有 Java 编程相关的问题?




import java.io.*;
class LastError<T> {
    private T lastError;

    void setError(T t){
        lastError = t;
        System.out.println("LastError: setError");

class StrLastError<S extends CharSequence> extends LastError<String>{
    public StrLastError(S s) {
    void setError(S s){
        System.out.println("StrLastError: setError");
class Test {
    public static void main(String []args) {
        StrLastError<String> err = new StrLastError<String>("Error");
        err.setError("Last error");


"(It looks like the setError() method in StrLastError is overriding setError() in the LastError class. However, it is not the case. At the time of compilation, the knowledge of type S is not available. Therefore, the compiler records the signatures of these two methods as setError(String) in superclass and setError(S_extends_CharSequence) in subclass—treating them as overloaded methods (not overridden). In this case, when the call to setError() is found, the compiler finds both the overloaded methods matching, resulting in the ambiguous method call error."

我真的不明白为什么不能在编译时推断类型S。 ^调用类StrLastError的构造函数时传递{}, 从API文档来看,String确实实现了接口CharSequence, 那么这不意味着Sfor <S extends CharSequence>实际上是String类型吗



  1. 如果子类型不能决定S,为什么超类型可以决定T,因为超类没有上限?或者它是否推断TString,因为子类型首先调用超类型的构造函数
  2. 我理解,如果构造函数被调用为:

    StrLastError<CharSequence> err = newStrLastError<>((CharSequence)"Error");



共 (3) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案

    If the subtype can't decide S, how come the super type can decide T, because the superclass does not have an upper bound? Or does it infer that T is String because the subtype calls the supertype's constructor first?


    class StrLastError<S extends CharSequence> extends LastError<String>

    T现在被绑定到Stringfor LastError,这使得父类a中的每个对T的引用都是具体的String

    您的子类现在有一个绑定S extends CharSequence,但它独立于应用于父类的绑定



    所以,我们得到的是two methods that have override-equivalent signatures.

    void setError(CharSequence s)
    void setError(String s)


    It is possible for a class to inherit multiple methods with override-equivalent signatures (§8.4.2).

    It is a compile-time error if a class C inherits a concrete method whose signature is a subsignature of another concrete method inherited by C. This can happen if a superclass is generic, and it has two methods that were distinct in the generic declaration, but have the same signature in the particular invocation used.

    I understand that if the Constructor is invoked as StrLastError err = new StrLastError<>((CharSequence)"Error"); there will be no ambiguity, since its plain method overriding then.(Or I'm even wrong here)

    不,现在你在搞raw types。有趣的是,这将起作用,主要是因为这两种方法的特征已经变成:

    void setError(Object s)
    void setError(String s)

    您希望使用泛型来避免这样的情况;您可能希望在某个时候调用super class方法,但在这种使用这些绑定的场景中,很难实现

  2. # 2 楼答案




    如果使用CharSequence作为类StrLastError的泛型类型参数,则将调用父类中的setError方法,因为"Last Error"的类型是String,这比CharSequence更具体,Java总是选择最具体的方法以防重载。(我希望很明显,在这种情况下,该方法也没有被覆盖)

  3. # 3 楼答案


    class StrLastError<S extends CharSequence> extends LastError<S>