
    counter = 0
    counter2 += 1

    for x in pos:
        pos[counter] = round(floatPOS[counter])
        counter += 1
    counter = 0
    counter201 += 1    

    #Print data for the current trial into a line of text
    rowcounter += 1

    if counter2 == 40 and printpos == True:
        print 'pos2', pos
        printpos = False
    if counter2 == 80:
        counter2 = 0


counter = 0 #Counter for pos list
counter2 = 1 #Counter for speed list
counter201 = 0 #Counter for stim_matrix
rowcounter = 0 #Counter for writer
a = 0 #Counter for pixel to matrix speed scaling
printpos = True

print floatPOS

floatPOS = []
#---------------------------------Sin Matrix done. Now to generate Con Matrix-----------------------------------

#Set file name for output data file which includes participant ID and the experiment time and date   
createfile = open('ConMatrix.csv', 'wb')

matrixwriter = csv.writer(createfile,
                        quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)

stim_matrix = 0.5 + np.zeros((stim_t,stim_x)) 

#Con Speed Generator
for x in CONspeedRAW:
    a = x*330 #33

for x in CONspeedRAW:
    a = (x*330)*-1 #33

#Convert int to float if not you can't add in decimal speed
for x in pos2:
    floatX = np.float(x)

print 'Cons pos1', pos2

for x in range(stim_t):
    #Update each stim_matrix's line with 1 for 10 dots placement
    for x in pos2:
        stim_matrix[counter201,x] = 1

    #Add generated cons speed to position of the 10 dots 
    for x in range(len(pos2)):
        if floatPOS[counter] + SINspeed[counter2] >= stim_x:
            floatPOS[counter] = 0.
        if floatPOS[counter] + SINspeed[counter2] <= 0:
            floatPOS[counter] = stim_x
        floatPOS[counter] = floatPOS[counter] + CONspeed[counter2]
        counter += 1
    counter = 0
    counter2 += 1

    for x in pos2:
        pos2[counter] = round(floatPOS[counter])
        counter += 1
    counter = 0
    counter201 += 1    

    #Print data for the current trial into a line of text
    rowcounter += 1

    if counter2 == 40 and printpos == True:
        print 'Cons pos2', pos2
        printpos = False
    if counter2 == 80:
        counter2 = 0

print floatPOS  



Tags: csvinposforifnpcountermatrix
