


  • Proper setuptools-compatible package layout.
  • py.test-based tests.
  • buildout for managing development tools or developing multiple-package projects
  • Usage of the Travis-CI continuous integration service.

请注意,同一模板可通过this repositorycookiecutter一起使用。



$ easy_install python_boilerplate_template

请注意,该包是paster工具的插件paster工具由PasteScript包提供(它将随python_boilerplate_template一起自动安装)。可执行文件paster应该出现在python的bin/(在windows Scripts/)目录中。可能需要将该目录添加到PATH中才能运行可执行文件。



$ paster create -t python_boilerplate <project_name>


  +-- .gitignore           # Git configuration
  +-- .travis.yml          # Travis-CI configuration
  +-- bootstrap.py         # Buildout bootstrap-script
  +-- buildout.cfg         # Buildout project configuration
  +-- setup.cfg            # Configuration for py.test and other tools
  +-- README.md            # Information on how to use the project
  +-- src/                 # Directory for keeping (possible multiple) project eggs
      +- <egg_name>/       # First egg of the project
         +-- package/      # Python source files
         +-- tests/        # Tests
         +-- .gitignore    # Git configuration
         +-- .travis.yml   # Travis-CI configuration
         +-- setup.cfg     # Configuration for py.test and other tools
         +-- setup.py      # Package metadata
         +-- MANIFEST.in   # Files to include in the package
         +-- README.rst    # Package description
         +-- LICENSE.txt   # License
         +-- CHANGELOG.txt # Changelog




  1. For smaller single-package projects you might want to keep only the Python’s package code (i.e. ^{tt13}$) under version control, and consider the rest (the ^{tt14}$ and all that comes with it) to be your local development environment.
  2. For larger projects you should consider keeping the whole development environment (including ^{tt14}$, perhaps several eggs under ^{tt16}$, docs in ^{tt17}$, etc) under version control.


  • Create a version control repository under ^{tt13}$. Here is an example with Git:

    > cd src/<egg_name>
    > git init
    > git add .
    > git commit -m "Initial package structure"

    If you are using Github, proceed by creating a <your-project> repository on the Github website, and then doing:

    > git remote add origin https://github.com/<username>/<your-project>.git
    > git push origin master
  • You can safely delete the ^{tt19}$ file in the root of the project (but leave the one within the ^{tt13}$ directory).


  • Create a version control repository under the project root. The Git/Github example above applies, except for the first ^{tt21}$ line.
  • Drop ^{tt19}$ from the ^{tt13}$ directory (leave the one in the project root).





完成准备工作后,可以通过运行python bootstrap.py然后运行buildout开始开发。见下一节。


  • Setting up the development environment before first use:

    > python bootstrap.py
    > export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
        (in Windows: set PATH=%CD%\bin;%PATH%)
    > buildout
  • Running tests
    Tests are kept in the tests directory and are run using:
    > py.test
  • Creating Sphinx documentation:

    > sphinx-quickstart
    (Fill in the values, edit documentation, add it to version control)
    (Generate documentation by something like "cd docs; make html")

    (See this guide for more details)

  • Specifying dependencies for your package:
    Edit the ^{tt32}$ line in ^{tt28}$ by listing all the dependent packages.
  • Producing executable scripts:
    Edit the ^{tt34}$ section of ^{tt35}$ in ^{tt28}$. Then run ^{tt31}$. The corresponding scripts will be created in the ^{tt8}$ subdirectory. Note that the boilerplate project already contains one dummy script as an example.
  • Debugging the code manually:
    Simply run ^{tt39}$. This generated interpreter script has the project package included in the path.
  • Publishing the package on Pypi:

    > cd src/<egg_name>
    > python setup.py register sdist upload
  • Creating an egg or a windows installer for the package:

    > cd src/<egg_name>
    > python setup.py bdist_egg
    > python setup.py bdist_wininst
  • Travis-CI integration:
    To use the Travis-CI continuous integration service, follow the instructions at the Travis-CI website to register an account and connect your Github repository to Travis. The boilerplate code contains a minimal ^{tt19}$ configuration file that might help you get started.
  • Other tools:
    The initial ^{tt14}$ includes several useful code-checking tools under the ^{tt42}$ section. Adapt this list to your needs (remember to run ^{tt31}$ each time you change ^{tt14}$).
  • Working with setup.py:
    If you are working on a small project you might prefer to drop the whole ^{tt31}$ business completely and only work from within the package directory (i.e. make ^{tt46}$ your project root). In this case you should know that you can use
    > python setup.py develop

    to include the package into the system-wide Python path. Once this is done, you can run tests via:

    > python setup.py test

    Finally, to remove the package from the system-wide Python path, run:

    > python setup.py develop -u
  • Developing multi-package projects:
    Sometimes you might need to split your project into several packages, or use a customized version of some package in your project. In this case, put additional packages as subdirectories of ^{tt12}$ alongside the original ^{tt13}$, and register them in ^{tt14}$. For example, if you want to add a new package to your project, do
    > cd src/
    > cookiecutter https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage.git
    > paster create <new_package_name>

    Then add ^{tt50}$ to version control and add the directory ^{tt50}$ to the ^{tt52}$ list in ^{tt14}$. Also, if necessary, add ^{tt54}$ to the ^{tt55}$ part of ^{tt14}$ and mention it in the ^{tt57}$ configuration section of ^{tt58}$.

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