
2024-06-17 11:11:36 发布

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我对完整的Python代码(带有数学公式)感兴趣,其中包含从头开始计算自然Cubic Splines所需的所有计算。如果可能,快速(例如基于Numpy)


Tags: 答案代码numpy数学公式曲线感兴趣样条cubic
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-17 11:11:36

我基于俄语Wikipedia Article编写了以下代码,因为我看到几乎相同的描述和公式都是用英语Article编写的




calc (spline_scipy): Timed best=2.712 ms, mean=2.792 +- 0.1 ms
calc (spline_numba): Timed best=916.000 us, mean=938.868 +- 17.9 us
speedup: 2.973

use (spline_scipy): Timed best=5.262 ms, mean=5.320 +- 0.1 ms
use (spline_numba): Timed best=4.745 ms, mean=5.420 +- 0.3 ms
speedup: 0.981


运行下面的代码需要一次性安装以下软件包python -m pip install numpy numba scipy timerit,此处scipytimerit仅用于测试目的,实际算法不需要


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import numpy as np, numba

# Solves linear system given by Tridiagonal Matrix
# Helper for calculating cubic splines
    [f'f{ii}[:](f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:])' for ii in (4, 8)],
    cache = True, fastmath = True, inline = 'always')
def tri_diag_solve(A, B, C, F):
    n = B.size
    assert A.ndim == B.ndim == C.ndim == F.ndim == 1 and (
        A.size == B.size == C.size == F.size == n
    ) #, (A.shape, B.shape, C.shape, F.shape)
    Bs, Fs = np.zeros_like(B), np.zeros_like(F)
    Bs[0], Fs[0] = B[0], F[0]
    for i in range(1, n):
        Bs[i] = B[i] - A[i] / Bs[i - 1] * C[i - 1]
        Fs[i] = F[i] - A[i] / Bs[i - 1] * Fs[i - 1]
    x = np.zeros_like(B)
    x[-1] = Fs[-1] / Bs[-1]
    for i in range(n - 2, -1, -1):
        x[i] = (Fs[i] - C[i] * x[i + 1]) / Bs[i]
    return x
# Calculate cubic spline params
    #[f'(f{ii}, f{ii}, f{ii}, f{ii})(f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:])' for ii in (4, 8)],
    cache = True, fastmath = True, inline = 'always')
def calc_spline_params(x, y):
    a = y
    h = np.diff(x)
    c = np.concatenate((np.zeros((1,), dtype = y.dtype),
        np.append(tri_diag_solve(h[:-1], (h[:-1] + h[1:]) * 2, h[1:],
        ((a[2:] - a[1:-1]) / h[1:] - (a[1:-1] - a[:-2]) / h[:-1]) * 3), 0)))
    d = np.diff(c) / (3 * h)
    b = (a[1:] - a[:-1]) / h + (2 * c[1:] + c[:-1]) / 3 * h
    return a[1:], b, c[1:], d
# Spline value calculating function, given params and "x"
    [f'f{ii}[:](f{ii}[:], i8[:], f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:])' for ii in (4, 8)],
    cache = True, fastmath = True, inline = 'always')
def func_spline(x, ix, x0, a, b, c, d):
    dx = x - x0[1:][ix]
    return a[ix] + (b[ix] + (c[ix] + d[ix] * dx) * dx) * dx

    [f'i8[:](f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:], b1)' for ii in (4, 8)],
    cache = True, fastmath = True, inline = 'always')
def searchsorted_merge(a, b, sort_b):
    ix = np.zeros((len(b),), dtype = np.int64)
    if sort_b:
        ib = np.argsort(b)
    pa, pb = 0, 0
    while pb < len(b):
        if pa < len(a) and a[pa] < (b[ib[pb]] if sort_b else b[pb]):
            pa += 1
            ix[pb] = pa
            pb += 1
    return ix
# Compute piece-wise spline function for "x" out of sorted "x0" points
@numba.njit([f'f{ii}[:](f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:])' for ii in (4, 8)],
    cache = True, fastmath = True, inline = 'always')
def piece_wise_spline(x, x0, a, b, c, d):
    xsh = x.shape
    x = x.ravel()
    #ix = np.searchsorted(x0[1 : -1], x)
    ix = searchsorted_merge(x0[1 : -1], x, False)
    y = func_spline(x, ix, x0, a, b, c, d)
    y = y.reshape(xsh)
    return y
def test():
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, scipy.interpolate
    from timerit import Timerit
    Timerit._default_asciimode = True
    def f(n):
        x = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0., n / 5 * np.pi, (n,))).astype(np.float64)
        return x, (np.sin(x) * 5 + np.sin(1 + 2.5 * x) * 3 + np.sin(2 + 0.5 * x) * 2).astype(np.float64)
    def spline_numba(x0, y0):
        a, b, c, d = calc_spline_params(x0, y0)
        return lambda x: piece_wise_spline(x, x0, a, b, c, d)
    def spline_scipy(x0, y0):
        f = scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline(x0, y0, bc_type = 'natural')
        return lambda x: f(x)
    def timings():
        x0, y0 = f(10000)
        s, t = {}, []
        gs = [spline_scipy, spline_numba]
        spline_numba(np.copy(x0[::3]), np.copy(y0[::3])) # pre-compile numba
        for g in gs:
            print('calc (', g.__name__, '): ', sep = '', end = '', flush = True)
            tim = Timerit(num = 150, verbose = 1)
            for _ in tim:
                s_ = g(x0, y0)
            s[g.__name__] = s_
            if len(t) >= 2:
                print('speedup:', round(t[-2] / t[-1], 3))
        x = np.linspace(x0[0], x0[-1], 50000, dtype = np.float64)
        t = []
        s['spline_numba'](np.copy(x[::3])) # pre-compile numba
        for i in range(len(s)):
            print('use (', gs[i].__name__, '): ', sep = '', end = '', flush = True)
            tim = Timerit(num = 100, verbose = 1)
            sg = s[gs[i].__name__]
            for _ in tim:
            if len(t) >= 2:
                print('speedup:', round(t[-2] / t[-1], 3))

    x0, y0 = f(50)
    shift = 3
    x = np.linspace(x0[0], x0[-1], 1000, dtype = np.float64)
    ys = spline_scipy(x0, y0)(x)
    yn = spline_numba(x0, y0)(x)
    assert np.allclose(ys, yn), np.absolute(ys - yn).max()
    plt.plot(x0, y0, label = 'orig')
    plt.plot(x, ys, label = 'spline_scipy')
    plt.plot(x, yn, '-.', label = 'spline_numba')

if __name__ == '__main__':

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