


我之所以构建它,是因为还没有真正工作的python adc协议实现,最近的是python adc。该模块还没有完成,与本项目完全没有关系,该模块已经过测试,可用于adc协议的所有基本功能。





首先,因为这需要adc基本上用于所有事情的tiger树散列,所以需要在linux上安装libmhash dev。我还没有在windows或mac上测试过。如果在基于ubuntu/debian的linux上,install-in终端如下:

sudo apt-get install libmhash-dev python-dev

现在,单独安装python mhash,因为它不再与pip一起工作:

wget http://labix.org/download/python-mhash/python-mhash-1.4.tar.gz
tar -xzvf python-mhash-1.4.tar.gz
cd python-mhash-1.4
sudo python setup.py install


sudo pip install pyadc


tiger 0.3 - sudo pip install tiger
enum34 1.0 - sudo pip install enum34



#!/usr/bin/env python

from pyadc.client import Clients

def main():
    clientlist = Clients() # Create new instance of Client
    clientlist.makeclient("adcs://somehub.com:5000", "username", "somepass", "No files to share", events)

if __name__ == "__main__":



events = {
'onconnected': onconnected, # parameter: hubaddress(string)
'onconnecting': onconnecting, # parameter: hubaddress(string)
'ondisconnected': ondisconnected, # parameter: hubaddress(string)
'oniprecvd': oniprecvd, # parameters: hubaddress(string), sessionid(string), ip(string)
'onjoin': onjoin, # parameters: hubaddress(string) and username(string)
'onprivatemessage': onprivatemessage, # parameters: hubaddress(string), user(object), message(string)
'onprivateemote': onprivateemote, # parameters: hubaddress(string), user(object), message(string)
'onpublicmessage': onpublicmessage, # parameters: hubaddress(string), user(object), message(string)
'onpublicemote': onpublicemote, # parameters: hubaddress(string), user(object), message(string)
'onpart': onpart, # parameters: hubaddress(string), username(string)
'onredirect': onredirect, # parameters: new hubaddress(string)
'onpassword': onpassword, # parameters: hubaddress(string)
'onstatusmessage': onstatusmessage, # parameters: hubaddress(string), status code(integer), status message(string)
'onbadpass': onbadpass, # parameters: hubaddress(string)
'ontopic': ontopic, # parameters: hubaddress(string), topic(string)
'onhubname': onhubname # parameters: hubaddress(string), hubname(string)
cl.events = events


def onprivatemessage(hubaddress, user, message):


class ADCHandler:

    def __init__(self, example):
        self.examplevar = example

    def onconnected(self, hubaddress):
        #do stuff here...

def main():
    clientlist = Clients()
    clientlist.makeclient("adcs://somehub.com:5000", "username", "somepass", "No files to share", ADCHandler(examplevar))



clients.getclientbyaddress(hubaddress) # Retrieves the Client class of hubaddress, same as given to event functions
clients.getaddressfromname(hubname) # Retreives the hubaddress from the given hub name sent by the hub.
clients.makeclient(address, username, password, description, events=None, owner="", pid="") Creates and returns new Client object, also issues connect().



client.clientinfo # variable to access the ClientInfo Class [Object]
client.hubinfo # variable to access the HubInfo Class[Object]
client.nicklist # Variable to access the NickList class and the findbyusername function [Object]
client.sid # The Client's Session ID given by the hub upon connecting [String]
client.isconnected # Variable to check if the client is connected or not [Boolean]
client.debug # Variable to turn on/off the debug feature, shows all raw data going in and out of the library, default is False [Boolean]
client.events # Dictionary of events, as described above for the library to call at certain points. [Dictionary]
client.connect() # Start connection function
client.disconnect() # Immediately close connection
client.sendmainchatmessage(message, emote=False) # Send a message to the main public chat, emote defaults to false, set to true to send as /me command
client.sendprivatemessagebyclass(user, message, emote=False) # Send a private message to user, this uses the user object and not a string username, emote defaults to false, set to true to send as /me command
client.sendprivatemessage(username, message, emote=False) # Send private message to username given, this uses the string username instead of the user object, emote defaults to false, set to true to send as /me command
client.sendprivatemainchatmessagebyclass(user, message) # Send a mainchat message to a specific user (only seen by that user) using the user object
client.sendprivatemainchatmessage(username, message) # Send a mainchat message to a specific user (only seen by that user) using the string username



user = cl.nicklist.findbyusername(username)



user.ip # IPv4 address (Currently IPv6 is not supported) [String]
user.port # IPv4 Port [Integer]
user.sharesize # Share Size in bytes [Integer]
user.sharedfiles # Number of Shared Files [Integer]
user.tag # Client Identification
user.maxuploadspeed # Maximum Uplod Speed in bits/sec [Integer]
user.openslots # Number of Open slots user has [Integer]
user.autoslots # Automatic slot allocator speed limit in bytes/sec [Integer]
user.maxopenslots # Maximum number of slots open in automatic slot manager mode [Integer]
user.email # User's email [String]
user.username # Username of user, only used for display purposes [String]
user.description # User's description [String]
user.hubsnormal # Number of hubs user is unregistered in [Integer]
user.hubsreg # Number of hubs user is registered in [Integer]
user.hubsop # Number of hubs user is op in [Integer]
user.hubstatus # Protocol value of what users permissions are [Integer] see: http://adc.sourceforge.net/ADC.html#_inf (CT field) for more details
user.sid # Session ID given to user from hub [String]
user.cid # Client ID generated from Private ID of client [String]
user.token # Token for Client to Client connections (Not yet supported) [String]
user.isoperator #  Variable if user is an operator in the hub or not [Boolean]
user.ishidden # Variable is user is hidden in hub [Boolean]
user.isaway # Variable if user is st to away [Boolean]
user.isbot # Variable if user is a bot or not [Boolean]
user.supportlist # List of protocols supported by client. [List]
user.downloadlist # List of downloads (Currently not supported) [List]



hubinfo.hubsupports # List of protocols that the hub supports [List]
hubinfo.hubname # Name of the hub [String]
hubinfo.topic # Topic of the hub [String]
hubinfo.hubversion # Version of the hub [String]
hubinfo.lastmessage # Last message sent by the hub [String]



clientinfo.hostname # The Hostname of the hub without scheme or port number [String]
clientinfo.do_ssl # Variable on whether or not the address given to the hubaddress function requires ssl/tls [Boolean]
clientinfo.port # port given to the hubaddress function [Integer]
clientinfo.username # Username to connect with [String]
clientinfo.password # Password to send upon connecting [String]
clientinfo.description # Description to set for user connecting [String]
clientinfo.email # Email of user
clientinfo.reconnectondisconnect # If disconnected reconnect [Boolean]
clientinfo.share # Share size in bytes (default is clientinfo.ShareSize.Empty) [Integer]
clientinfo.followredirects # Follow redirects if any are given to the library [Boolean]
clientinfo.respondtorevconnecttome # Respond to Reverse Connect To Me's, always false, no support for this option yet [Boolean]
clientinfo.clientport # To be used later for client-to-client connections, currently defaults to 1337 [Integer]
clientinfo.client_pid # Private ID for client [String]
clientinfo.client_cid # Client ID for client [String]
clientinfo.hubaddress() # Function to either get or set the Hub Address to connect to. e.g. addy = clientinfo.hubaddress() or clientinfo.hubaddress("adcs://somehub.com:500")

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