
2024-05-23 22:15:07 发布

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import scipy.optimize as optim
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

N0 = 0.37
parsic = [.25, 12.9]

df_yeast = pd.DataFrame({'cd': [9.6, 18.3, 29., 47.2, 71.1, 119.1, 174.6, 257.3, 350.7, 441., 513.3, 559.7, 594.8, 629.4, 640.8, 651.1, 655.9, 659.6], 'td': np.arange(18)})

def logistic_de(t, N, r, K):
    return r*N*(1 - N/K)

def logistic_solution(t, r, K):
    return odeint(logistic_de, N0, t, (r, K), tfirst=True).ravel()

params, _ = optim.curve_fit(logistic_solution, df_yeast['td'], df_yeast['cd'], p0=parsic)

N1 = odeint(logistic_de, N0, np.linspace(0, 20, 10000), (params[0], params[1]), tfirst=True)

plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 20, 10000), N1)
plt.scatter(df_yeast['td'], df_yeast['cd'])
plt.ylabel('num yeast')

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正确输出: enter image description here

Tags: importdfasnpcddepltscipy


# include N0 as an argument
def logistic_solution(t, N0, r, K):
    return odeint(logistic_de, N0, t, (r, K), tfirst=True).ravel()

# N0 thus included as parameter to fit
params, _ = optim.curve_fit(logistic_solution, df_yeast['td'], df_yeast['cd'], 
                            p0=[N0, *parsic])

# N1 integral factors in the fitted N0 parameter
# (not the same as the global variable named N0,
# should change global variable to something like N0_guess)
N1 = odeint(logistic_de, params[0], np.linspace(0, 20, 10000), 
            tuple(params[1:]), tfirst=True)


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