
2024-04-28 21:41:17 发布

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f = open('./dat.txt', 'r')
array = []
for line in f:
    # if "1\t\"Overall evaluation" in line:
    #   words = line.split("1\t\"Overall evaluation")
    #   print words[0]
    number = int(line.split(':')[1].strip('"\n'))
    print number


299 1   "Overall evaluation: 3
Invite to interview: 3
Strength or novelty of the idea (1): 4
Strength or novelty of the idea (2): 3
Strength or novelty of the idea (3): 3
Use or provision of open data (1): 4
Use or provision of open data (2): 3
""Open by default"" (1): 2
""Open by default"" (2): 3
Value proposition and potential scale (1): 4
Value proposition and potential scale (2): 2
Market opportunity and timing (1): 4
Market opportunity and timing (2): 4
Triple bottom line impact (1): 4
Triple bottom line impact (2): 2
Triple bottom line impact (3): 2
Knowledge and skills of the team (1): 3
Knowledge and skills of the team (2): 4
Capacity to realise the idea (1): 4
Capacity to realise the idea (2): 3
Capacity to realise the idea (3): 4
Appropriateness of the budget to realise the idea: 3"
299 2   "Overall evaluation: 3
Invite to interview: 3
Strength or novelty of the idea (1): 3
Strength or novelty of the idea (2): 2
Strength or novelty of the idea (3): 4
Use or provision of open data (1): 4
Use or provision of open data (2): 3
""Open by default"" (1): 3
""Open by default"" (2): 2
Value proposition and potential scale (1): 4
Value proposition and potential scale (2): 3
Market opportunity and timing (1): 4
Market opportunity and timing (2): 3
Triple bottom line impact (1): 3
Triple bottom line impact (2): 2
Triple bottom line impact (3): 1
Knowledge and skills of the team (1): 4
Knowledge and skills of the team (2): 4
Capacity to realise the idea (1): 4
Capacity to realise the idea (2): 4
Capacity to realise the idea (3): 4
Appropriateness of the budget to realise the idea: 2"

364 1   "Overall evaluation: 3
Invite to interview: 3

我还需要获取“record identifier”,在上面的示例中,前两个实例是299,下一个实例是364。你知道吗


f = open('./dat.txt', 'r')
array = []
for line in f:
    if "1\t\"Overall evaluation" in line:
        words = line.split("1\t\"Overall evaluation")
        print words[0]
    # number = int(line.split(':')[1].strip('"\n'))
    # print number









Tags: orandofthetolineopenstrength
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-28 21:41:17


import re

with open('./dat.txt') as fin:
    for line in fin:
        ma = re.match(r'^(\d+) \d.+Overall evaluation', line)
        if ma:
            print("record identifier %r" % ma.group(1))
        ma = re.search(r': (\d+)$', line)
        if ma:
        print("unrecognized line: %s" % line)


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