
2024-04-26 13:48:56 发布

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import csv
import pandas as pd

from collections import Counter
import re
import operator

#Bacteria File Open

Bac = []
with open ("/home/shayez/Desktop/Bacteria.csv", "r") as csv_file1:
    csv_reader1 = csv.reader(csv_file1,delimiter = ',')

    for lines1 in csv_reader1:
       # print(lines1[0])

#Abstract File Open
Abs = []
with open ("/home/shayez/Desktop/Anti.csv", "r") as csv_file:
    csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file,delimiter = ',')

    for lines in csv_reader:

abswordlist = []
 for ab in Abs:

 #print (abswordlist)

 cntword = Counter(Abs)

 for Bac in Bac:
 print (f"{Bac}:{abswordlist[Bac]}")


enter image description here


包含摘要的第二个文件 像这样:- enter image description here


像这样:- enter image description here

Tags: 文件csvinimportforascounterabs
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-26 13:48:56


既然你不提供一个[mcve],我只好自己做一个。 因此,您必须读取您的第一个csv,并将值作为列表保留。它们稍后将成为您将保留的列。你知道吗

然后。。。使用此数组。我建议您使用^{},与split()^{}(来自python集合)结合使用。 然后,^{}所有这些都使用^{}。你知道吗

import pandas as pd

from collections import Counter
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize

to_keep = ['LONER', 'I', 'AM']

df = pd.DataFrame({
        'date' : ['some date', 'some_other_date', 'lol date'],
        'garbage' : ['I AM A LONER', 'AND SO AM I LOL', 'some other weird sentence']
#               date                    garbage
# 0        some date               I AM A LONER
# 1  some_other_date            AND SO AM I LOL
# 2         lol date  some other weird sentence

# Here I am showing you the inside of what I insert into json_normalize.
# It basically counts the word occurrences per line. You split the words,    
# and count the list items using `Counter()`
print(df['garbage'].apply(lambda x:Counter(x.split())))
# 0                {'I': 1, 'AM': 1, 'A': 1, 'LONER': 1}
# 1       {'AND': 1, 'SO': 1, 'AM': 1, 'I': 1, 'LOL': 1}
# 2    {'some': 1, 'other': 1, 'weird': 1, 'sentence'...

# Then, you use the json_normalize() function to turn all your jsons into a big DataFrame. And join the result to the previously created DataFrame.
df = df.join( json_normalize(df['garbage'].apply(lambda x:Counter(x.split()))) )
#               date                    garbage    A  ...    sentence  some  weird
# 0        some date               I AM A LONER  1.0  ...         NaN   NaN    NaN
# 1  some_other_date            AND SO AM I LOL  NaN  ...         NaN   NaN    NaN
# 2         lol date  some other weird sentence  NaN  ...         1.0   1.0    1.0

# And keep the first indices, here, only date, in addition of the columns you wished to keep earlier.
final_df = df[ ['date'] + [*to_keep] ]
#               date  LONER    I   AM
# 0        some date    1.0  1.0  1.0
# 1  some_other_date    NaN  1.0  1.0
# 2         lol date    NaN  NaN  NaN

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