



通过aoc运行程序,您可以轻松地针对多个数据集验证您的Advent of Code解决方案,或者针对自己的数据集验证其他用户的代码。

$ cat ~/.config/aocd/tokens.json  # create this file with some auth tokens{"github": "53616c7465645f5f0775...",
    "google": "53616c7465645f5f7238...",
    "reddit": "53616c7465645f5ff7c8...",
    "twitter": "53616c7465645f5fa524..."}
$ pip install ~/src/advent-of-code-sample  # install the directory which contains your file
$ pip install -q advent-of-code-wim  # can also install some other user's code if you want..?
$ aoc --years 2015 --days 3411# run it!0.25s   2015/3  - Perfectly Spherical Houses in a Vacuum            wim/github    ✔ part a: 2565                             ✔ part b: 26390.11s   2015/3  - Perfectly Spherical Houses in a Vacuum            wim/google    ✔ part a: 2592                             ✔ part b: 23600.12s   2015/3  - Perfectly Spherical Houses in a Vacuum            wim/reddit    ✔ part a: 2592                             ✔ part b: 23600.12s   2015/3  - Perfectly Spherical Houses in a Vacuum            wim/twitter   ✔ part a: 2565                             ✔ part b: 26390.12s   2015/3  - Perfectly Spherical Houses in a Vacuum     myusername/github    ✖ part a: 1234(expected: 2565)            ✖ part b: 5678(expected: 2639)0.12s   2015/3  - Perfectly Spherical Houses in a Vacuum     myusername/google    ✖ part a: 1234(expected: 2592)            ✖ part b: 5678(expected: 2360)0.11s   2015/3  - Perfectly Spherical Houses in a Vacuum     myusername/reddit    ✖ part a: 1234(expected: 2592)            ✖ part b: 5678(expected: 2360)0.11s   2015/3  - Perfectly Spherical Houses in a Vacuum     myusername/twitter   ✖ part a: 1234(expected: 2565)            ✖ part b: 5678(expected: 2639)9.04s   2015/4  - The Ideal Stocking Stuffer                        wim/github    ✔ part a: 254575                           ✔ part b: 103873625.43s   2015/4  - The Ideal Stocking Stuffer                        wim/google    ✔ part a: 117946                           ✔ part b: 393803812.20s   2015/4  - The Ideal Stocking Stuffer                        wim/reddit    ✔ part a: 254575                           ✔ part b: 103873647.67s   2015/4  - The Ideal Stocking Stuffer                        wim/twitter   ✔ part a: 282749                           ✔ part b: 99626240.12s   2015/4  - The Ideal Stocking Stuffer                 myusername/github    ✖ part a: 1234(expected: 254575)          ✖ part b: 5678(expected: 1038736)0.12s   2015/4  - The Ideal Stocking Stuffer                 myusername/google    ✖ part a: 1234(expected: 117946)          ✖ part b: 5678(expected: 3938038)0.12s   2015/4  - The Ideal Stocking Stuffer                 myusername/reddit    ✖ part a: 1234(expected: 254575)          ✖ part b: 5678(expected: 1038736)0.12s   2015/4  - The Ideal Stocking Stuffer                 myusername/twitter   ✖ part a: 1234(expected: 282749)          ✖ part b: 5678(expected: 9962624)6.17s   2015/11 - Corporate Policy                                  wim/github    ✔ part a: vzbxxyzz                         ✔ part b: vzcaabcc
   6.26s   2015/11 - Corporate Policy                                  wim/google    ✔ part a: cqjxxyzz                         ✔ part b: cqkaabcc
   4.69s   2015/11 - Corporate Policy                                  wim/reddit    ✔ part a: hxbxxyzz                         ✔ part b: hxcaabcc
   5.75s   2015/11 - Corporate Policy                                  wim/twitter   ✔ part a: hxbxxyzz                         ✔ part b: hxcaabcc
   0.11s   2015/11 - Corporate Policy                           myusername/github    ✖ part a: 1234(expected: vzbxxyzz)        ✖ part b: 5678(expected: vzcaabcc)0.12s   2015/11 - Corporate Policy                           myusername/google    ✖ part a: 1234(expected: cqjxxyzz)        ✖ part b: 5678(expected: cqkaabcc)0.11s   2015/11 - Corporate Policy                           myusername/reddit    ✖ part a: 1234(expected: hxbxxyzz)        ✖ part b: 5678(expected: hxcaabcc)0.12s   2015/11 - Corporate Policy                           myusername/twitter   ✖ part a: 1234(expected: hxbxxyzz)        ✖ part b: 5678(expected: hxcaabcc)


运行程序使用setuptools'dynamic discovery of services and plugins功能定位并运行代码。 在setup.py中定义插件的入口点。要使用的组名是“acventofcode.user”:

# setup.pyfromsetuptoolsimportsetupsetup(...entry_points={"adventofcode.user":["myusername = mypackage:mysolve"]},)

mypackage更改为用于导入内容的任何包或模块名称。 名称mysolve应解析为包命名空间中的可调用名称,该名称接受三个命名参数yeardaydata(任何顺序都可以),并返回两个值,例如:


在入口点内,您可以做任何需要的事情来委托给您的代码。例如,将数据写入临时文件,然后运行脚本,或者导入函数,然后直接将数据作为参数传入。 唯一的要求是这个入口点应该返回一个包含两个值的元组,并给出当天谜题的答案,剩下的由您决定。 您可以派生这个repo并对其进行编辑,或者手动编写自己的插件。

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