
2024-05-26 04:23:34 发布

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我正在尝试学习将ffmpeg命令行背景模糊过滤器转换为ffmpeg-python格式。 '-lavfi'[0:v]scale=ih*16/9:-1,boxblur=luma_radius=min(h\,w)/20:luma_power=1:chroma_radius=min(cw\,ch)/20:chroma_power=1[bg];[bg][0:v]overlay=(W-w)/2:(H-h)/2,crop=h=iw*9/16


Tags: 命令行过滤器luma格式minffmpegbg背景


Tip1:使用库“编码任何过滤器”的先决条件是 理解ffmpeg命令行语法




# create a stream object, Note that any supplied kwargs are passed to ffmpeg verbatim
my_vid_stream = ffmpeg.input(input_file, "lavfi")
# The input() returns a stream object has what is called 'base_object' which represents the outgoing edge of an upstream node and can be used to create more downstream nodes. That is what we will do. This stream base_object has two properties, audio and video .. assign the video stream to a new variable, we will be creating filters to only video stream, as indicated by [0:v] in ffmpeg command line.
my_vid_stream = mystream.video
# ffmpeg.filter() takes the upstream node followed by the name of the filter, followed by the configuration of the filter
# first filter you wanted to apply is 'scale' filter. So...
my_vid_stream = ffmpeg.filter(my_vid_stream,"scale","ih*16/9:-1")
# next to the upstream node create a new filter which does the boxblur operation per your specs. so .. 
my_vid_stream = ffmpeg.filter(my_vid_stream,"boxblur", "min(h\,w)/20:luma_power=1:chroma_radius=min(cw\,ch)/20:chroma_power=1[bg];[bg][0:v]overlay=(W-w)/2:(H-h)/2")
# finally apply the crop filter to it's upstream node and assign the output stream back to the same variable. so ... 
my_vid_stream = ffmpeg.filter(my_vid_stream, "crop", h="iw*9/16")
# now generate the output node and write it to an output file.
my_vid_stream = ffmpeg.output(my_vid_stream,output_file)
## to see your pipeline in action. call the ffmpeg.run(my_vid_stream)



        audios = []
        inputs = []
        #generate an empty audio
        e_aud_src = rendering_helper.generate_empty_audio(0.1)
        e_aud = (

        for k, i in enumerate(videos):
            inp = ffmpeg.input(i['src'], ss=i['start'],  t=(i['end'] - i['start']))

            inp_f = (inp.filter_multi_output('split')[k]
                        .filter_('scale', width=(i['width'] * Factors().factors['w_factor']), height=(i['height'] * Factors().factors['h_factor'])).filter('setsar', '1/1')

            audio = ffmpeg.probe(i['src'], select_streams='a')
            if audio['streams'] and i['muted'] == False:
                a = (inp.audio.filter('adelay', f"{i['showtime'] * 1000}|{i['showtime'] * 1000}"))
                a = e_aud

            e_frame = (e_frame.overlay(inp_f, x=(i['xpos'] * Factors().factors['w_factor']), y=(i['ypos'] * Factors().factors['h_factor']), eof_action='pass'))

        mix_audios = ffmpeg.filter_(audios, 'amix') if len(audios) > 1 else audios[0]
        inp_con = ffmpeg.concat(e_frame, mix_audios, v=1, a=1)
        return inp_con

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