


DouG: Document image auGmentation.

  • 小角度旋转(±45°以内)
    Small angle rotate (within 45 degrees)

  • 横向纵向光照渐变加权
    Horizontal and vertical light gradient weighting

  • 图像区域复制粘贴
    Copy a image patch then paste on current one under mask

  • 删除标签中的某一类或若干类 Delete one or several labels

  • 某一类或若干类目标放大 Zoom in one or serval class in labels, with edges slightly extended. ^{}

  • 图像添加水印
    Add watermark to the current image.

  • 模拟移动设备拍照轻微抖动,造成图像的模糊效果
    Simulate a blurry photo taken by a hand shake and return a new image

  • 夜间拍照闪光灯效果(局部高亮) Simulation to generate a night flash effect on an image(Local highlighting)

  • 夜间拍摄图像黑暗系噪点风格
    Simulates the effect of night noise when taking photos with mobile devices at night ^{}

  • hsv颜色增强
    Given a numpy ndarray image, change it's HSV color space with fraction.

  • 添加目标上方的遮挡 Generate occlusion by fit another image patch onto current one ^{}

  • 修正图像标签中的噪声 Fix mask pixel contamination caused by image compression or cv2/PIL interpolation.

  • 图像变形算法

small_angle_rotate(imgs, angle, prob=0.5, use_bbox=False):

Rotate the given image as well as labels(mask or keypoints) with
a fixed or random small angle (within 45°). Auto generating new
bounding boxes based on mask and keypoints is supported.

data : dict of str, numpy.ndarray
    {"image": image, "mask": mask/None, "keypoints": points/None}
    Image and labels(mask or keypoints) to be rotated.
    The shape of image can be (height, width, chanel) if data format
    is RGB/RGBA or (height, width) if GRAY. Mask is a pixel-level
    label array with shape of (height, width). Keypoints contain
    points of polygon labels with shape of (n_labels, n_coordinates).
    Coordinates should be in order of [x1, y1, x2, y2 ...], clockwise.
angle : int or tuple of int
    Randomly rotate target by angle (int angle) or within
    [angle[0], angle[1]] (tuple angle).
prob : float, optional
    Probability of this augmentation.
bg_mask : int or float, optional
    Background pixel value in mask. Only used when rotating mask and
    use_bbox is True.
use_bbox : bool, optional
    If True, adding a new 'bbox' key in data as the bounding box
    of rotated mask or keypoint coordinates.

data : dict of str, numpy.ndarray
    {"image": image, "mask": mask/None, "keypoints": points/None}
    Image and labels after this modification.
    if use_bbox is True, the dict contains 2 extra values:
    "bbox": bounding box
    "bbox_index": bounding box index corresponding to labels' class

To avoid coordinates disorder and generating too much space, the
angle should be in range of [-45, 45]. Above or below the range
will be clipped.
This function supports converting rotated mask to bounding box by
separating class from mask images and finding connected components.
The procedure may miss small objects and split obscured instances.
Using keypoints to generate new bounding boxes is highly recommended.

>>> import doug
>>> import cv2
>>> image = cv2.imread('img.jpg')
>>> mask = cv2.imread('img_mask.jpg')
>>> keypoints = np.array([[100, 100, 100, 200, 200, 200, 200, 100]])
>>> imgs = {"image":image, "mask":mask, "keypoints":keypoints}
>>> imgs_after = doug.small_angle_rotate(imgs, (-10, 15), 0.8, True)

horizontal_light_gradient(image: np.ndarray, prob=0.5, light_scale=None, space_type=LIGHT_LINEAR):

Add a horizontal light gradient to the given image.  

image : numpy.ndarray,
    Image to be modified.
    The shape of image can be (height, width, chanel) if data format
    is RGB/RGBA or (height, width) if GRAY.
prob : float, optional
    Probability of this augmentation.
light_scale : int or float or tuple of int or tuple of float or None, optional
    Light gradient range.
    If the type is int, the range will be calculated by light_scale
    and -1*light_scale. If tuple, the range will be calculated by
    light_scale[0] and light_scale[1]. If None, this function will
    randomly choose an int value related to the mean value of image
    pixels, then calculate the range.
space_type : int, optional
    :parameter from doug.core.DouG
    If doug.LIGHT_LINEAR, the gradient range will be
    [-light_scale, light_scale].
    If doug.LIGHT_LOG, the gradient range will be
    [log(1/light_scale), log(light_scale)].

image : numpy.ndarray
    Image after this modification.

