有 Java 编程相关的问题?



我已经开始学习guice,并偶然发现使用guice注入泛型类型。网络中的所有解决方案似乎都使用类似new TypeLiteral<Generic<Type>>(){}的东西。然而,当我尝试这样做时,它显示TypeLiteral的构造函数受到保护。如何使用TypeLiteral.get()执行泛型注入?示例代码:

public interface Repository<T> {
  void save(T item);
  T get(int id);

public StringRepository implements Repository<String> {
  public void save(String item) {
    // do saving

 public String get(int id) {
   // get item and return
   return item;

public MyModule extends AbstractModule{
   public void configure() {
    TypeLiteral<Repository<String>> typeLiteral =
                  TypeLiteral.get((Repository<String>.class));//does not work

    //does not work either because constructor is protected
    bind(new TypeLiteral<Repository<String>>(){}).to(StringRepository.class); 



Screenshot of my problem

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案

    你的文字是new TypeLiteral<Generic<Type>>(){}。您的屏幕截图显示new TypeLiteral<Generic<Type>>()。第一个在末尾有{},第二个没有。这些花括号很关键-它们将表达式从创建TypeLiteral的新实例更改为创建TypeLiteral的匿名子类并创建该子类的实例


    // <String> is erased at run time.
    new ArrayList<String>();
    // <String> is preserved at run time, as part of the class's information.
    class MyList extends ArrayList<String> { }
    // A class identical to MyList is created, except without the name, and an instance of that class is created.
    new ArrayList<String>(){};