



  • 从mds中读取基本公式
  • 从\u mds\u plus
  • OMFIT_pcs_形状
  • 从你的搜索中读到基本的均衡
  • x点搜索
  • x点快速搜索
  • 奥姆菲特克德斯克
  • 奥姆菲塔伊德斯克
  • 乌姆菲茨克
  • 乌姆菲特克德斯克
  • 奥菲特梅奇德斯克
  • OMFITseqdsk公司
  • 通量表面
  • fluxSurfaceTraces公司
  • 边界形状
  • 边界形状
  • 磁通量
  • 罗兹米勒
  • miller_衍生


  • fortranformat>;=0.2
  • matplotlib>;=3.1,!=3.2.1,!=3.2.2
  • 数量=1.12
  • omas>;=0.67.0
  • 0.0英寸=1英寸
  • 不确定性>;=3
  • xarray>;=0.10.8
  • omfit_ascii==2020.
  • omfit_路径==2020.
  • omfit_nc==2020.
  • omfit_namelist==2020.
  • omfit_mds==2020.
  • omfit_数据==2020.
  • omfit_错误==2020.
  • omfit_commonclasses==2020.




Read basic equilibrium data from MDSplus
This is a lightweight function for reading simple data from all EFIT slices at once without making g-files.

:param device: str
    The tokamak that the data correspond to ('DIII-D', 'NSTX', etc.)

:param server: str [Optional, special purpose]
    MDSplus server to draw data from. Use this if you are connecting to a
    server that is not recognized by the tokamak() command, like vidar,
    EAST_US, etc. If this is None, it will be copied from device.

:param shot: int
    Shot number from which to read data

:param tree: str
    Name of the MDSplus tree to connect to, like 'EFIT01', 'EFIT02', 'EFIT03', ...

:param g_file_quantities: list of strings
    Quantities to read from the sub-tree corresponding with the EFIT g-file.
    Example: ['r', 'z', 'rhovn']

:param a_file_quantities: list of strings
    Quantities to read from the sub-tree corresponding with the EFIT a-file.
    Example: ['area']

:param measurements: list of strings
    Quantities to read from the MEASUREMENTS tree.
    Example: ['fccurt']

:param derived_quantities: list of strings
    Derived quantities to be calculated and returned.
    This script understands a limited set of simple calculations: 'time', 'psin', 'psin1d'
    Example: ['psin', 'psin1d', 'time']

:param other_results: list of strings
    Other quantities to be gathered from the parent tree that holds gEQDSK and aEQDSK.
    Example: ['DATE_RUN']

:param quiet: bool

:param get_all_meas: bool
    Fetch measurement signals according to its time basis which includes extra time slices that failed to fit.
    The time 'axis' will be avaliabe in ['mtimes']

:param toksearch_mds: OMFITtoksearch instance
    An already fetched and loaded OMFITtoksearch object, expected to have
    fetched all of the signals for the mdsValues in this file.

:param allow_shot_tree_translation: bool
    Allow the real shot and tree to be translated to the fake shot stored in the EFIT tree

:return: dict

从\u mds\u plus







Improve accuracy of X-point coordinates by upsampling a region of the fluxmap around the initial estimate

Needs some sort of initial estimate to define a search region

:param rgrid: 1d float array
    R coordinates of the grid
:param zgrid: 1d float array
    Z coordinates of the grid
:param psigrid: 2d float array
    psi values corresponding to rgrid and zgrid
:param r_center: float
    Center of search region in r; units should match rgrid. Defaults to result of x_point_quick_search()
:param z_center: float
    Center of the search region in z.
:param dr: float
    Half width of the search region in r. Defaults to about 5 grid cells.
:param dz:
    Half width of the search region in z. Defaults to about 5 grid cells.
:param zoom: int
    Scaling factor for upsample
:param kw: additional keywords passed to x_point_quick_search r_center and z_center are not given.
:return: two element float array
    Higher quality estimate for the X-point R,Z coordinates with units matching rgrid


Make a quick and dirty estimate for x-point position to guide higher quality estimation

The goal is to identify the primary x-point to within a grid cell or so

:param rgrid: 1d float array
    R coordinates of the grid

:param zgrid: 1d float array
    Z coordinates of the grid

:param psigrid: 2d float array
    psi values corresponding to rgrid and zgrid

:param psi_boundary: float [optional]
    psi value on the boundary; helps distinguish the primary x-point from other field nulls
    If this is not provided, you may get the wrong x-point.

:param psi_boundary_weight: float
    Sets the relative weight of matching psi_boundary compared to minimizing B_pol.
    1 gives ~equal weight after normalizing Delta psi by grid spacing and r (to make it comparable to B_pol in
    the first place)
    10 gives higher weight to psi_boundary, which might be nice if you keep locking onto the secondary x-point.
    Actually, it seems like the outcome isn't very sensitive to this weight. psi_boundary is an adequate tie
    breaker between two B_pol nulls with weights as low as 1e-3 for some cases, and it's not strong enough to move
    the quick estiamte to a different grid cell on a 65x65 with weights as high as 1e2. Even then, the result is
    still close enough to the True X-point that the higher quality algorithm can find the same answer. So, just
    leave this at 1.

