

gaplint根据 一些约定,有些是可配置的。它印证了自然 以及违反这些规定的任何实例的位置 约定(详见下文)。



$ pip install gaplint



$ gaplint --help



# gaplint: disable = all

在包含任何代码的任何行之前打开文件。全部 默认情况下启用规则。

CodeNameRule Description
^{tt2}$^{tt3}$Warns if there are declared local variables that are not used or assigned but not used
^{tt4}$^{tt5}$Warns if there are consecutive empty lines
^{tt6}$^{tt7}$Warns if there is a line which is longer than the configured maximum (defaults to 80)
^{tt8}$^{tt9}$Warns if a line is under indented
^{tt10}$^{tt11}$Warns if there are assignments in consecutive lines that are not aligned
^{tt12}$^{tt13}$Warns if there are trailing comments in consecutive lines that are not aligned
^{tt14}$^{tt15}$Warns if there are non-trailing comments in consecutive lines that are not aligned
^{tt16}$^{tt17}$Warns if there is trailing whitespace at the end of a line
^{tt18}$^{tt19}$Warns if there is no space after any number of # is a line
^{tt20}$^{tt21}$Warns if there is not enough space before the first # in any line (defaults to 2)
^{tt22}$^{tt23}$Warns if a comma is followed by more than one space
^{tt24}$^{tt25}$Warns if a comma is preceded by a space
^{tt26}$^{tt27}$Warns if there is a space after an opening bracket
^{tt28}$^{tt29}$Warns if there is a space before a closing bracket
^{tt30}$^{tt31}$Warns if there is more than one semicolon in a line
^{tt32}$^{tt33}$Warns if the keyword function is not followed by an open bracket
^{tt34}$^{tt35}$Warns if there is not exactly one space after an assignment (:=)
^{tt36}$^{tt37}$Warns if there are tabs
^{tt38}$^{tt39}$Warns if the keywords function and local appear in the same line
^{tt40}$^{tt41}$Warns if there is not exactly one space either side of a minus (-) operator
^{tt42}$^{tt43}$Warns if there is not exactly one space either side of a plus (+) operator
^{tt44}$^{tt45}$Warns if there is not exactly one space either side of a multiply (*) operator
^{tt46}$^{tt47}$Warns if there is not exactly one space preceding a negative (-) operator
^{tt48}$^{tt49}$Warns if there is not exactly one space either side of a less-than (<) operator
^{tt50}$^{tt51}$Warns if there is not exactly one space either side of a less-than / equal-to (<=) operator
^{tt52}$^{tt53}$Warns if there is not exactly one space either side of a greater-than(>) operator
^{tt54}$^{tt55}$Warns if there is not exactly one space either side of greater than or equal to (>=) operator
^{tt56}$^{tt57}$Warns if there is not exactly one space either side of equals (=) operator
^{tt58}$^{tt59}$Warns if there is not exactly one space either side of mapping (->) operator
^{tt60}$^{tt61}$Warns if there is not exactly one space either side of divide (/) operator
^{tt62}$^{tt63}$Warns if there is not exactly one space either side of the power (^) operator
^{tt64}$^{tt65}$Warns if there is not exactly one space either side of not-equal (<>) operator
^{tt66}$^{tt67}$Warns if there is not exactly one space either side of arithmetic progression (..) operator


某些参数可以被配置,例如 每行允许字符数。默认情况下启用所有规则,但可以 在命令行、文件本身中的注释或 配置文件.gaplint.yml


  • ^ TT69}$:每行最大字符数。默认值为80
  • < $ }:最大警告数之前 中止。默认值为1000
  • indentation:嵌套语句的最小缩进。默认值 到2
  • disable:可以使用规则的名称或代码禁用规则。 默认为不禁用任何规则


您可以在不同的位置更改配置,顺序是 它们的优先级由下面描述的层次结构控制。一个 在等级制度中给予比其他地方更高的优先权 优先权。禁用的规则通过层次结构累积。



这些首选项将仅应用于gaplint的一次运行(尽管 在此运行中可能会对多个文件进行lint)。将gaplint配置为运行 在file1file2,…,使用上面示例中的首选项,我们 在命令行中输入以下命令:

gaplint --columns=100 --indentation=4 --disable=W002,W028 file1 file2 ...


任何规则,包括all,都可以针对特定行或 整个文件:

  • 若要对给定行抑制规则,请在该行之后包含以下内容 要禁止规则的代码数:

    # gaplint: disable=<name_or_code>, <name_or_code> ...
  • 如果上面的代码太长,不适合在相关代码行之后, 可以在上面的行中为下面的行声明抑制 包括(nextline)

    # gaplint: disable(nextline)=<name_or_code>, <name_or_code>, ...
  • 如果给定行的规则已被抑制,则使用 in line和nextline选项,两个规则集的并集 将对线路禁用“给定抑制”。

  • 要取消整个文件的规则,必须包括以下内容 在编写任何代码之前(即作为间隙的第一行 文件,或前面只有空格的任意组合,为空 行和注释):

    # gaplint: disable=<name_or_code>, <name_or_code>, ...


To configure ^{tt1}$ as in the above examples, create a ^{tt68}$ file containing the following lines:


gaplint在当前文件中查找.gaplint.yml文件 目录及其祖先,直到它到达包含 找到了git存储库或.gaplint.yml文件。如果 没有.gaplint.yml文件,则为默认配置 使用选项。在.gaplint.yml中配置的选项有 应用于当前运行gaplint的每个文件 目录,除非在层次结构中被否决。

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