
2024-06-17 12:21:07 发布

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a = np.array([1,2,3])
b = np.array([[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]])


a @ b
b.T @ a



Tags: numpy算法np数组arraydot意义代数
a = np.array([1,2,3])
b = np.array([[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]])



- If `a` is an N-D array and `b` is a 1-D array, it is a sum product over
  the last axis of `a` and `b`.

- If `a` is an N-D array and `b` is an M-D array (where ``M>=2``), it is a
  sum product over the last axis of `a` and the second-to-last axis of `b`::


In [263]: np.dot(b.T,a)
Out[263]: array([22, 28])


In [264]: np.dot(a,b)
Out[264]: array([22, 28])




- If the first argument is 1-D, it is promoted to a matrix by
  prepending a 1 to its dimensions. After matrix multiplication
  the prepended 1 is removed.
- If the second argument is 1-D, it is promoted to a matrix by
  appending a 1 to its dimensions. After matrix multiplication
  the appended 1 is removed.



  1. 你可能不是在问np.dot,它有不同的广播规则

  2. 因为您的两个示例都涉及@操作符,即np.matmul的语法糖,所以我将用np.matmul来回答您的问题

答案很简单,只要引用the documentation of ^{}

The behavior depends on the arguments in the following way.

  • If both arguments are 2-D they are multiplied like conventional matrices.
  • If either argument is N-D, N > 2, it is treated as a stack of matrices residing in the last two indexes and broadcast accordingly.
  • If the first argument is 1-D, it is promoted to a matrix by prepending a 1 to its dimensions. After matrix multiplication the prepended 1 is removed.
  • If the second argument is 1-D, it is promoted to a matrix by appending a 1 to its dimensions. After matrix multiplication the appended 1 is removed.


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