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backwork是一个简化备份和还原数据库过程的工具包。它 处理备份过程本身以及上载、下载、还原和错误通知。


  • python 2.7版



$ pip install backwork



$ backwork --help
usage: backwork [-h] [-n NOTIFIERS] {backup,restore,upload,download} ...

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        enable a notifier, it can be used multiple times


仅仅拥有backwork是不够的。你需要的插件 适合你的需要。您可以通过运行以下命令安装插件:

$ pip install <plug-in_name>

您可以通过viewing the ^{} topic on Github.



备份插件负责连接到数据库并执行 实际备份过程,以及备份的还原过程。 您可以通过viewing the ^{} topic on Github.找到可用的备份插件

安装备份插件后,它将通过backwork backupbackwork restore命令可用:

$ backwork backup --help
usage: backwork backup [-h][-U]{mongo} ...

Perform database backups. Run `backwork backup {database_type} -h`for more
details on each supported database.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  -U, --upload  output backup data to stdout to allow piping it to an upload
usage: backwork restore [-h] [-U] {mongo} ...

Perform database restores. Run `backwork restore {database_type} -h` for more
details on each supported database.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit


  • backwork-backup-mongo


上载插件存储并从远程存储中安全地检索备份文件。 您可以通过viewing the ^{} topic on Github.找到可用的上载插件

您可以将它们与backwork uploadbackwork showbackwork download命令一起使用:

$ backwork upload --help
usage: backwork upload [-h]{softlayer} ...

Upload a file to remote service. Run `backwork upload {service} -h`for more
details on each supported service.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
$ backwork show --help
usage: backwork show [-h]{cos} ...

Shows available backups on a remote service. Run `backwork show {service} -h`for
more details on each supported service.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
$ backwork download --help
usage: backwork download [-h]{softlayer} ...

Download a file from a remote service. Run `backwork upload {service} -h`for more
details on each supported service.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit


  • backwork-upload-softlayer


当事情出错时,通知者会告诉你。比备份更重要 配置的进程知道此进程何时失败。 您可以通过viewing the ^{} topic on Github.

使用-n--notifybackwork命令上启用通知程序。 论据。它们还可能需要一些额外的值,比如api键。

$ backwork --help
usage: backwork [-h][-n NOTIFIERS][--sentry-dsn SENTRY_DSN]{backup,upload} ...

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        enable a notifier, it can be used multiple times
  --sentry-dsn SENTRY_DSN
                        Sentry DSN to be used for notifications. It can also
                        be set with the evironment variable $SENTRY_DSN.



  • backwork-notify-sentry


$ backwork backup mongo
2017-01-15 03:58:15,270 backup.mongo INFO    starting mongo backup...
2017-01-15 03:58:15,270 backup.mongo INFO    saving file to /Users/laoqui/Projects/backwork/dumps/mongo_backup_20170115-035815.archive.gz
2017-01-15 03:58:15,350 backup.mongo INFO    output:

        2017-01-15T03:58:15.342-0500    writing app.products to archive '/Users/laoqui/Projects/backwork/dumps/mongo_backup_20170115-035815.archive.gz'2017-01-15T03:58:15.347-0500    done dumping app.products (1 document)2017-01-15 03:58:15,350 backup.mongo INFO    backup complete

这将创建一个存档的备份,压缩并加上时间戳,并存储在 当前目录中名为dumps的文件夹。


$ backwork backup mongo -h <HOST IP>:<PORT> -u <USER> -p<PASSWORD>


$ backwork backup mongo -o /var/backups --archive=mongo_backup.archive

$ backwork upload softayer -u <USERNAME> -p <API KEY> -d <DATACENTER> -c <CONTAINER> /path/to/file /remote/path/location


$ backwork -n sentry --sentry-dsn <SENTRY DSN> backup mongo -o /var/backups --archive=mongo_backup.archive




扩展backwork的最佳方法是创建新的插件。它们很简单 实现一些方法集的python包。下面是一些基类 您可以使用作为起点:

classBackupBase(object):"""Base class that describes the interface a backup command must implement.    Attributes:        command     the value used in the command line to invoke this command,                    usually is the name of the database (e.g.: mongo, mysql)    """command=""def__init__(self,args,extra):"""Initialize a backup command given the arguments passed to CLI"""self.args=argsself.extra=extra@classmethoddefparse_args(cls,subparsers):"""Parse CLI arguments specific to this subcommand"""raiseNotImplementedError("Base method not overriden.")defbackup(self):"""Backup a database given the arguments specified.        All the values passed via the CLI are available at `self.args` and        `self.extra`. The first object stores known arguments that have been        explicitly parsed. The second object is a list of arguments that are        unkown to the parser and can be useful for invoking other commands        withouht having to re-define its parser's arguments.        This method should raise exceptions in case of errors so any active        notifier can hadle it.        """raiseNotImplementedError("Base method not overriden.")classUploadBase(object):"""Base class that describes the interface an upload command must implement.    Attributes:        command     the value used in the command line to invoke this command,                    usually is the name of the service (e.g.: softlayer, s3)    """command=""def__init__(self,args,extra):"""Initialize an upload command given the arguments passed to CLI"""self.args=argsself.extra=extra@classmethoddefparse_args(cls,subparsers):"""Parse CLI arguments specific to this subcommand"""raiseNotImplementedError("Base method not overriden.")defupload(self):"""Upload a file to the remote service.        All the values passed via the CLI are available at `self.args` and        `self.extra`. The first object stores known arguments that have been        explicitly parsed. The second object is a list of arguments that are        unkown to the parser and can be useful for invoking other commands        withouht having to re-define its parser's arguments.        This method should raise exceptions in case of errors so any active        notifier can hadle it.        """raiseNotImplementedError("Base method not overriden.")classNotifierBase(object):"""Base class for notifiers    Notifiers are responsible for sending messages to external services to    report relevant events that may happen during the execution of a command.    Attributes:        command     the value used to enable a notifier in the command line,                    e.g.: `backwork -n {command}`    """command=""def__init__(self,args,extra):self.args=argsself.extra=extra@classmethoddefparse_args(cls,parser):"""Add command line argument parsing rules relevant to the notifier.        This method is not required to be implemented as it might not be        necessary to add more arguments to the parser in some cases.        """passdefnotify(self,msg=""):"""Handle an incoming message.        The `msg` object could be either a `string` or an `Exception`. You may        want to handle them differently with something like:            if issubclass(msg.__class__, Exception):              handle_exception(msg)            else:              handle_string(msg)        If `msg` is an exception, the call to this method will be in the context        of an `except`, meaning you will be able to access `sys.exc_info()`.        """raiseNotImplementedError("Base method not overriden.")

要使包对backwork可见,还需要声明 ^{} 在你的setup.py文件中。



setup(...entry_points={"backwork.backups":["<COMMAND NAME>":"module:BackupClass"],"backwork.restores":["<COMMAND NAME>":"module:RestoreClass"]},...


setup(...entry_points={"backwork.uploads":["<COMMAND NAME>":"module:UploadClass"],"backwork.shows":["<COMMAND NAME>":"module:ShowClass"]"backwork.downloads":["<COMMAND NAME>":"module:DownloadClass"]},...


setup(...entry_points={"backwork.notifiers":["<COMMAND NAME>":"module:NotifierClass"]},...

一旦你的插件准备好了,你可以使用pip来安装它,它应该 可用于backwork


  • 添加对更多数据库、存储服务和通知程序的支持
  • 处理备份计划
  • 支持更多环境变量

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