LIGHT_LINEAR and LIGHT_LOG generate different kinds of light gradient.
The former one is more smooth while another is more sharp at one end.

>>> import doug
>>> import cv2
>>> image = cv2.imread('img.jpg')
>>> imgs_after = doug.horizontal_light_gradient(image, 0.8, 0.1, doug.LIGHT_LOG)

vertical_light_gradient(image: np.ndarray, prob=0.5, light_scale=None, space_type=LIGHT_LINEAR):

Add a vertical light gradient to the given image.

image : numpy.ndarray,
    Image to be modified.
    The shape of image can be (height, width, chanel) if data format
    is RGB/RGBA or (height, width) if GRAY.
prob : float, optional
    Probability of this augmentation.
light_scale : int or float or tuple of int or tuple of float or None, optional
    Light gradient range.
    If the type is int or float, the range will be calculated by
    light_scale and -1*light_scale. If tuple, the range will be
    calculated by light_scale[0] and light_scale[1]. If None, this
    function will randomly choose an int value related to the mean
    value of image pixels, then calculate the range.
space_type : int, optional
    :parameter from doug.core.DouG
    If doug.LIGHT_LINEAR, the gradient range will be
    [-light_scale, light_scale].
    If doug.LIGHT_LOG, the gradient range will be
    [log(1/light_scale), log(light_scale)].

image : numpy.ndarray
    Image after this modification.

LIGHT_LINEAR and LIGHT_LOG generate different kinds of light gradient.
The former one is more smooth while another is more sharp at one end.

>>> import doug
>>> import cv2
>>> image = cv2.imread('img.jpg')
>>> imgs_after = doug.vertical_light_gradient(image, 0.8, (-100,50), doug.LIGHT_LINEAR)

copy_paste_under(data:dict, prob=0.5, cover_position=COPY_INTER, fit_method=FIT_NORMAL, image_source=None, bg_mask=0, size_ratio=(5.0 / 32, 27.0 / 32)):

Randomly copy an image patch from the original image or another given one,
then paste it on the original image. Support PNG alpha channel.
ATTENTION: The patch pixels will be slightly adjusted and when the patch
comes across the label, it will always be pasted UNDER.

data : dict of str, numpy.ndarray
    {"image": image, "mask": mask/None, "keypoints": points/None}
    Image and labels(mask or keypoints) to be rotated.
    The shape of image can be (height, width, chanel) if data format
    is RGB/RGBA or (height, width) if GRAY. Mask is a pixel-level
    label array with shape of (height, width). Keypoints contain
    points of polygon labels with shape of (n_labels, n_coordinates).
    Coordinates should be in order of [x1, y1, x2, y2 ...], clockwise.
prob : float, optional
    Probability of this augmentation.
cover_position: int, optional
    Occlusion position. See from doug.core.DouG, there are 4 settings:
    doug.COPY_INTER: the patch must intersect the mask area,
    doug.COPY_MASK_EDGE: the patch must intersect the mask edge,
    doug.COPY_IMAGE_EDGE: the patch must intersect the image edge,
    doug.COPY_RANDOM: whole image random cover.
fit_method: int, optional
    Image fitting algorithm. See from doug.core.DouG, there are 5 options:
    doug.FIT_PASTE: just paste, no special move,
    doug.FIT_NORMAL: using opencv seamlessClone: cv2.NORMAL_CLONE,
    doug.FIT_MIX: using opencv seamlessClone: cv2.MIXED_CLONE,
    doug.FIT_MONO: using opencv seamlessClone: cv2.MONOCHROME_TRANSFER,
    doug.FIT_RANDOM: randomly choose from above.
image_source : None or str or numpy.array or tuple or list of str, optional
    Another image source. The parameter could be a numpy.array image, a
    string image path, a list of image paths or a string image folder
    path that ended by '*.extension'. If None, copy from the origin.
bg_mask : int or float, optional
    Background pixel value in mask.
size_ratio: tuple of float, optional
    The minimum and maximum size ratio of the copied patch's longest size to 
    the original image.

data : dict of str, numpy.ndarray
    {"image": image, "mask": mask/None, "keypoints": points/None}
    Image and labels after this modification.

