




$ pip install clouddistrict


$ python setup.py install



usage: clouddistrict create [-h] [--config CONFIG] output_dir


$ usage: clouddistrict create --config example.yml example

运行create之后,您将看到一个名为“example”的新目录,其中包含许多关于新人员和建筑物的文本文件。 例如,您将在example/slums.txt中看到这样的条目:

family#36 "Billesibyn"

Leme Billesibyn
id: npc#107
Level 1 male human
Alignment: true neutral
Age: 70 years 0 months (venerable)
Job ID:
Class: None
Wealth class: lower class
Description: stupid, romantic
Racial reaction: likes humans, dislikes half-elfs
owns residences: cottage#36
owns businesses:
Family ID: family#36
Family: siblings are Nicter
Trait: I eat like a pig and have bad manners.
Bond: A powerful person killed someone I love. Some day soon, I'll have my revenge.
Ideal: People. I'm committed to the people I care about, not to ideals.
Flaw: I like keeping secrets and won't share them with anyone.

Nicter Billesibyn
id: npc#108
Level 1 male human
Alignment: true neutral
Age: 70 years 0 months (venerable)

但是,您需要一个配置yaml文件来指定每个区域的信息。 请参阅存储库中包含的example.yml


# defaults if not specified in the district (in percentages, but any ratios work)
    human: 60
    elf: 20
    dwarf: 15
    half-elf: 3
    half-orc: 1
    halfling: 1

# specific district settings, named however you want
    cloud district:
        # 100% human.
            human: 100
        # Wealth determines the level of residences and commercial buildings, 1 2 or 3 (lower/middle/upper class).
        # Wealth has to do with how much money a family starts with which determines how many businesses they can purchase and own.
        # there are also some businesses which don't spawn in wealth 1 or 2. A bank won't spawn in 2, and an armorer won't spawn in 1.
        # wealth: 2 will cover most of everything except a few businesses: Art gallery, bank, jeweler
        # However, wealth 3 will allow any and every business and the wages will be higher than average, and the houses will be nicer.
        wealth: 3
        # Only 12 families live here.
        residences: 12
        # No shops, just rich people.
        commercial: 0
    upperclass merchant district:
        # Just 20 shops here, but a mix of humans and elves.
            human: 70
            elf: 20
        wealth: 3
        commercial: 20
    middleclass merchant district:
        # 30 shops of most things. We might see an Inn, an apothecary, a library. Wealth 2 includes almost everything.
        wealth: 2
        commercial: 30
    middleclass houses district:
        # Houses and Cottages are found here. 20 families (1 family per residence).
        # Families may be a nuclear family, a single-mother or single-father, or older siblings, or even just a single person.
        wealth: 2
        residences: 20
    pier district:
        wealth: 1
        commercial: 5
        # Industrial relates to the "resource" type of buildings that house many workers
        # The industrial currently available are: pier, mine, sawmill, quarry
        # This means there will be 1 pier in this district. You choose how many and which specifically.
            pier: 1
        # We specify water as true so we can have water type buildings like waterside taverns. Piers require it to be true in this case.
        water: true
        # The slums welcome anyone, and people run small poor businesses. They may not own them, but they work there.
        # Families in the wealth=1 areas are generally too poor to own businesses, though sometimes one might own a cheaper wealth 1 business,
        # like a butcher shop or a tanner.
        wealth: 1
        residences: 40
        commercial: 20
    the old mine:
        # Another industrial-only area which only takes workers.
        wealth: 1
            mine: 1


$ clouddistrict --help
$ clouddistrict create --help
$ clouddistrict load --help


0.0.4:Adding example and images
0.0.3:Adding alignment and such
0.0.1:Project created

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