
2024-04-25 22:30:11 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


    import pandas as pd
    df0 = pd.read_csv(filehandle,skiprows=0, sep=',', encoding='utf-8',nrows=100)
    df=df0[['country', 'appname']]
    p=pd.crosstab(df['appname'], df['country'], rownames=['appname'], colnames=['country'])
    print p  #errr while printing this Dataframe

    """ Data frame read was success, both for df0 & df, but cross tab fails with and the error that I get *"UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xb0' in position 13: ordinal not in range(128)"*. See "p" below  """

    #The dataframe, df looks like this 

       country                         appname
    0      SGP               Android Skout New
    2      SGP               Android Skout New
    3      SGP               Android Skout New
    7      SGP       Guess The Emoji - Android
    14     SGP             ScoreMobile Android
    15     IDN               Android Skout New
    16     IND  Truecaller - Caller ID & Block
    19     IDN                  Indonesia News
       ....More ... <Chopped>
    251    IDN      'Anonymous healthcare_and_fitness App cflw`2B2[h1s`lNzF@sPC1FtaCji:6kTF@']
    272    SGP    '(old) Weather\xc2\xb0'
# note the last two entries in this sample , there are more of these.


  1. 在将“Series”对象(df['appname'])传递给交叉表之前,是否应该对其进行编码->解码? 类似于df['country'].encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8')[这不是一个有效的语法]

  2. 下面的片段转换了df,这让我想到了一个问题,为什么?

0     S
2     S
3     S
7     S
14    S
15    I
16    I
19    I
21    I
22    I
25    I
37    I
41    S
43    I



Tags: csv数据编码dfnewsgpthiscountry