有 Java 编程相关的问题?







list.InsertAfter(0, 4); // Inserting the 4 after 0 which was inserted above...


[Data: ID = 0 |{Previous: 4}, {Next: 4}] -> [Data: ID = 4 |{Previous: 0}, {Next: null}]

第二次插入应该是什么,其中next指向null{Next: null},它应该指向列表的头{Next: 0}




package circular_linked_list;

public class Node {
    private int id;
    private Node next_node;
    private Node previous_node;

    public Node(){
        this.id = 0;
        this.next_node = null;
        this.previous_node = null;

    public Node(int id, Node next_node, Node previous_node){
        this.id = id;
        this.next_node = next_node;
        this.previous_node = previous_node;

    public Node(int id){
        this.id = id;
        this.next_node = null;
        this.previous_node = null;

    public Node(Node node){
        this.id = node.GetId();
        this.next_node = node.GetNextNode();
        this.previous_node = node.GetPreviousNode();

    public void SetId(int id) {
        this.id = id;

    public void SetNextNode(Node next_node) {
        this.next_node = next_node;

    public void SetPreviousNode(Node previous_node) {
        this.previous_node = previous_node;

    public int GetId() {
        return this.id;

    public Node GetNextNode() {
        return this.next_node;

    public Node GetPreviousNode() {
        return this.previous_node;

    public void NodeDetails(){
        if(this.previous_node != null && this.next_node != null){
            System.out.print("[Data: __ID = " + this.id + "__ |{Previous: " + this.previous_node.GetId() + "}, {Next: "+ this.next_node.GetId() + "}] -> ");
        else if(this.previous_node != null){
            System.out.print("[Data: __ID = " + this.id + "__ |{Previous: " + this.previous_node.GetId() + "}, {Next: null}] -> ");
        else if(this.next_node != null){
            System.out.print("[Data: __ID = " + this.id + "__ |{Previous: null}, {Next: "+ this.next_node.GetId() + "}] -> ");
            System.out.print("[Data: __ID = " + this.id + "__ |{Previous: null}, {Next: null}] -> ");


package circular_linked_list;

public class CircularLinkedList{
    private Node head;
    private Node tail;

    public CircularLinkedList(){
        this.head = null;
        this.tail = null;

    public CircularLinkedList(Node head, Node tail){
        this.head = head;
        this.tail = tail;

    public void SetHead(Node head){
        this.head = head;

    public void SetTail(Node tail){
        this.tail = tail;

    public Node GetHead(){
        return this.head;

    public Node GetTail(){
        return this.tail;

    public void InsertAtFront(int data){
        Node new_node = new Node(data);

        if( new_node != null){
            // If the list is not empty then...
            if(this.head != null){
                this.head.SetPreviousNode(new_node); // Set the list head's previous node to point to the new node.
                new_node.SetNextNode(this.head); // Set the new node's next node to point to the current list head.
                new_node.SetPreviousNode(this.tail); // Set the previous node of the head of the list to point to the tail of the list

            this.head = new_node; // Set the list head to point to the new node
            this.FindTail(); // Set the tail of the list.
            System.out.print("Sorry, the list is full!");

    public void InsertAfter(int target, int data){
        Node new_node = new Node(data);

        if(new_node != null){
            Node target_node = this.head;
            boolean found = false;

            // This while loop will loop to find if a node is equal to the value passed as target.
            while(target_node != null){
                if(target_node.GetId() == target){
                    // If the target is found then break the loop to keep this current node as the target node.
                    found = true;

                // Assigning the target node next node to the target node.
                target_node = target_node.GetNextNode();
            // If the target was found then...
                new_node.SetPreviousNode(target_node); // Set the previous node of the new node to point to the target node.

                // Set the next node of the new node with the target node's next node to continue to link.

                // If the target node's next node is not null, then set the target node's next node->previous node to point to the new node.
                if(target_node.GetNextNode() != null){

                target_node.SetNextNode(new_node); // Set the target node's next node to point to the new node.

