



Variables used for chrony
NameDefault ValueDescription
chrony_debugFalseEnable debug option in chrony
chrony_role_actionallAnsible action when including the role. Should be one of: [all|install|config|upgrade]
chrony_package_namechronychrony system package name
chrony_service_namechronydchrony system service name
chrony_manage_serviceTrueFlag used to specific if the ansible role should manage the service
chrony_manage_packageTrueFlag used to specific if the ansible role should manage the package
chrony_service_statestartedDefault service state to configure (started|stopped)
chrony_config_file_location/etc/chrony.confChrony configuration file location.
chrony_driftfile_path/var/lib/chrony/driftChrony drift file location
chrony_logdir_path/var/log/chronyChrony log directory location
chrony_ntp_servers[]List of NTP servers. This can be a list of hashes for advanced configuration. If using the hash format, a server_name and server_settings key should be populated with the appropriate data. If this is a list of hostnames, the chrony_global_server_settings will be appended to the configuration.
chrony_global_server_settings<none>Default setting to apply to the servers configuration
chrony_ntp_pools[]List of NTP pools. This can be a list of hashes for advanced configuration. If using the hash format, a pool_name and pool_settings key should be populated with the appropriate data. If this is a list of hostnames, the chrony_global_pool_settings will be appended to the configuration.
chrony_global_pool_settings<none>Default setting to apply to the pools configuration
chrony_ntp_peers[]List of NTP peers. This can be a list of hashes for advanced configuration. If using the hash format, a peer_name and peer_settings key should be populated with the appropriate data. If this is a list of hostnames, the chrony_global_peer_settings will be appended to the configuration.
chrony_global_peer_settings<none>Default setting to apply to the peers configuration
chrony_bind_addresses[‘’, ‘::1’]List of addresses to bind to to listen for command packets
chrony_acl_rules[]List of specific allow/deny commands for the configuration file
chrony_rtc_settings[‘rtcsync’]List of specific real time lock settings
chrony_makestep1.0 3The chrony makestep configuration
chrony_extra_options[]A list of extra option strings that is added to the end of the configuraiton file. This list is joined with new lines.


  • ansible >= 2.4
  • python >= 2.6



- hosts: localhost
  become: true
    - chrony



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