
2024-05-14 11:15:54 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

为了好玩,我用python开发了一个游戏。 在这里,我在一个房间内生成宝石,用户可以收集这些宝石。 到目前为止,宝石是在房间内生成的,但它们不是随机生成的。此外,当用户从房间中取出宝石后,当再次回到房间时,它是可见的



import random

# Rooms have items, players can carry items
class Item:
    def __init__(self, name, level): = name
        self.level = level

# Create Gems
White_Gem = Item("White Gem","1")            
Yellow_Gem = Item("Yellow Gem","2")            
Green_Gem = Item("Green Gem","3")            
Red_Gem = Item("Red Gem","4")            
Blue_Gem = Item("Blue Gem","5")            

def make_gem():
    gem_in = random.randrange(2)
    if gem_in == (0 or 1):
        return 0
    gem = random.randrange(5)
    if gem == 0:
        gem = White_Gem
    elif gem == 1:
        gem = Yellow_Gem
    elif gem == 2:
        gem = Green_Gem
    elif gem == 3:
        gem = Red_Gem
    elif gem == 4:
        gem = Blue_Gem
    return gem
# Room class
class Room(object):
    """ Room """
    def __init__(self,name,description,gem_y_n): = name
        self.description = description
        self.gem_y_n = gem_y_n
        if self.gem_y_n == "y":
            gem = make_gem()
            self.gem = gem

# Rooms
# last input is coordinates (n,e,s,w)
# ++++ Room Map +++++
# ===================
# |                 |
# |                 |
# |        1        |
# |                 |
# |     3  2        |
# |     4  5        |
# |     6           |
# |     7  8  9     |
# |           10    |
# |       12  11    |
# ===================
# Template:
# room# = Room(name,description,gem in it? (y/n))
# Then add the coordinates below the room creators

room1 = Room("Bedroom","You are you in your own bedroom.\nTo the south, there is a garden past the back door.", "n")
room2 = Room("Garden","You are in a garden with many flowers and a narrow stone path. \nTo the north, you see the backdoor of your house that enters your bedroom.\nA pathway leads west.","y")
room3 = Room("Pathway","You are in a narrow stone path with hedges on both sides of you.\nTo the east, there is a garden.","y")
room4 = Room("kitchen","You are in a kitchen now.\nTo the north, there is a Pathway.\nTo the east, there is a dining room.\nTo the south, there is a familyroom","y")
room5 = Room("diningroom","You are in a dining room now.\nTo the north, there is a garden.\nTo the west, there is a kitchen.","y")
room6 = Room("familyroom","You are in a family room.\nTo the north, there is a kitchen.","y")

room7 = Room("room7","You are in a room 7.","y")
room8 = Room("room8","You are in a room 8.","y")
room9 = Room("room9","You are in a room 9.","y")
room10 = Room("room10","You are in a room 10.","y")
room11 = Room("room11","You are in a room 11.","y")
room12 = Room("room12","You are in a room 12.","y")

# Room coordinates (had to create all the rooms to assign them to coordinates)
room1.coordinates = [0,0,room2,0]
room2.coordinates = [room1,0,room5,room3]
room3.coordinates = [0,room2,room4,0]
room4.coordinates = [room3,room5,room6,0]
room5.coordinates = [room2,0,0,room4]
room6.coordinates = [room4,0,0,0]

room7.coordinates = [room6,room8,0,0]
room8.coordinates = [0,room9,0,room7]
room9.coordinates = [0,0,room10,room8]
room10.coordinates = [room9,0,room11,0]
room11.coordinates = [room10,0,0,room12]
room12.coordinates = [0,room11,0,0]

# Character class
class Player(object):
    def __init__(self,name,location = room1): = name
        self.location = location

    def look(self):
        place = self.location
        print (place.description)
        if place.gem_y_n == "y":
            pick = input("If you want to pick the Gem y/n :")
            if place.gem != 0 and pick == "y":
                room_gem = place.gem
                print ("You pick a",,"in this room.\n")

            print ("")

user = Player("Shan")
currentchar = user

print ("Welcome to Mouche's first text based game.")
print ("")
print ('Type "commands" to see the command list')
print ("You are currently:",

# Menu
# "commands" shows the commands available
# "look" looks around in the current room
while True:
    command = input("")
    if command == "commands":
        print ('"n","e","s", and "w" make your character go north, east, south, and west respectively')
        print ('"end" to break')
        print ('"look" to look around the room')

    if command == "look":
    if command == ("n" or "north"):
        if currentchar.location.coordinates[0] == 0:
            print ("You cannot go that way.")
            currentchar.location = currentchar.location.coordinates[0]
    if command == ("e" or "east"):
        if currentchar.location.coordinates[1] == 0:
            print ("You cannot go that way.")
            currentchar.location = currentchar.location.coordinates[1]
    if command == ("s" or "south"):
        if currentchar.location.coordinates[2] == 0:
            print ("You cannot go that way.")
            currentchar.location = currentchar.location.coordinates[2]
    if command == ("w" or "west"):
        if currentchar.location.coordinates[3] == 0:
            print ("You cannot go that way.")
            currentchar.location = currentchar.location.coordinates[3]
    if command == "end":

Tags: thenameinselfyouifgemlocation
1楼 · 发布于 2024-05-14 11:15:54


import random

if random.randint(1, 10) == 1: #Here we have a 1 in 10 chance.
    do_something() #Here you can put your code to spawn a gem, for example.


import random

if random.randint(1, 5) == 1: #Now we have a 1 in 5 chance.

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