This function is used to generate more background texture feature in one
image, and man-made edge feature if cover_target is True.
If there are multiple labels on one image, the region would be a
common area generated by minimum and maximum coordinates of the

>>> import doug
>>> import cv2
>>> image = cv2.imread('img.jpg')
>>> mask = cv2.imread('img_mask.jpg')
>>> data = {"image":image, "mask":mask}
>>> data_after = doug.copy_paste_under(data, 0.5, image_source='./*.jpg',fit_method=doug.FIT_MIX,)

delete_one_class(data, class_num=None, bg_mask=0, prob=1.0, fill_type=DELETED_FILL_MEAN):

Delete one class in labels, then fill the region using certain methods.

data : dict of str, numpy.ndarray
    {"image": image, "mask": mask/None, "keypoints": points/None}
    Image and labels(mask or keypoints) to be rotated.
    The shape of image can be (height, width, chanel) if data format
    is RGB/RGBA or (height, width) if GRAY. Mask is a pixel-level
    label array with shape of (height, width). Keypoints contain
    points of polygon labels with shape of (n_labels, n_coordinates).
    Coordinates should be in order of [x1, y1, x2, y2 ...], clockwise.
class_num : None or int or tuple or list, optional
    The class to be deleted. It could be an integer class number, a
    tuple or list to be randomly chosen from or None to randomly choose
    from all classes beside background.
bg_mask : int or float, optional
    Background pixel value in mask
prob : float, optional
    Probability of this augmentation.
fill_type : str or int, optional
    The deleted area fill-in method or value. It could be 2 string
    value: doug.DELETED_FILL_MEAN: fill the area with its mean value,
    doug.DELETED_FILL_RANDOM: fill with random gaussian noise or a
    fixed integer value to fill with.

data : dict of str, numpy.ndarray
    {"image": image, "mask": mask/None, "keypoints": points/None}
    Image and labels after this modification.

Pay attention to the background color.
Let us know if there are more fill-in methods.

>>> import doug
>>> import cv2
>>> image = cv2.imread('img.jpg')
>>> mask = cv2.imread('img_mask.jpg')
>>> keypoints = np.array([[100, 100, 100, 200, 200, 200, 200, 100]])
>>> imgs = {"image":image, "mask":mask, "keypoints":keypoints}
>>> imgs_after = doug.delete_one_class(imgs, [1,], 0, 0.8, random.choice([doug.DELETED_FILL_RANDOM,doug.DELETED_FILL_MEAN]))

delete_classes(data: dict, class_num=None, bg_mask=0, prob=1.0, fill_type=DELETED_FILL_MEAN):

  Delete several classes in labels, then fill the regions using certain methods.

  data : dict of str, numpy.ndarray
      {"image": image, "mask": mask/None, "keypoints": points/None}
      Image and labels(mask or keypoints) to be rotated.
      The shape of image can be (height, width, chanel) if data format
      is RGB/RGBA or (height, width) if GRAY. Mask is a pixel-level
      label array with shape of (height, width). Keypoints contain
      points of polygon labels with shape of (n_labels, n_coordinates).
      Coordinates should be in order of [x1, y1, x2, y2 ...], clockwise.
  class_num : int or tuple or list or None, optional
      The classes to be deleted. It could be an integer class count, a
      tuple or list of classes to be deleted or None to randomly choose
      random classes beside background.
  bg_mask : int or float, optional
      Background pixel value in mask.        
  prob : float, optional
      Probability of this augmentation.
  fill_type : str or int, optional
      The deleted area fill-in method or value. It could be 2 string 
      value: doug.DELETED_FILL_MEAN: fill the area with its mean value,
      doug.DELETED_FILL_RANDOM: fill with random gaussian noise or a
      fixed integer value to fill with.

  data : dict of str, numpy.ndarray
      {"image": image, "mask": mask/None, "keypoints": points/None}
      Image and labels after this modification.

