
2024-06-02 09:01:57 发布

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population = np.full((N,M), 0) #population of N guys with genome length M
#Choose some guys and change parts of their genome (cols)

rows_indices = [0,1,5,6] #four guys 0,1,5,6 will be changed

#all selected guys will have a start of 10
#the ends will be difference for each guy

slice_lengths = np.random.geometric(p=0.8, size = 4) #vector of 4


population[0, 10: 10+ slice_length[0]] = 100
population[1, 10: 10+ slice_length[1]] = 100
population[2, 10: 10+ slice_length[2]] = 100
population[3, 10: 10+ slice_length[3]] = 100


#false code
population[rows_indices, start: start + slice_length]

Tags: ofgenomenp切片slice数组bestart