有 Java 编程相关的问题?



我在protocol buffers中指定了一个协议。传输层正在利用Netty的协议缓冲区支持——重要的是,Netty的ProtobufDecoder只接受一种类型的MessageLite





package events;

option java_package = "com.example";
option java_outer_classname = "EventProtocol";

message Event {
  enum EventType {
    START = 0;
    DELEGATE = 1;
    ERROR = 2;
    STOP = 3;
  required events.Event.EventType event_type = 1 [default = START];
  required int32 id = 2;
  required int64 when = 3;
  optional StartEventDetail start_event_detail = 4;
  optional DelegateEventDetail delegate_event_detail = 5;
  optional ErrorEventDetail error_event_detail = 6;
  optional StopEventDetail stop_event_detail = 7;

message StartEventDetail {
    required string object_name = 1;

message DelegateEventDetail {
    required int32 object_id = 2;
    required string task = 3;

message ErrorEventDetail {
  required string text = 1;
  required int32 error_code = 2;
  optional Event cause = 3;

message StopEventDetail {
    required int32 object_id = 2;

这是最优的吗? 我是否会更好地使用extends,或者使用enum的其他用法



共 (3) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案

    看起来你们已经非常接近/已经在使用谷歌的protobufs技术之一,叫做Union Types


    message OneMessage {
      enum Type { FOO = 1; BAR = 2; BAZ = 3; }
      // Identifies which field is filled in.
      required Type type = 1;
      // One of the following will be filled in.
      optional Foo foo = 2;
      optional Bar bar = 3;
      optional Baz baz = 4;


    OneMessage.getType match { 
      case OneMessage.Type.FOO => 
        val foo = OneMessage.getFoo
        // do the processing
      case OneMessage.Type.BAR => 
        val bar = OneMessage.getBar
        // do the processing
      case OneMessage.Type.BAZ => 
        val baz = OneMessage.getBaz
        // do the processing
  2. # 2 楼答案


  3. # 3 楼答案



    我使用两种机制来决定提取哪个可选消息。当需要性能时,我使用另一个答案中描述的switch方法,当性能不是问题并且我不想维护switch语句时,我使用反射方法,我只为每条消息创建一个句柄(消息)。下面给出了反射方法的一个示例,在我的例子中,java包装器是一个名为Commands的类,由Netty为我解码。它首先尝试找到一个将特定消息作为参数的处理程序,如果失败,它将使用camel case名称调用一个方法。为此,枚举必须是camel case消息的下划线名称

    // Helper that stops me having to create a switch statement for every command
    // Relies on the Cmd enum naming being uppercase version of the sub message field names
    // Will call the appropriate handle(Message) method by reflection
    // If it is a command with no arguments, therefore no sub message it
    // constructs the method name from the camelcase of the command enum
    private MessageLite invokeHandler(Commands.Command cmd) throws Exception {
        Commands.Command.Cmd com= cmd.getCmd();
        //String name= CaseFormat.UPPER_UNDERSCORE.to(CaseFormat.LOWER_UNDERSCORE, com.name());
        String name= com.name().toLowerCase();
        jlog.debug("invokeHandler() - Looking up {} from {}", name, com.name());
        FieldDescriptor field= Commands.Command.getDescriptor().findFieldByName(name);
        if(field != null) {
            // if we have a matching field then extract it and call the handle method with that as a parameter
            Object c = cmd.getField(field);
            jlog.debug("invokeHandler() - {}\n{}", c.getClass().getCanonicalName(), c);
            Method m = getClass().getDeclaredMethod("handle", String.class, c.getClass());
            return (MessageLite) m.invoke(this, cmd.getUser(), c);
        // else we call a method with the camelcase name of the Cmd, this is for commands that take no arguments other than the user
        String methodName= "handle"+CaseFormat.UPPER_UNDERSCORE.to(CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL, com.name());
        jlog.debug("invokeHandler() - using method: {}", methodName);
        Method m = getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName, String.class);
        return (MessageLite) m.invoke(this, cmd.getUser());