
2024-05-26 11:12:31 发布

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import random

def main():

    playGame = input("Would you like to play Craps? (Enter yes or no): ")
    while playGame == 'yes':
        roll = input("Press Enter to roll the dice")
        rollDice1 = random.randint(1, 6)
        rollDice2 = random.randint(1, 6)
        print("You got a", rollDice1, "and a", rollDice2)
        rolledDice = rollDice1 + rollDice2
        print("you rolled a", rolledDice)
        if rolledDice == 7 or rolledDice == 11:
            print("IT'S YOUR LUCKY DAY! YOU WIN!")

        elif rolledDice == 2 or rolledDice == 3 or rolledDice == 12:
            print("YOU LOSE! BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!")

            print("YOU NEITHER WIN NOR LOSE!")

        playGame = input("Try again? (Enter yes or no): ")
        if playGame == "no":
            print("Place holder")


import random

def main():
    wins = 0
    losses = 0

    playGame = input("Would you like to play Craps? (Enter yes or no): ")
    while playGame == 'yes':
        roll = input("Press Enter to roll the dice")
        rollDice1 = random.randint(1, 6)
        rollDice2 = random.randint(1, 6)
        print("You got a", rollDice1, "and a", rollDice2)
        rolledDice = rollDice1 + rollDice2
        print("you rolled a", rolledDice)
        if rolledDice == 7 or rolledDice == 11:
            print("IT'S YOUR LUCKY DAY! YOU WIN!")
            wins = wins + 1
            return wins

        elif rolledDice == 2 or rolledDice == 3 or rolledDice == 12:
            print("YOU LOSE! BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!")
            losses = losses + 1
            return losses

            print("YOU NEITHER WIN NOR LOSE!")

        playGame = input("Try again? (Enter yes or no): ")
        if playGame == "no":
            print("Wins: ", wins)
            print("Losses: ", losses)


Tags: ornoyouinputmainrandomyesprint


def main():
    wins = 0
    losses = 0

    playGame = input("Would you like to play Craps? (Enter yes or no): ")
    while playGame == 'yes':
        roll = input("Press Enter to roll the dice")
        rollDice1 = random.randint(1, 6)
        rollDice2 = random.randint(1, 6)
        print("You got a", rollDice1, "and a", rollDice2)
        rolledDice = rollDice1 + rollDice2
        print("you rolled a", rolledDice)
        if rolledDice == 7 or rolledDice == 11:
            print("IT'S YOUR LUCKY DAY! YOU WIN!")
            wins = wins + 1
            return wins   # EXITS main() - simply delete this row

        elif rolledDice == 2 or rolledDice == 3 or rolledDice == 12:
            print("YOU LOSE! BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!")
            losses = losses + 1
            return losses # EXITS main() - simply delete this row

            print("YOU NEITHER WIN NOR LOSE!")

        playGame = input("Try again? (Enter yes or no): ")
        if playGame == "no":
            print("Wins: ", wins)
            print("Losses: ", losses)
             return  # add this to exit the function (could use break as well)


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