  Pay attention to the background color.
  Let us know if there are more fill-in methods.

  >>> import doug
  >>> import cv2
  >>> image = cv2.imread('img.jpg')
  >>> mask = cv2.imread('img_mask.jpg')
  >>> keypoints = np.array([[100, 100, 100, 200, 200, 200, 200, 100]])
  >>> imgs = {"image":image, "mask":mask, "keypoints":keypoints}
  >>> imgs_after = doug.delete_classes(imgs, [1,2], 0, 0.8, random.choice([doug.DELETED_FILL_RANDOM,doug.DELETED_FILL_MEAN]))

zoom_one_class(data, bg_mask=0, prob=1.0, class_num=None, padding=None, constant_size=False):

Zoom in one class in labels, with edges slightly extended.

data : dict of str, numpy.ndarray
    {"image": image, "mask": mask/None, "keypoints": points/None}
    Image and labels(mask or keypoints) to be rotated.
    The shape of image can be (height, width, chanel) if data format
    is RGB/RGBA or (height, width) if GRAY. Mask is a pixel-level
    label array with shape of (height, width). Keypoints contain
    points of polygon labels with shape of (n_labels, n_coordinates).
    Coordinates should be in order of [x1, y1, x2, y2 ...], clockwise.
bg_mask : int or float, optional
    Background pixel value in mask
prob : float, optional
    Probability of this augmentation.
class_num : None or int or tuple or list, optional
    The class to be zoomed in. It could be an integer class number, a
    tuple or list to be randomly chosen from or None to randomly choose
    from all classes beside background.
padding : None or int or tuple or list, optional
    Padding value after zooming.
constant_size : bool, optional
    Whether resize the zoomed region to the original image size.

data : dict of str, numpy.ndarray
    {"image": image, "mask": mask/None, "keypoints": points/None}
    Image and labels after this modification.

Pay attention to the background color.

>>> import doug
>>> import cv2
>>> image = cv2.imread('img.jpg')
>>> mask = cv2.imread('img_mask.jpg')
>>> keypoints = np.array([[100, 100, 100, 200, 200, 200, 200, 100]])
>>> imgs = {"image":image, "mask":mask, "keypoints":keypoints}
>>> imgs_after = doug.zoom_one_class(imgs, 1, 0, 0.8, 10, False)

zoom_classes(data, bg_mask=0, prob=1.0, class_num=None, padding=None, constant_size=False):

Zoom in several classes in labels, with edges slightly extended.

data : dict of str, numpy.ndarray
    {"image": image, "mask": mask/None, "keypoints": points/None}
    Image and labels(mask or keypoints) to be rotated.
    The shape of image can be (height, width, chanel) if data format
    is RGB/RGBA or (height, width) if GRAY. Mask is a pixel-level
    label array with shape of (height, width). Keypoints contain
    points of polygon labels with shape of (n_labels, n_coordinates).
    Coordinates should be in order of [x1, y1, x2, y2 ...], clockwise.
bg_mask : int or float, optional
    Background pixel value in mask
prob : float, optional
    Probability of this augmentation.
class_num : None or int or tuple or list, optional
    The classes to be zoomed in. It could be an integer class count, a
    tuple or list of classes to be zoomed in or None to randomly choose
    random classes beside background.
padding : None or int or tuple or list, optional
    Padding value after zooming.
constant_size : bool, optional
    Whether resize the zoomed region to the original image size.

data : dict of str, numpy.ndarray
    {"image": image, "mask": mask/None, "keypoints": points/None}
    Image and labels after this modification.

Pay attention to the background color.