:param zsign: int
    If you know the X-point you want is on the top or the bottom, you can pass in 1 or -1 to exclude
    the wrong half of the grid.

:return: two element float array
    Low quality estimate for the X-point R,Z coordinates with units matching rgrid


Returns the native COCOS that an unmodified gEQDSK would obey, defined by sign(Bt) and sign(Ip)
In order for psi to increase from axis to edge and for q to be positive:
All use sigma_RpZ=+1 (phi is counterclockwise) and exp_Bp=0 (psi is flux/2.*pi)
We want
sign(psi_edge-psi_axis) = sign(Ip)*sigma_Bp > 0  (psi always increases in gEQDSK)
sign(q) = sign(Ip)*sign(Bt)*sigma_rhotp > 0      (q always positive in gEQDSK)
    Bt    Ip    sigma_Bp    sigma_rhotp    COCOS
    +1    +1       +1           +1           1
    +1    -1       -1           -1           3
    -1    +1       +1           -1           5
    -1    -1       -1           +1           7


Automatically determine the type of an EFIT file and parse it with the appropriate class.
It is faster to just directly use the appropriate class. Using the right class also avoids problems because some
files technically can be parsed with more than one class (no exceptions thrown), giving junk results.

:param filename: string
    Name of the file on disk, including path

:param EFITtype: string
    Letter giving the type of EFIT file, like 'g'. Should be in 'gamks'.
    If None, then the first letter in the filename is used to determine the file type
    If this is also not helping, then a brute-force load is attempted

:param strict: bool
    Filename (not including path) must include the letter giving the file type.
    Prevents errors like using sEQDSK to parse g133221.01000, which might otherwise be possible.

:param \**kw: Other keywords to pass to the class that is chosen.

:return: OMFIT*eqdsk instance


class used to interface A files generated by EFIT

:param filename: filename passed to OMFITascii class

:param \**kw: keyword dictionary passed to OMFITascii class


class used to interface G files generated by EFIT

:param filename: filename passed to OMFITascii class

:param \**kw: keyword dictionary passed to OMFITascii class


class used to interface with K files used by EFIT

:param filename: filename passed to OMFITascii class

:param \**kw: keyword dictionary passed to OMFITascii class


class used to interface M files generated by EFIT
:param filename: filename passed to OMFITascii class

:param \**kw: keyword dictionary passed to OMFITascii class


class used to interface S files generated by EFIT

:param filename: filename passed to OMFITascii class

:param \**kw: keyword dictionary passed to OMFITascii class


Trace flux surfaces and calculate flux-surface averaged and geometric quantities
Inputs can be tables of PSI and Bt or an OMFITgeqdsk file




Function used to generate boundary shapes based on `T. C. Luce, PPCF, 55 9 (2013)`
Direct Python translation of the IDL program /u/luce/idl/

:param a: minor radius

:param eps: aspect ratio

:param kapu: upper elongation

:param lkap: lower elongation

:param delu: upper triangularity

:param dell: lower triangularity

:param zetaou: upper outer squareness

:param zetaiu: upper inner squareness

:param zetail: lower inner squareness

:param zetaol: lower outer squareness

:param zoffset: z-offset

:param upnull: toggle upper x-point

:param lonull: toggle lower x-point

:param npts: int
    number of points (per quadrant)

:param doPlot: plot boundary shape construction

:param newsq: A 4 element array, into which the new squareness values are stored

:return: tuple with arrays of r,z,zref

>> boundaryShape(a=0.608,eps=0.374,kapu=1.920,kapl=1.719,delu=0.769,dell=0.463,zetaou=-0.155,zetaiu=-0.255,zetail=-0.174,zetaol=-0.227,zoffset=0.000,upnull=False,lonull=False,doPlot=True)


Class used to generate boundary shapes based on `T. C. Luce, PPCF, 55 9 (2013)`


Calculate geometric properties of a single flux surface

:param inputR: R points

:param inputZ: Z points

:param lcfs: whether this is the last closed flux surface (for sharp feature of x-points)

:param doPlot: plot geometric measurements

:return: dictionary with geometric quantities


return R,Z coordinates for all flux surfaces from miller geometry coefficients in input.profiles file
based on gacode/gapy/src/gapy_geo.f90

:param a: minor radius

:param R: major radius

:param kappa: elongation

:param delta: triandularity

:param zeta: squareness

:param zmag: z offset

:param poloidal_resolution: integer with number of equispaced points in toroidal angle, or array of toroidal angles

:return: 1D arrays with (R, Z) flux surface coordinates


Originally adapted by A. Tema from FORTRAN of gacode/shared/GEO/GEO_do.f90

:param rmin: minor radius

:param rmaj: major radius

:param kappa: elongation

:param delta: triangularity

:param zeta: squareness

:param zmag: z magnetic axis

:param q: safety factor

:return: dictionary with volume, grad_r0, bp0, bt0

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