





from__future__import(absolute_import,division,print_function,unicode_literals)importsysfromcaom2importSimpleObservationimportcaom2utilsobs=SimpleObservation('collection','observationID')# change and update obstry:caom2utils.validate(obs)exceptException:print('My exception is not valid')



设备2 caom2

usage: fits2caom2 [-h] [--cert CERT | -n | --netrc-file NETRC_FILE | -u USER]
                  [--host HOST] [--resource-id RESOURCE_ID] [-d | -q | -v]
                  [-V] [--dumpconfig] [--no_validate]
                  [-o OUT_OBS_XML]
                  (-i IN_OBS_XML | --observation collection observationID)
                  [--local LOCAL [LOCAL ...]] [--keep] [--test]
                  [--productID PRODUCTID] [--config CONFIG]
                  [--default DEFAULT] [--override OVERRIDE]
                  fileURI [fileURI ...]

Augments an observation with information in one or more fits files.

positional arguments:
  fileURI                                 URI of a fits file

optional arguments:
  --cert CERT                             location of your X509 certificate to use for
                                          authentication (unencrypted, in PEM format)
  --config CONFIG                         optional CAOM2 utype to keyword config file to merge
                                          with the internal configuration
  -d, --debug                             debug messages
  --default DEFAULT                       file with default values for keywords
  --dumpconfig                            output the utype to keyword mapping to the console
  -h, --help                              show this help message and exit
  --host HOST                             base hostname for services - used mainly for testing
  -i, --in IN_OBS_XML                     input of observation to be augmented in XML
  --keep                                  keep the locally stored files after ingestion
  --local LOCAL [ LOCAL ...]
                                          list of files in local filesystem (same order as uri)
  -n                                      use .netrc in $HOME for authentication
  --netrc-file NETRC_FILE
                                          netrc file to use for authentication
  --no_validate                           by default, the application will validate the WCS
                                          information for an observation. Specifying this flag
                                          skips that step.
  --observation collection observationID
                                          observation in a collection
  -o, --out OUT_OBS_XML                   output of augmented observation in XML
  --override OVERRIDE                     file with override values for keywords
  --productID PRODUCTID                   product ID of the plane in the observation
  -q, --quiet                             run quietly
  --resource-id RESOURCE_ID               resource identifier (default
  --test                                  test mode, do not persist to database
  -u, --user USER                         name of user to authenticate. Note: application
                                          prompts for the corresponding password!
  -v, --verbose                           verbose messages
  -V, --version                           show program's version number and exit


usage: caom2gen [-h] [--cert CERT | -n | --netrc-file NETRC_FILE | -u USER]
                [--host HOST] [--resource-id RESOURCE_ID] [-d | -q | -v] [-V]
                [--dumpconfig] [--no_validate]
                [-o OUT_OBS_XML]
                (-i IN_OBS_XML | --observation collection observationID)
                [--local LOCAL [LOCAL ...]] [--keep] [--test]
                [--module MODULE] [--plugin PLUGIN]
                [--lineage LINEAGE [LINEAGE ...]] --blueprint BLUEPRINT
                [BLUEPRINT ...]

Augments an observation with information in one or more fits files.

optional arguments:
  --blueprint BLUEPRINT [BLUEPRINT ...]
                        list of files with blueprints for CAOM2 construction,
                        in serialized format. If the list is of length 1, the
                        same blueprint will be applied to all lineage entries.
                        Otherwise, there must be a blueprint file per lineage
  --cert CERT           location of your X509 certificate to use for
                        authentication (unencrypted, in PEM format)
  -d, --debug           debug messages
  --dumpconfig          output the utype to keyword mapping to the console
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --host HOST           base hostname for services - used mainly for testing
  -i, --in IN_OBS_XML   input of observation to be augmented in XML
  --keep                keep the locally stored files after ingestion
  --lineage LINEAGE [LINEAGE ...]
                        productID/artifactURI. List of plane/artifact
                        identifiers that will becreated for the identified
  --local LOCAL [LOCAL ...]
                        list of files in local filesystem (same order as uri)
  --module MODULE       if the blueprint contains function calls, call
                        importlib.import_module for the named module. Provide
                        a fully qualified name. Parameter choices are the
                        artifact URI (uri) or a list of astropy Header
                        instances (header). This will allow the update of a
                        single blueprint entry with a single call.
  -n                    use .netrc in $HOME for authentication
  --netrc-file NETRC_FILE
                        netrc file to use for authentication
  --no_validate         by default, the application will validate the WCS
                        information for an observation. Specifying this flag
                        skips that step.
  --observation collection observationID
                        observation in a collection
  -o, --out OUT_OBS_XML
                        output of augmented observation in XML
  --plugin PLUGIN       if this parameter is specified, call
                        importlib.import_module for the named module. Then
                        execute the method "update", with the signature
                        (Observation, **kwargs). This will allow for the
                        update of multiple observation data members with one
  -q, --quiet           run quietly
  --resource-id RESOURCE_ID
                        resource identifier (default
  --test                test mode, do not persist to database
  -u, --user USER       name of user to authenticate. Note: application
                        prompts for the corresponding password!
  -v, --verbose         verbose messages
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit

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