                // Setting the tail of the list...
                System.out.println("Sorry, but the integer " + target + " was not found in the list!\n");
            System.out.println("Sorry, the list is full!\n");

   public void DisplayList(){
       Node current_node = this.head;

        while(current_node != null){

            current_node = current_node.GetNextNode();

   private void FindTail(){
       Node current_node = this.head;

        // Traversing from the start of the list to the end to get the tail.
        while(current_node.GetNextNode() != null){
            current_node = current_node.GetNextNode();

        this.head.SetPreviousNode(current_node); // Updating the head of the list previous node.

        this.SetTail(current_node); // Set the tail of the list with the last node.


package circular_linked_list;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CircularLinkedList list = new CircularLinkedList();

        // Inserting at the front of the list
        // Inserting 4 right after the 0
        list.InsertAfter(0, 4);

        // To display the nodes/elements in the list

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案




    • Node构造函数通过其nextprevious成员使新节点引用自身。这样一来,从一开始就可以避免将null存储在那里。这就像自己制作一个单节点的循环链表

    • 循环不应该检查null,而是检测您是否已循环并返回head节点

    • 对于您拥有的两种插入方法,有一些代码重复。新节点与现有节点的这种链接只能在一个地方完成。我建议用另一种方法

    • 在你的课堂上真的没有必要有tail成员,因为tail总是将成为this.head.GetPreviousNode()(当然,除非你的列表是空的)。所以我会去掉tail成员,改为使用这个表达式。这将使您不必保持tail引用的最新状态

    • insertAfter方法当前对列表中的目标值执行查找。如果您将这个逻辑放在一个单独的find方法中,这样它就可以在其他地方重新使用(如果需要的话)


    public class Node {
        private int id;
        private Node next_node;
        private Node previous_node;
        public Node(){
            this.id = 0;
            // Make a node refer to itself by default   this is practical in a circular list
            this.next_node = this;
            this.previous_node = this;
        public Node(int id, Node next_node, Node previous_node){
            this.id = id;
            this.next_node = next_node;
            this.previous_node = previous_node;
        public Node(int id){
            this.id = id;
            // Make a node refer to itself by default   this is practical in a circular list
            this.next_node = this;
            this.previous_node = this;
        public Node(Node node){
            this.id = node.GetId();
            this.next_node = node.GetNextNode();
            this.previous_node = node.GetPreviousNode();
        public void SetId(int id) {
            this.id = id;
        public void SetNextNode(Node next_node) {
            this.next_node = next_node;
        public void SetPreviousNode(Node previous_node) {
            this.previous_node = previous_node;
        public int GetId() {
            return this.id;
        public Node GetNextNode() {
            return this.next_node;
        public Node GetPreviousNode() {
            return this.previous_node;
        public void NodeDetails(){
            System.out.print("[Data: __ID = " + this.id + "__ |{Previous: " + this.previous_node.GetId() + "}, {Next: "+ this.next_node.GetId() + "}] -> ");


    public class CircularLinkedList{
        private Node head; // No need for a tail
        public CircularLinkedList(){
            this.head = null;
        public CircularLinkedList(Node head){
            this.head = head;
        public void SetHead(Node head){
            this.head = head;
        public Node GetHead(){
            return this.head;
        public void InsertAtFront(int data){
            if (this.head == null) {
                this.head = new Node(data);
            } else {
                insertAfter(this.head.GetPreviousNode(), data);
                this.head = this.head.GetPreviousNode();
        public Node find(int target) {
            Node target_node = this.head;
            while (target_node != null) {
                if(target_node.GetId() == target) {
                    return target_node;
                target_node = target_node.GetNextNode();
                if (target_node == this.head) break; // running in circles
            return null;
        // Add this method to avoid code repetition
        public void insertAfter(Node target_node, int data) {
            Node new_node = new Node(data, target_node.GetNextNode(), target_node);
        public void InsertAfter(int target, int data){
            Node target_node = find(target);
            if (target_node != null) {
                insertAfter(target_node, data);
            } else{
                System.out.println("Sorry, but the integer " + target + " was not found in the list!\n");
       public void DisplayList(){
            Node current_node = this.head;
            while (current_node != null) {
                current_node = current_node.GetNextNode();
                if (current_node == this.head) break; // running in circles