

Enigma Byte Machine===使用与构建my ‘classic’ Enigma simulation相同的原理;I 反向工程一个更新,更强,更强大的谜加密 能够编码任何标准8位字符的方案 称为字节)通过取消26个字符的限制,我们现在 能够使用与 最初的谜机。


  • 在Python3.6.1 for Windows上开发和测试。
    • 支持其他python版本(>;=3.6.0)和其他操作 系统是可能的,但不能保证。
  • 设计为作为模块调用,但可以从 __main__.py脚本也一样
  • 可以导入并在自己的应用程序中使用,但不能 已经提供了文档(尽管 弄清楚)
  • 需要requests模块和Internet连接才能正确 构建自述文件(从标记到重构文本的转换)。


这个包现在在pypi上可用,可以使用 pip install bitnigma或直接从repo使用 pip install git+git://github.com/spgill/bitnigma


usage: python -m bitnigma [-h] [--plugboard PLUGBOARD [PLUGBOARD ...]]
                   [--rotors ROTORS [ROTORS ...]] [--reflector REFLECTOR]
                   [--state STATE] [--state-create] [--state-update]
                   [--state-print] [--state-seed STATE_SEED]
                   [--state-seed-file STATE_SEED_FILE] [--input INPUT]
                   [--input-std] [--input-path INPUT_PATH] [--output-std]
                   [--output-path OUTPUT_PATH] [--chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE]
                   [--benchmark] [--progress]

Process some data through a simulated Enigma machine

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Specify a list of byte pairings for the plugboard. ex;
                        10:25 50:77 102:33
  --rotors ROTORS [ROTORS ...], -ro ROTORS [ROTORS ...]
                        Specify a list of rotors in the following format:
                        SHORTNAME[:SETTING] ex; byte1:52
  --reflector REFLECTOR, -rf REFLECTOR
                        Specify a reflector by its shortname.
  --state STATE, -s STATE
                        Path for the state file (reading or writing). States
                        can be used in lieu of manually specifying rotors and
                        reflectors every time.
  --state-create, -sc   Take the plugboard, rotor, and reflector args and save
                        them to the state file (and then exit).
  --state-update, -su   After processing, save the changed rotor state back to
                        the state file. This allows for a continuous rotor
                        progression over multiple program invocations. THERE
                        IS NO ROLLBACK, SO BACK UP THE STATE.
  --state-print, -sp    Print the state information to stdout and then exit.
  --state-seed STATE_SEED, -ss STATE_SEED
                        String seed for to create a randomly generated state.
  --state-seed-file STATE_SEED_FILE, -ssf STATE_SEED_FILE
                        File to use as seed for a randomly generated state.
  --input INPUT, -i INPUT
                        Input a string via this command line argument.
  --input-std, -is      Read data from stdin pipe.
  --input-path INPUT_PATH, -ip INPUT_PATH
                        Open and read data from file path.
  --output-std, -os     Write output to the stdout pipe.
  --output-path OUTPUT_PATH, -op OUTPUT_PATH
                        Write output to the specified file path.
  --chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE, -c CHUNK_SIZE
                        Chunk size for reading and writing data.
  --benchmark, -b       Benchmark the processing time (prints results to
  --progress, -p        Show the progress meter; written to stderr.

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