
2024-05-14 14:44:00 发布

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#import numpy as np

df['neighbor_50'] = 0
df['neighbor_100'] = 0
frame_group =  df.groupby(['frame','direction'])
list_keys = list(frame_group.indices.keys())

for key in list_keys :
    frame , direction = key[0] , key[1]
    #new_df =  df.loc[(df['frame'] == frame) & (df['direction'] == direction)]
    mask1 = (df['frame'] == frame) & (df['direction'] == direction) 
    ids = df[mask1]['id']
    for i in ids:
        for j in ids:
            if i != j:
                #distance = sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)
                maski = (df['frame'] == frame) & (df['direction'] == direction)& (df['id'] == i)
                maskj = (df['frame'] == frame) & (df['direction'] == direction)& (df['id'] == j)
                x2 = df[maski]['x'].iloc[0]
                x1 = df[maskj]['x'].iloc[0]
                y2 = df[maski]['y'].iloc[0]
                y1 = df[maskj]['y'].iloc[0]
                distance = ((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)**0.5
                #distance = np.hypot((x2 - x1),(y2 - y1))
                mask = (df['frame'] == frame) & (df['direction'] == direction) &( df['id']== i)
                if distance <= 50:
                    df.loc[mask , 'neighbor_50'] += 1
                if distance <= 100 :
                    df.loc[mask ,'neighbor_100'] += 1


输入样本 input sample

输出样本 enter image description here

更新: 通过避免对相同ID重复计算,我成功地将时间减少了一半,但仍然非常慢

import numpy as np

df['neighbor_50'] = 0
df['neighbor_100'] = 0
frame_group =  df.groupby(['frame','direction'])
list_keys = list(frame_group.indices.keys())

for key in list_keys :
    frame , direction = key[0] , key[1]
    #new_df =  df.loc[(df['frame'] == frame) & (df['direction'] == direction)]
    mask = (df['frame'] == frame) & (df['direction'] == direction) 
    ids = df[mask]['id'].values
    for i in range(len(ids)-1):
        id1 = ids[i]
        for j in range(i+1,len(ids)):
            id2 = ids[j]
            maski = (df['frame'] == frame) & (df['direction'] == direction)& (df['id'] == id1)
            maskj = (df['frame'] == frame) & (df['direction'] == direction)& (df['id'] == id2)
            x2 = df[maski]['x'].iloc[0]
            x1 = df[maskj]['x'].iloc[0]
            y2 = df[maski]['y'].iloc[0]
            y1 = df[maskj]['y'].iloc[0]
            #distance = ((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)**0.5
            distance = np.hypot((x2 - x1),(y2 - y1))
            if distance <= 100 :
                df.loc[maski ,'neighbor_100'] += 1
                df.loc[maskj ,'neighbor_100'] += 1
                if distance <= 50:
                    df.loc[maski , 'neighbor_50'] += 1
                    df.loc[maskj , 'neighbor_50'] += 1

Tags: ididsdfframelocdistancex1x2
1楼 · 发布于 2024-05-14 14:44:00


import pandas

# Only for generation of test data
import random
import itertools

# Only for debugging (shows progress bar)
from tqdm import tqdm


# Generate some realistic looking test data
df = pandas.DataFrame(
                    "id": int(identifier),
                    "frame": frame,
                    "direction": random.randint(0, 1),
                    "x": random.random() * random.randint(-100, 100),
                    "y": random.random() * random.randint(-100, 100),
                for frame in range(50)
            for identifier in range(100)

def get_neighbor_count(group: pandas.DataFrame) -> pandas.DataFrame:
    """ Function that gets the number of neighbors within a certain distance (50 and 100 units) and
    in the same direction.

        group (pandas.DataFrame): The input dataframe (all IDs within the same timeframe)

        pandas.DataFrame: The same dataframe with the number of neighbors

    # Cartesian product of self (join the full dataframe with itself)
    group["key"] = 0
    group["index"] = group.index
    group_cartesian = group.merge(group, on="key", suffixes=("", "_target",)).drop(

    # Filter out combinations with self (distance == 0)
    group_cartesian = group_cartesian.loc[
        group_cartesian["id"] != group_cartesian["id_target"]

    # Only consider combinations in the same direction
    group_cartesian = group_cartesian.loc[
        group_cartesian["direction"] == group_cartesian["direction_target"]

    # Calculate the distances between the points (your function: distance = ((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)**0.5)
    group_cartesian["distance"] = (
        (group_cartesian["x_target"] - group_cartesian["x"]) ** 2
        + (group_cartesian["y_target"] - group_cartesian["y"]) ** 2
    ) ** 0.5

    # Set the index (needed for matching the results back to the group)
    group_cartesian = group_cartesian.set_index("index")

    # Select the rows with less than 50 or less than 100
    within_50 = group_cartesian.loc[group_cartesian["distance"] <= 50]
    within_100 = group_cartesian.loc[group_cartesian["distance"] <= 100]

    # Count the number of found neighbors
    neighbor_50 = within_50.groupby(["index"])["id_target"].count()
    neighbor_100 = within_100.groupby(["index"])["id_target"].count()

    # Add the new series to the group
    group = pandas.concat(
        [group, neighbor_50.rename("neighbor_50"), neighbor_100.rename("neighbor_100")],

    # Return the group
    return group

df = df.groupby("frame").progress_apply(get_neighbor_count).droplevel(0).sort_index()


100%|██████████| 50/50 [00:01<00:00, 45.30it/s]
      id  frame  direction          x          y  key  index  neighbor_50  \
0      0      0          1   1.154344  10.168371    0      0         30.0   
1      0      0          1  11.581348  -2.878279    0      1         33.0   
2      0      0          1  -3.577821  -0.989225    0      2         31.0   
3      0      0          1 -39.239073 -21.107833    0      3         20.0   
4      0      0          1 -30.330413  55.736254    0      4          7.0   
...   ..    ...        ...        ...        ...  ...    ...          ...   
4995  99      0          0 -22.787323 -19.553391    0   4995         32.0   
4996  99      0          0 -82.955598  11.663767    0   4996          4.0   
4997  99      0          0   0.929322  10.133367    0   4997         33.0   
4998  99      0          0 -16.414550   0.218805    0   4998         35.0   
4999  99      0          0  31.408102  -1.500168    0   4999         27.0   

0               49  
1               48  
2               49  
3               44  
4               37  
...            ...  
4995            48  
4996            33  
4997            48  
4998            49  
4999            45  

[5000 rows x 9 columns]


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