>>> import doug
>>> import cv2
>>> image = cv2.imread('img.jpg')
>>> mask = cv2.imread('img_mask.jpg')
>>> keypoints = np.array([[100, 100, 100, 200, 200, 200, 200, 100]])
>>> imgs = {"image":image, "mask":mask, "keypoints":keypoints}
>>> imgs_after = doug.zoom_classes(imgs, 2, 0, 0.8, 10, False)

add_watermark(image, watermark, watermark_position=WATERMARK_RANDOM_ANCHOR, fit_method=FIT_PASTE, prob=1.0, size_ratio=(1 / 8, 1 / 2), thresh=None):

Add watermark to the current image. Support PNG alpha channel.

image : numpy.ndarray,
    Image to be modified.
    The shape of image can be (height, width, chanel) if data format
    is RGB/RGBA or (height, width) if GRAY.
watermark : str or numpy.array or tuple or list of str
    Watermark image source. The parameter could be a numpy.array image,
    a string image path, a list of image paths or a string image folder
    path that ended by '*.extension'.
prob : float, optional
    Probability of this augmentation.
watermark_position : int, optional
    Watermark watermark_positionition. See from doug.core.DouG, there are 7 anchors:
    1 random anchor: doug.WATERMARK_RANDOM_ANCHOR,
    1 random watermark_positionition:doug.WATERMARK_RANDOM_ALL.
fit_method: int, optional
    Image fitting algorithm. See from doug.core.DouG, there are 5 options:
    doug.FIT_PASTE: just paste, no special move,
    doug.FIT_NORMAL: using opencv seamlessClone: cv2.NORMAL_CLONE,
    doug.FIT_MIX: using opencv seamlessClone: cv2.MIXED_CLONE,
    doug.FIT_MONO: using opencv seamlessClone: cv2.MONOCHROME_TRANSFER,
    doug.FIT_RANDOM: randomly choose from above.
size_ratio : tuple, optional
    The minimum and maximum size ratio of the watermark to the original
thresh : int or float or None, optional
    Watermark threshold, regions in watermark image will be transparent
    if their pixel value are smaller than this threshold .

image : numpy.ndarray
    Image after this modification.

If both alpha channel and thresh are found, this function will calculate
transparent mask matrix by thresh.
Be advised that the thresh parameter only provides a minimum pixel value
threshold, only pixels have smaller values will be considered transparent.
Using PNG images with alpha channel is a more flexible approach.

>>> import doug
>>> import cv2
>>> image = cv2.imread('img.jpg')
>>> imgs_after = doug.add_watermark(image, './watermark.png', 0.8, doug.WATERMARK_UP, doug.FIT_NORMAL)

tremor_image(image, x=None, y=None):

Simulate a blurry photo taken by a hand shake and return a new image.

image: numpy.ndarray.
The shape of image can be (height, width, chanel) if data format
is RGB/RGBA or (height, width) if GRAY.
You have better use open_cv to read image.
x: int
The pixels that you want to move on x-axis
y: int
The pixels that you want to move on y-axis

new: numpy.ndarray
    Processed image

    If you don't give a x value and an y value, this function will
    automatically choose an x value and a y value.
    Boundary blur cannot avoid, but it doesn't have a great impact
    on recognition. Only a few pixels are not close to the real image.
    If you have better methods, please contact us

    >>> import cv2
    >>> import doug
    >>> image = cv2.imread('filename')
    >>> new = doug.tremor_image(image, x=1, y=1)

generate_noisy(image: np.ndarray, noise_typ: str):

"""Add noise data to the image
reference to:

    image {np.ndarray} -- Input image data. Will be converted to float.
    noise_typ {str} -- gauss, poisson, s&p, speckle
        'gauss'     Gaussian-distributed additive noise.
        'poisson'   Poisson-distributed noise generated from the data.
        's&p'       Replaces random pixels with 0 or 1.
        'speckle'   Multiplicative noise using out = image + n*image,where
                    n is uniform noise with specified mean & variance.

doug.night_noise_transform(image, init_delta=12):

Simulates the effect of night noise when taking photos with mobile devices at night

image : numpy.ndarray,
    Input Image array which data format should be (H,W,C).

init_delta : int,
    The factor that controls brightness enhancement.

image : numpy.ndarray,
    Transformed image array.

Image array data format should be (H,W,C),and C=3

>>> import doug
>>> import cv2
>>> image = cv2.imread('demo.jpg')
>>> image = doug.night_noise_transform(image, init_delta=12)

hsv_transform(image, fraction=0.50):

Given a numpy ndarray image, change it's HSV color space with fraction.

image : numpy.ndarray,
    Input Image array which data format should be (H,W,C).

fraction : float,
    Control the weight used in HSV transformation (default: {0.50}).

image : numpy.ndarray,
    Transformed image array.

