

bipython logo




Two interpreters, both alike in dignity,
In fair Pythona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil code makes git commits unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A newer kind of strager’s given life;
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Doth with its birth bury its parents’ strife.




I’m a fancy terminal-based interface to the Python interpreter. I give you
inline syntax highlighting and auto-completion prompts as you type, and I’ll
even automatically show you a little tooltip with a docstring and parameter
list as soon as you hit ^{tt1}$ to make the function call, so you always know
what you’re doing! I’m svelte and proud of it - I don’t try to do all of the
shenanigans that ^{tt2}$ does with the shell and the web, but the cool kids
love my rewind feature for demos. I strive to make interactive python coding
a joy!


I’m an awesome suite of interactive computing ideas that work together.
For millenia, I’ve given you tab-completion and object introspection via
^{tt3}$ instead of ^{tt4}$ in Python. I also have sweet shell features,
special magic commands (^{tt5}$, ^{tt6}$, ^{tt7}$, etc.) and a
history mechanism for both input (command history) and output (results
More recently, I’ve decoupled the REPL into clients and kernels, allowing
them to run on independent of each other. One popular client is the
IPython Notebook which allows you to write code and prose using a web
browser, sending code to the kernel for execution and getting rich media
results back inline. The decoupling of clients and kernels also allows
multiple clients to interact with the same kernel, so you can hook-up to
that same running kernel from the terminal. The terminal workflow makes
more sense for some things, but my user interface there isn’t as polished
as ^{tt8}$’s.



By your powers combined… I am ``bipython``!



pip install  bipython
easy_install bipython


现在,在运行ipython内核之前,您需要有一个正在运行的ipython内核 bipython。你可以通过打开笔记本或运行 ipython console。不会总是这样的,我会尽快修好的 尽我所能,但会更快。


版权所有(C)2014,Paul Ivanov

欢迎加入QQ群-->: 979659372 Python中文网_新手群


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