一个flask应用程序,用一个话语sso提供程序接口包装一个openid connect颁发者。


话语sso oidc bridge-一个python pypi包和一个docker图像

这个python包包含一个flask应用程序,在部署时可以使用 当设置为SSO时作为话语的终点。它将能够 包装一个oidc提供程序并避免各种limitations 不会被设置为话语SSO提供者。

Flask应用程序可以使用Docker映像进行部署,Docker映像也位于 此回购协议作为 consideratio/discourse-sso-oidc-bridge

这次回购是站在巨人的肩膀上进行的,他们在最初 工作。谢谢你@fmarco76@stevenmirabito对于有价值的工作 你成功了!

由于 @greut很好Medium article


注意,这只安装包含flask应用程序的python包, 必须使用gunicorn或其他与wsgi兼容的web服务器来承载它,并且 设置TLS等。

pip install --upgrade discourse-sso-oidc-bridge-consideratio


docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 consideratio/discourse-sso-oidc-bridge

要实际使用它,您应该使它以可访问的方式部署 对于话语和它的用户,它可以重定向到想要 登录到它。为此,请访问话语设置并搜索sso

NOTE: When you do this setup, you want to check and fill in enable sso, sso url, and sso secret. What you write in your sso secret should be repeated in your bridge configuration.




  • 您可以提供一个基于python的配置文件,并设置允许应用程序定位它的CONFIG_LOCATION环境变量。

    ######################## Flask Configuration ########################DEBUG=True# NOTE: Your OIDC provider needs to have "Login redirect URIs" setup to the following# endpoint managed by flask-pyoidc:# https://discourse-sso.example.com/redirect_uriPREFERRED_URL_SCHEME='https'SERVER_NAME='discourse-sso.example.com'SECRET_KEY='my-secret-key-that-i-came-up-with-myself'# NOTE: Relates to OIDC_SESSION_PERMANENT as well.#       http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/1.0/config/#PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME# NOTE: You may want to learn about the "maximum session age" setting in discourse#       as well.# PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME = 2678400################################# OpenID Connect Configuration ################################## NOTE: Relates to PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME as well.#       https://github.com/zamzterz/Flask-pyoidc#flask-configuration# OIDC_SESSION_PERMANENT = True# NOTE: If you add /.well-known/openid-configuration to your OIDC_ISSUER, you should get a bunch of JSON details back if you got it right.OIDC_ISSUER='https://my-oidc-provider.com'OIDC_CLIENT_ID='my-client-id-from-my-oidc-provider'OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET='my-secret-key-from-my-oidc-provider'OIDC_SCOPE='openid profile email offline_access'############################ Discourse Configuration ############################DISCOURSE_URL='https://discourse.example.com'DISCOURSE_SECRET_KEY='my-other-secret-that-i-came-up-with-myself'
  • 可以使用与配置选项相同的名称设置环境变量。 默认的python配置将在这些环境变量中查找并使用 如果有的话。

Config / ENV nameDescription
^{}Very useful while setting this up as you get lots of additional logs, but also sensitive information. Defaults to ^{}.
^{}Will influence the generated redirect_uri, defaults to ^{}.
^{}The domain where you host this app, example: ^{}.
^{}A secret for Flask, just generate one with ^{}.
^{}An URL to the OIDC issuer. To verify you get this right you can try appending ^{} to it and see if you get various JSON details rather than a 404.
^{}A preregistered ^{} on your OIDC issuer.
^{}The provided secret for the the preregistered ^{}.
^{}Comma or space seperated OIDC scopes, defaults to ^{}.
^{}Valid JSON object in a string containing key/values for additional parameters to be sent along with the initial request to the OIDC provider, defaults to ^{}.
^{}The URL of your Discourse deployment, example ^{}.
^{}A shared secret between the bridge and Discourse, generate one with ^{}.
^{}Valid JSON object in a string mapping OIDC userinfo attribute names to to Discourse SSO attribute names.
^{}Valid JSON object in a string mapping Discourse SSO attributes to default values. By default ^{} is mapped to ^{} and ^{} to ^{}.
^{}The path to a Python file to be loaded as config where ^{} etc. could be set.


您必须具有来自您的oidc发行者的client_idclient_secret。这个 颁发者还必须接受重定向回 <PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME>://<bridge_url>/redirect_uri,例如 https://discourse-sso.example.com/redirect_uri



  1. 复制回购协议

  2. 使用pip安装pipenv

    pip install pipenv
  3. 设置虚拟开发环境

    pipenv install --dev
    # Optionally enter the environment
    pipenv shell
  4. 运行测试

    pipenv run pytest


  1. 测试、生成和上载包

    # Make sure you are up to date with what you have declared to require
    pipenv install --dev
    # Update changelog, fix requirements, etc.
    pipenv lock -r > requirements.txt
    # Run tests
    pipenv run pytest
    # Commit and tag to influence the PyPI version# PBR will look for the latest tag and then append development# versions based on your git commits since the latest tag.
    git add .
    git commit
    TAG=$(pipenv run python -c 'from pbr.version import VersionInfo; print(VersionInfo("discourse_sso_oidc_bridge").version_string())')
    git tag -a $TAG -m "Release $TAG"# Build the package
    pipenv run python setup.py bdist_wheel
    # Upload the package to PyPI
    pipenv run twine upload --skip-existing --username consideratio dist/*
  2. 生成、运行和推送Docker图像

    # Build and run
    docker build -t consideratio/discourse-sso-oidc-bridge:$TAG .
    docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 consideratio/discourse-sso-oidc-bridge:$TAG# Build and push
    docker build -t consideratio/discourse-sso-oidc-bridge:$TAG -t consideratio/discourse-sso-oidc-bridge:latest .
    docker push consideratio/discourse-sso-oidc-bridge:$TAG



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