




usage: swid_generator swid [-h] [--env {auto,dpkg,pacman,rpm}]
                           [--doc-separator DOCUMENT_SEPARATOR]
                           [--regid REGID] [--entity-name ENTITY_NAME]
                           [--os OS_STRING] [--arch ARCHITECTURE] [--full]
                           [--pretty] [--hierarchic] [--hash HASH_ALGORITHMS]
                           [--pkcs12 PKCS12] [--pkcs12-pwd PASSWORD]
                           [--software-id SOFTWARE-ID | --package PACKAGE | --package-file FILE_PATH]
                           [--evidence PATH] [--name NAME]
                           [--version-string VERSION] [--new-root PATH]

Generate SWID tags.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --env {auto,dpkg,pacman,rpm}
                        The package manager environment to be used. Defaults
                        to "auto". If the environment can not be autodetected,
                        the exit code is set to 3.
  --doc-separator DOCUMENT_SEPARATOR
                        The separator string by which the SWID XML documents
                        are separated. Example: For one newline, use $'\n'.
  --regid REGID         The regid to use in the generated output. May not
                        contain any whitespace characters. Default is
  --entity-name ENTITY_NAME
                        The entity name used in the <Entity> XML tag. Default
                        is "strongSwan Project".
  --os OS_STRING        The OS string used in the tagId attribute. Default is
                        derived from the OS of the local host.
  --arch ARCHITECTURE   The HW architecture used in the tagId attribute.
                        Default is derived from the HW architecture of the
                        local host.
  --full                Dump the full SWID tags including directory/file tags
                        for each package.
  --pretty              Indent the XML output.
  --hierarchic          Change directory structure to hierarchic.
                        Define the algorithm for the file hashes ("sha256",
                        "sha384", "sha512"). Multiple hashes can be added with
                        comma separated. ("sha256,sha384") Default is "sha256"
  --pkcs12 PKCS12       The PKCS#12 container with key and certificate to sign
                        the xml output.
  --pkcs12-pwd PASSWORD
                        If the PKCS#12 file is password protected, the password
                        needs to be provided.

targeted requests:
  You may do a targeted request against either a Software-ID, a package
  name, a package file or a folder structure. The output only contains a
  SWID tag if the argument fully matches the given target. If no matching
  SWID tag is found, the output is empty and the exit code is set to 1.

  --software-id SOFTWARE-ID
                        Do a targeted request for the specified Software-ID. A
                        Software-ID is made up as follows: "{regid}__{unique-id}".
                        Example: "strongswan.org__Ubuntu_16.04-i686-strongswan-5.6.0".
                        If no matching package is found, the output is empty
                        and the exit code is set to 1.
  --package PACKAGE     Do a targeted request for the specified package name.
                        The package name corresponds to a package name
                        returned by the environment's package manager, e.g
                        "glibc-headers" on a dpkg managed environment. If no
                        matching package is found, the output is empty and the
                        exit code is set to 1.
  --package-file FILE_PATH
                        Create SWID-Tag based on information of a Package-
                        File. Rpm-Environment: *.rpm File, Dpkg-Environment:
                        *.deb File, Pacman-Environment: *.pgk.tar.xz File
  --evidence PATH       Create a SWID Tag from a directory on the filesystem.
                        This changes the payload element to an evidence
  --name NAME           Specify a name for a directory based SWID-Tag.
                        Default is "{evidence-path}_{os-string}"
  --version-string VERSION
                        Specify the version for a directory based SWID-Tag.
                        Default is "1.0.0"
  --new-root PATH       Change the displayed "root"-folder from the provided
                        directory to a different path.


usage: swid_generator software-id [-h] [--env {auto,dpkg,pacman,rpm}]
                                  [--doc-separator DOCUMENT_SEPARATOR]
                                  [--regid REGID]

Generate Software-IDs.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --env {auto,dpkg,pacman,rpm}
                        The package manager environment to be used. Defaults
                        to "auto". If the environment can not be autodetected,
                        the exit code is set to 3.
  --doc-separator DOCUMENT_SEPARATOR
                        The separator string by which the SWID XML documents
                        are separated. Example: For one newline, use $'\n'.
  --regid REGID         The regid to use in the generated output. May not
                        contain any whitespace characters. Default is



  • 1:目标请求没有返回任何结果。
  • 2:传递的参数无效。
  • 3:未安装给定的环境或环境 无法自动检测。
  • 4:发生内部错误。
  • 5:外部命令引发错误。


$ echo $?


uri保留字符( :/?[][]!$&;'()*+,;= )在包名称/版本中 唯一ID的部分将替换为波浪号( ~ )符号。

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