Image array data format should be (H,W,C),and C=3

>>> import doug
>>> import cv2
>>> image = cv2.imread('demo.jpg')
>>> image = doug.image(image, fraction=0.8)

`doug.occlusion_paste_above(data:dict, prob=0.5, cover_position=OCCLUSION_EDGDE, fit_method=FIT_NORMAL, image_source=None, bg_mask=0, size_ratio=(1.0 / 32, 5.0 / 32)):`(image, init_delta=12):

Randomly copy an image patch from the original image or another given one,
then paste it on the original image. Support PNG alpha channel.
ATTENTION: The patch pixels will be slightly adjusted and when the patch
comes across the label, it will always be pasted ABOVE.

data : dict of str, numpy.ndarray
    {"image": image, "mask": mask/None, "keypoints": points/None}
    Image and labels(mask or keypoints) to be rotated.
    The shape of image can be (height, width, chanel) if data format
    is RGB/RGBA or (height, width) if GRAY. Mask is a pixel-level
    label array with shape of (height, width). Keypoints contain
    points of polygon labels with shape of (n_labels, n_coordinates).
    Coordinates should be in order of [x1, y1, x2, y2 ...], clockwise.
prob : float, optional
    Probability of this augmentation.
cover_position: int, optional
    Occlusion position. See from doug.core.DouG, there are 3 settings:
    doug.OCCLUSION_INTER: the patch must intersect the mask area,
    doug.OCCLUSION_EDGDE: the patch must intersect the mask edge,
    doug.OCCLUSION_RANDOM: whole image random cover.
fit_method: int, optional
    Image fitting algorithm. See from doug.core.DouG, there are 5 options:
    doug.FIT_PASTE: just paste, no special move,
    doug.FIT_NORMAL: using opencv seamlessClone: cv2.NORMAL_CLONE,
    doug.FIT_MIX: using opencv seamlessClone: cv2.MIXED_CLONE,
    doug.FIT_MONO: using opencv seamlessClone: cv2.MONOCHROME_TRANSFER,
    doug.FIT_RANDOM: randomly choose from above.
image_source : None or str or numpy.array or tuple or list of str, optional
    Another image source. The parameter could be a numpy.array image, a
    string image path, a list of image paths or a string image folder
    path that ended by '*.extension'. If None, copy from the origin.
bg_mask : int or float, optional
    Background pixel value in mask.
size_ratio: tuple of float, optional
    The minimum and maximum size ratio of the copied patch's longest size to 
    the original image.

data : dict of str, numpy.ndarray
    {"image": image, "mask": mask/None, "keypoints": points/None}
    Image and labels after this modification.

This function is used to generate synthetic occlusion influence.
If there are multiple labels on one image, the region would be a
common area generated by minimum and maximum coordinates of the

>>> import doug
>>> import cv2
>>> image = cv2.imread('img.jpg')
>>> mask = cv2.imread('img_mask.jpg')
>>> data = {"image":image, "mask":mask}
>>> data_after = doug.occlusion_paste_above(data,0.5, image_source='./*.jpg',cover_position=doug.OCCLUSION_EDGDE)

doug.fix_jpgmask(mask, class_list=None, bg_mask=0, delete_thresh=None):

Fix mask pixel contamination caused by image compression or cv2/PIL

mask : dict of str, numpy.ndarray
    Mask to be fixed.
    The mask should be a (height, width) grayscale image and every pixel
    value indicates certain class.
class_list : tuple or list or None, optional
    Legitimate class numbers in mask. Any excepting value in mask will
    be deleted
bg_mask : int or float, optional
    Background pixel value in mask.
delete_thresh: float or None, optional
    Minimum pixel count (width * delete_thresh * height * delete_thresh)
    to be regarded as noise.

mask : numpy.ndarray,
    Mask after this modification.

This function is used to fix pixel contamination in mask, specifically
deleting redundant dots and lines, and deleting unexpected pixel value.

>>> import doug
>>> import cv2
>>> mask = cv2.imread('img_mask.jpg')
>>> mask_after = doug.occlusion_paste_above(mask, [1,2], 0, None)

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