有 Java 编程相关的问题?




必须在使用java api的各种条件下使用group by进行计算,即使用MapFunction和ReduceFunction



| country|generated_date|industry_id|industry_name|  revenue| state|
|Country1|    2020-03-01|    Indus_1| Indus_1_Name| 12789979|State1|
|Country1|    2019-06-01|    Indus_1| Indus_1_Name| 56189008|State1|
|Country1|    2019-03-01|    Indus_1| Indus_1_Name| 12789979|State1|
|Country1|    2020-03-01|    Indus_2| Indus_2_Name| 21789933|State2|
|Country1|    2018-03-01|    Indus_2| Indus_2_Name|300789933|State2|
|Country1|    2019-03-01|    Indus_3| Indus_3_Name| 27989978|State3|
|Country1|    2017-06-01|    Indus_3| Indus_3_Name| 56189008|State3|
|Country1|    2017-03-01|    Indus_3| Indus_3_Name| 30014633|State3|
|Country2|    2020-03-01|    Indus_4| Indus_4_Name| 41789978|State1|
|Country2|    2018-03-01|    Indus_4| Indus_4_Name| 56189008|State1|
|Country3|    2019-03-01|    Indus_5| Indus_5_Name| 37899790|State3|
|Country3|    2018-03-01|    Indus_5| Indus_5_Name| 56189008|State3|
|Country3|    2017-03-01|    Indus_5| Indus_5_Name| 67789978|State3|
|Country1|    2020-03-01|    Indus_6| Indus_6_Name| 12789979|State1|
|Country1|    2020-06-01|    Indus_6| Indus_6_Name| 37899790|State1|
|Country1|    2018-03-01|    Indus_6| Indus_6_Name| 56189008|State1|
|Country3|    2020-03-01|    Indus_7| Indus_7_Name| 26689900|State1|
|Country3|    2020-12-01|    Indus_7| Indus_7_Name|212359979|State1|
|Country3|    2019-03-01|    Indus_7| Indus_7_Name| 12789979|State1|
|Country1|    2018-03-01|    Indus_8| Indus_8_Name|212359979|State2|

需要为每个给定组计算各种计算,如平均收入(avg) 对于给定的日期,可以这样做,但根本不能在spark cluster中进行缩放

同样,我在做下面的事情,但这根本不是缩放。。。所以明白了我需要用 java的MapFunction和ReduceFunction。。不知道怎么做

//Will get dates to for which I need to calculate , this provided by external source 
        List<String> datesToCalculate = Arrays.asList("2019-03-01","2020-06-01","2018-09-01");

        //Will get groups  to calculate , this provided by external source ..will keep changing
        //Have around 100s of groups.
        List<String> groupsToCalculate = Arrays.asList("Country","Country-State");

        //For each data given need to calculate avg(revenue) for each given group 
        //for those given each date of datesToCalculate for those records whose are later than given date.

        //Now I am doing some thing like this..but it is not scaling

        datesToCalculate.stream().forEach( cal_date -> {

            Dataset<IndustryRevenue> calc_ds = ds.where(col("generated_date").gt(lit(cal_date)));

            //this keep changing for each cal_date
            Dataset<Row> final_ds = calc_ds
                                      .withColumn("calc_date", to_date(lit(cal_date)).cast(DataTypes.DateType));

            //for each group it calcuate separate set
            groupsToCalculate.stream().forEach( group -> {

                String tempViewName = new String("view_" + cal_date + "_" + group);


                String query = "select "  
                                  + " avg(revenue) as mean, "
                                  + "from " + tempViewName                      
                                  + " group by " + group;

                System.out.println("query : " + query);
                Dataset<Row> resultDs  = spark.sql(query);

                Dataset<Row> finalResultDs  =  resultDs
                                 .withColumn("calc_date", to_date(lit(cal_date)).cast(DataTypes.DateType))
                                 .withColumn("group", to_date(lit(group)).cast(DataTypes.DateType));

                //Writing to each group for each date is taking hell lot of time.
                // For each record it is save at a time
                // want to move out unioning all finalResultDs and write in batches
                   .save("/tmp/"+ tempViewName);




由于for循环,处理数百万条记录需要20多小时。 那么如何避免forloop并使其快速运行呢




| group-name   |   group-value  |         mean |
|country-state |Country1-State1 | 2.53448845E7 |
|country-state |Country3-State3 |   6.7789978E7|
|country-state |Country1-State2 | 1.919319606E8|
|country-state |Country4-State1 |    9.789979E7|
|country-state |Country1-State3 |   2.9339748E7|
|country-state |Country3-State1 |     2.66899E7|
|country-state |Country2-State1 |   4.1789978E7|
|country       |Country4        |    9.789979E7|
|country       |Country1        |   8.5696311E7|
|country       |Country3        |   4.7239939E7|
|country       |Country2        |   4.1789978E7|

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案


    // Assuming constant names in terms of country names are spelled similarly and consistently
    // Not clear if by date or for selected dates. If selected dates then use another list 
    // This approach will scale due to JOIN and AGG and no foreach, etc.
    // Spark will fuse the code together if it can, but there are shuffles
    // This is for Country, State. You can apply the approach to just Country and then UNION the 2 DF's with common names and definitions. Try it out
    // NB: You make a custom grouping by concatenating the Country & State or you can leave as is, and for 2nd query you can just fill in country and put a blank value into the State.
    // I leave that up to you.
    import spark.implicits._
    import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
    val dfC = Seq(("USA", "Ohio"), ("NZ", "Otago")).toDF("sCountry", "sState") // Your search criteria at Country / State level, cannot so simple .isin - why?
    val d = List("23-10-2001", "12-12-2003") // or Array
    val dfS = Seq(
                 ("USA", "Ohio", "23-10-2001", 2),
                 ("USA", "Ohio", "23-10-2001", 2),
                 ("USA", "Ohio", "23-10-2011", 2),
                 ("USA", "Texas", "23-10-2001", 2),
                 ("USA", "Virgina", "23-10-2001", 10),
                 ("USA", "Virgina", "23-10-2001", 6),
                 ("USA", "vanDiemensLand", "23-10-2001", 26),
                 ("NL", "vanDiemensLand", "23-10-2001", 16),
                 ("UK", "Middlesex", "23-10-2001", 3)
                 ).toDF("country", "state", "date", "some_val") 
    // 1. For Country & State 
    // JOIN acts as a filter as is inner join and alleviates the .isin for multiple cols i.e. Country||State
    val df1 = dfS.join(dfC, (dfS("country") === dfC("sCountry")) && (dfS("state") === dfC("sState"))).drop("sCountry").drop("sState")
    val df2 = df1.filter($"date".isin(d:_*)).groupBy("country", "state").avg("some_val") 
    // 2. For Country only
    ... to fill in by you
    // 3. UNION df2 & df3
    // 4. Save with partitioning.