

usage: qpmg [-h] [-x X [X ...]] [-y Y [Y ...]] [--xlabel XLABEL [XLABEL ...]]
            [--ylabel YLABEL [YLABEL ...]] [--legend LEGEND [LEGEND ...]]
            [--style STYLE] [--title TITLE [TITLE ...]]
            [--style-file STYLE_FILE]
            filenames [filenames ...]

qpmg是一个简单的python脚本,用于快速检查遵循 Mesa的简介和历史以及Gyre的摘要和模式使用的格式 文件夹。虽然qpmg提供了一些选项,但它是用于快速检查的 而不是出版高质量的情节。查看中可用列的列表 一个文件,对给定的文件运行qpmg。默认值将导致错误 显示可用列。



-h, --helpshow this help message and exit
-x X, -y YColumn(s) to use for the x and y variables. The code loops through however many x and y keys you give (inner loop over x, outer loop over y) but most of the time you probably only want one x variable.
--xlabel XLABEL, --ylabel YLABEL
Overrides the axis label with the given string. Accepts spaces. i.e. ‘effective temperature’ is OK. Default is to use the first argument of ^{tt5}$/^{tt6}$.
--legend LABELS
If ^{tt7}$, add a legend using the filenames as keys. Otherwise, use the arguments as a list of keys. Default is no legend.
--style STYLEpoint style, passed to plot function (default=-)
--scale-x SCALE_X
multiply variables on x-axis by this much (default=1)
--scale-y SCALE_Y
multiply variables on y-axis by this much (default=1)
--flip-xreverse the x-axis
--flip-yreverse the y-axis
--plotter PLOTTER
use ^{tt8}$ to plot (one of ^{tt9}$, ^{tt10}$, ^{tt11}$ or ^{tt12}$, default=plot)
--title TITLEAdds the given title to the plot. Accepts spaces. i.e. ^{tt13}$ is OK. Default is no title.
--style-file STYLE_FILE
Specifies a matplotlib style file to load.



pip install qpmg

您还可以克隆此github repo:

git clone https://github.com/warrickball/qpmg.git
cd qpmg
pip install -e .


最后,程序完全被限制在脚本qpmg中, 所以你可以下载这个文件,然后随意使用。为了 例如,我将$HOME/.local/bin保存在$PATH变量中,因此 可能使用

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warrickball/qpmg/master/qpmg -O $HOME/.local/bin

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