


当我的工作组将问题跟踪转移到jira时,这对项目来说是个福音。 但也带来了一些重大的发展摩擦。吉拉是 强大,但不快。完成任何事情大约需要12次点击 而且似乎每个ui交互都涉及到大量的数据库更新。

flow-tools作为两个脚本启动,以自动化常见的耗时 与吉拉的互动。其中包括两个Gerrit->;Jira 集成也一样。


usage: flow-tools [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-v] <command> ...

Command line client to automate parts of our agile workflow.

positional arguments:
                        Walk the list of merges on master for the given user.
                        Look for tags in the commit message indicating that
                        the commit closes/resolves an issue. Then login to
                        jira and close those issues if they are not already
                        For each issue closed in a release, set the "Fixed
                        Release" field of jira
                        Get a list of all mentioned users in the issue
                        comments and description, and add any to the watcher
                        list that are not already watchers.
    print-releases      Parse tags on the gerrit remote and print a sorted
                        list of version strings, using the pattern and sort
                        functions from the config file.
    release-notes       Show a list of commit message summaries for each
                        commit in the series between one version and another.
    issues-in-release   Show a list of issues that were closed in a release.
                        In particular, lookup all commits that went into a
                        release (since the common ancestor with the previous
                        release). For each commit, get the list of issues
                        closed or resolved through commit message meta data.
                        These are the issues considered "in" the release.
                        Monitor changes on gerrit for tags indicating
                        associated issues that are resolved by those changes.
                        As a change moves through the gerrit workflow, move
                        the associated issue through the jira workflow. Same
                        as update-jira-from-gerrit but in this case the start
                        of the period to search will the last successful time
                        we ran this command, and the end time will be right
                        Monitor changes on gerrit for tags indicating
                        associated issues that are resolved by those changes.
                        As a change moves through the gerrit workflow, move
                        the associated issue through the jira workflow.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Subcommands have their own options. Use <command> -h or <command> --help to
see specific help for each subcommand.



查找票证评论中提到的@-proj-1234 让他们看那张票:

flow-tools add-mentions-to-watchers PROJ-1234



Closes: bug-1234, bug-1235, bug-1236
Resolves: bug-1237, bug-1238

集成脚本将读取提交消息并为这些标记解析它们。 对于提到的任何问题,该问题将在jira中移动到 “在审查中”。然后,一旦合并了更改,任何相关联的票据 在“关闭”中,将移动到“关闭”,并且“解决”中提到的任何票据 将移至“已解决”。


flow-tools update-jira-from-gerrit --project my_project \
    --start-time "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' -d '-10 days')" \
    --end-time "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' -d '-10 days')"

以增量方式扫描gerrit更改(自上次运行 命令或1周(如果这是您第一次运行):

flow-tools increment-jira-from-gerrit --project my_project

对于gerrit/jira集成,您可以设置一个cron作业来批处理高级问题 基于他们的gerrit状态:

crontab -e

下面是一个简单的cron作业,它将在每个 小时:

# Minute   Hour   Day of Month       Month          Day of Week        Command
# (0-59)  (0-23)     (1-31)    (1-12 or Jan-Dec)  (0-6 or Sun-Sat)
12 * * * * flow-tools increment-jira-from-gerrit --project my_project >> /path/to/flow_tools.log





# URL for the database that sqlalchemy should use. The database is used to
# cache certain objects fetched from either the gerrit or jira REST APIs
# and to store some state for doing incremental jobs.
db_url = "sqlite:////home/user/.flowtools/db.sqlite",

# Jira rest configuration. These are passed directly as kwargs to the
# jira rest client constructor.
jira = {
  "auth" : {
    "url" : "https://company.atlassian.net",
    "username" : "user+robo",
    "password" : "abc123!@#",

  # The nominal flow of a jira ticket from the perspective of gerrit/jira
  # integration. This is used to prevent any "backwards" movement of a
  # ticket in the event that a human being changes the status of a ticket
  # before the integration script does.
  "nominal-flow" : {
    "PROJA": {
      "New": [
        "In Progress",
        "In Review",
        "Verify (QA)",
      "Open": [
        "In Progress",
        "In Review",
        "Verify (QA)",
      "In Progress": [
        "In Review",
        "Verify (QA)",
      "In Review": [
        "Verify (QA)",
      "Verify (QA)": [


gerrit = {
  # Gerrit rest configuration. The password is the http password added to
  # gerrit for the account. You can add an http password to an account
  # through either the web UI or command line tools.
  "rest" : {
    "url" : "https://gerrit.company.com",
    "username" : "user+robo",
    "password" : "ABDCEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZXabcdefghjijklmnopqurst"

  # Gerrit ssh connection information.
  "ssh" : {
    "host" : "gerrit.company.com",
    "port" : 29418

gerrit_jira = {
  # Maps commit change message tags to jira ticket status that a ticket
  # should be transitioned to in the event that a gerrit change is
  # merged.
  "tag-map": {
    "Closes": "Closed",
    "Resolves": "QA (Resolved)"

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