


Build Status


bazel用户看到了 rules_docker,它在很大程度上依赖于这些工具。


$ bazel run @containerregistry//:puller.par -- --help
usage: puller.par [-h] --name NAME --directory DIRECTORY [--os OS]
                   [--os-version OS_VERSION]
                   [--os-features [OS_FEATURES [OS_FEATURES ...]]]
                   [--architecture ARCHITECTURE] [--variant VARIANT]
                   [--features [FEATURES [FEATURES ...]]]
                   [--client-config-dir CLIENT_CONFIG_DIR]
                   [--stderrthreshold STDERRTHRESHOLD]

Pull images from a Docker Registry, faaaaast.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           The name of the docker image to pull and save.
                        Supports fully-qualified tag or digest references.
  --directory DIRECTORY
                        Where to save the image's files.
  --os OS               For multi-platform manifest lists, specifies the
                        operating system.
  --os-version OS_VERSION
                        For multi-platform manifest lists, specifies the
                        operating system version.
  --os-features [OS_FEATURES [OS_FEATURES ...]]
                        For multi-platform manifest lists, specifies operating
                        system features.
  --architecture ARCHITECTURE
                        For multi-platform manifest lists, specifies the CPU
  --variant VARIANT     For multi-platform manifest lists, specifies the CPU
  --features [FEATURES [FEATURES ...]]
                        For multi-platform manifest lists, specifies CPU
  --client-config-dir CLIENT_CONFIG_DIR
                        The path to the directory where the client
                        configuration files are located. Overiddes the value
                        from DOCKER_CONFIG
  --stderrthreshold STDERRTHRESHOLD
                        Write log events at or above this level to stderr.


$ bazel run @containerregistry//:pusher.par -- --help
usage: pusher.par [-h] --name NAME [--tarball TARBALL] [--config CONFIG]
                   [--manifest MANIFEST] [--digest DIGEST] [--layer LAYER]
                   [--stamp-info-file STAMP_INFO_FILE] [--oci]
                   [--client-config-dir CLIENT_CONFIG_DIR]
                   [--stderrthreshold STDERRTHRESHOLD]

Push images to a Docker Registry, faaaaaast.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           The name of the docker image to push.
  --tarball TARBALL     An optional legacy base image tarball.
  --config CONFIG       The path to the file storing the image config.
  --manifest MANIFEST   The path to the file storing the image manifest.
  --digest DIGEST       The list of layer digest filenames in order.
  --layer LAYER         The list of layer filenames in order.
  --stamp-info-file STAMP_INFO_FILE
                        A list of files from which to read substitutions to
                        make in the provided --name, e.g. {BUILD_USER}
  --oci                 Push the image with an OCI Manifest.
  --client-config-dir CLIENT_CONFIG_DIR
                        The path to the directory where the client
                        configuration files are located. Overiddes the value
                        from DOCKER_CONFIG
  --stderrthreshold STDERRTHRESHOLD
                        Write log events at or above this level to stderr.


$ bazel run @containerregistry//:importer.par -- --help
usage: importer.par [-h] --tarball TARBALL [--format {tar,tar.gz}] --directory
                    DIRECTORY [--stderrthreshold STDERRTHRESHOLD]

Import images from a tarball into our faaaaaast format.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tarball TARBALL     The tarball containing the docker image to rewrite
                        into our fast on-disk format.
  --format {tar,tar.gz}
                        The form in which to save layers.
  --directory DIRECTORY
                        Where to save the image's files.
  --stderrthreshold STDERRTHRESHOLD
                        Write log events at or above this level to stderr.


$ bazel run @containerregistry//:flatten.par -- --help
usage: flatten.par [-h] [--tarball TARBALL] [--config CONFIG]
                   [--digest DIGEST] [--layer LAYER]
                   [--uncompressed_layer UNCOMPRESSED_LAYER]
                   [--diff_id DIFF_ID] [--filesystem FILESYSTEM]
                   [--metadata METADATA] [--stderrthreshold STDERRTHRESHOLD]

Flatten container images.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tarball TARBALL     An optional legacy base image tarball.
  --config CONFIG       The path to the file storing the image config.
  --digest DIGEST       The list of layer digest filenames in order.
  --layer LAYER         The list of compressed layer filenames in order.
  --uncompressed_layer UNCOMPRESSED_LAYER
                        The list of uncompressed layer filenames in order.
  --diff_id DIFF_ID     The list of diff_ids in order.
  --filesystem FILESYSTEM
                        The name of where to write the filesystem tarball.
  --metadata METADATA   The name of where to write the container startup
  --stderrthreshold STDERRTHRESHOLD
                        Write log events at or above this level to stderr.


$ bazel run @containerregistry//:appender.par -- --help
usage: appender.par [-h] --src-image SRC_IMAGE --tarball TARBALL --dst-image
                    DST_IMAGE [--stderrthreshold STDERRTHRESHOLD]

Append tarballs to an image in a Docker Registry.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --src-image SRC_IMAGE
                        The name of the docker image to append to.
  --tarball TARBALL     The tarball to append.
  --dst-image DST_IMAGE
                        The name of the new image.
  --stderrthreshold STDERRTHRESHOLD
                        Write log events at or above this level to stderr.


$ bazel run @containerregistry//:digester.par -- --help
usage: digester.par [-h] [--tarball TARBALL] --output-digest OUTPUT_DIGEST
                    [--config CONFIG] [--manifest MANIFEST] [--digest DIGEST]
                    [--layer LAYER] [--oci]
                    [--stderrthreshold STDERRTHRESHOLD]

Calculate digest for a container image.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tarball TARBALL     An optional legacy base image tarball.
  --output-digest OUTPUT_DIGEST
                        Filename to store digest in.
  --config CONFIG       The path to the file storing the image config.
  --manifest MANIFEST   The path to the file storing the image manifest.
  --digest DIGEST       The list of layer digest filenames in order.
  --layer LAYER         The list of layer filenames in order.
  --oci                 Image has an OCI Manifest.
  --stderrthreshold STDERRTHRESHOLD
                        Write log events at or above this level to stderr.

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